Friday, July 28, 2023

MWNews 226

I am fairly certain I am re-using photos, but who can find out. It seems a mystery to me. 

Today is Open Day. My assignment, do what I always do. With the added responsibility of answering the phone. I have not heard if parents will be coming through here or not. If so, I have to answer their questions. I am still not sure what my duties are or more importantly, what the others will be doing. Several people have called in sick, including the person that is coordinating the IT group, but from what I can tell, this is not that big of a deal. Maybe they have a problem with things as the day goes on, like things not working, but that is just poor planning. 

There seems to be a lot of documentation and meetings and planning going on, but from what I can see, nothing is complicated. It should work and it is easy to test. I know the users tend to screw things up, but my thoughts would be to make them unscrewable. I mean, you have a lot of presentations and a lot of things being moved around, but if it works one place, then it should work in another. The only difference should be where you plug it in. But I am sure I have no idea what the complexities are and why they seem to worry about it so much. I will just do my job and wander through the day, having no idea what it is I am supposed to be doing and making it up as I go.

In theory, it ends tonight at 8:00, but then I have to do the packing up and putting away. That apparently will take until about 10:00. I have no idea what is involved, I just do what I am told. 

William got a really nice suit yesterday. I was very surprised they had one that fit him. He says the sleeves are too short, but I don't see a problem. The pants fit fine and he got a tie to go with it. Now, if he decides he is going to the formal, he can wear that and we don't have to worry about it. They have not announced when and where it will be, nor how much it will cost, but that should happen soon. Hopefully, it is not while he is away in Tasmania. That is during the last school holidays, so it should not be then, but you never know.

One of my big questions is, is he going to ask a girl to go with him. We never talk about girls or why he is not dating or seeing anyone, maybe he is, but since he is home all the time, I really doubt it. I know he talks to the girls, or I used to see him doing it at school, and he seemed to get along with them just fine. Juanita has said she sees girls checking him out all the time. I never notice but that is not something I am looking for. Not being able to drive or having a car to actually learn to drive in, is a problem. The van is just too big to try to learn to drive in it. His plan was to get a motorcycle, but we know how that went. He still cannot ride a bike. He thinks he can learn how in a day, if we will take him out to show him how, but I have tried doing that and he gives up pretty quickly and says one thing or another is wrong and just quits trying. His mother has stopped riding her bike also, so the plan for them to ride together and to learn how is on hold at best.

It's kind of quiet here at work, although I see lots of requests to do things, but no one is asking me to do any of them. Kind of insulting as they told me to stay here out of the way. Guess I am just old.

I am not sure we will have any plans for this weekend. Spent all my money on something, can't remember what. If we do go somewhere, it will have to be out of the EKKA money, which I have set aside. Hate to do that but I have extra and can replace it before the EKKA gets here, so it is not a real problem. Probably just need to stay home anyway. We went to Costco last night and I had not planned of going there this week. No real need to go, but we went anyway. They had some things they have not had in a while, so I managed to get some of that. Juanita wanted to go out to eat but I said I had already set things out to make for dinner and had not planned on buying dinner. We ended up having hotdogs from Costco and now I have chicken and rice set out to make fried rice sometime. Don't know when as I will be here at work tonight and weekends are special when I make special things. Fried rice is not that special. 

Maeghan wants spaghetti Saturday. I love spaghetti so that is not a problem. The four different sauces I have to make usually are. Pesto or cheese for William, bolognaise for everyone else, but I prefer just tomato sauce, or my special sauce which has no meat in it. As an alternative, I like my fried green olive sauce. It is very good, but I like tomato sauce too, so I never know which one to make. I like to put lots of chilis in mine too, which no one but Maeghan and I can eat. I will have to decide which one I make. If we go tomato, I usually make William pesto, Maeghan and the others bolognaise, and me a separate sauce with mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, and lots of chilis. Three different sauces for five people. But now that I type that, I am thinking we have not had the fried olive sauce in a long time. Maeghan eats it but that becomes another sauce again. I leave out my hot sauce with mushrooms, so it still works out to three. I could make everyone else pesto, but pesto is not really a meal, unless you are William. We will just have to see how I feel on the day, which is tomorrow. Sunday, I think we have to have pork roast or lamb chops. I got a lot of both of those because I get points from Woolworths sometimes when I buy them. 

I guess I have never talked about the points, and what I am trying to get. I might or might not go into that, but it is about to get busy again, so it will have to wait. Apparently, they have found something for me to do, move TVs. No explanation as to where we are moving them to and I have not seen the actual TVs to move, but I have help, so maybe they know what we are doing. I can just be the muscle. 

Hey, I saw that snicker. I can be the muscle. I'm not that old. Yet.

The big boss just went and bought everyone coffee. I told him I did not want one, I have had three already today, but he insisted. I think he thinks I only agreed because he was paying, but I actually only agreed because he was offering and said he would pay. I took that as meaning he wanted me to get a coffee. So now I have a giant coffee to drink, and it is not as hot as I normally drink coffee, but I suppose it is the thought that counts. I sit apart from everyone else, so I think people get the impression that it is by choice. That is only partially true. I prefer to work alone but I do not like never knowing what is going on. They have discussions all the time and I can see them through the window but cannot hear what they are saying. I miss out on a lot and then they wonder why I am not doing something or reporting something they asked everyone else to report. I get tired of it. I should go for the director's job, but I am not up for that. I don't think I can get anyone to understand why. I told my boss that I have the disease, I can't never spell it so I have stopped trying to type it, and he said no one has ever noticed but I know if I stay in close proximity to them, they will. I can feel it all the time, not being able to say what I mean, or losing the words I am looking for, but they don't see what is going on in my mind and just assume I mean what I say when most of the time I cannot find the right word and have to make something up that sounds similar to what I wanted to say. Hard to describe but I think most people understand what I am talking about. It happens to everyone, especially with old age. It is just tenfold with me. I can almost never get the words out that I want. I can type, no problems, but speaking is where the problems start to occur. 

Now that I am thinking about it, why is it I am not affected when I am typing. I mean I am, but not to the degree that it is when I try to speak. That is probably a clue to something. Where was I and why am I going into this now. Might as well continue. 

The speaking thing is the biggest worry, but for me, almost as worrisome is the forgetting why I am doing something. Everyone forgets why they walked into a room or why they are doing something. I don't know if I am worse than anyone else or not. I think I am. It is very extreme for me. I can be doing something, turn around to get something and forget why I turned around. I can pick something up and forget why I picked it up. The most worrisome thing is when I am driving or just walking around, I sometimes don't recognise where I am, even if I have been there a thousand times. Or I don't remember how I got somewhere, I am just there and can't remember getting there. That one is scary. I think I mentioned that I sometimes cannot remember which is the wiper switch and which is the flasher. All these things point to something bad, but everyone just thinks it is funny. It's not funny anymore. Nothing to do about it. Keep your mind occupied and try not to think about it.

I am about to have to go now. Someone just asked me about the TVs. I suppose I have to go figure out what it is I am supposed to be doing. I will postpone my ramblings for another day, if I can remember I still do this. 

Until next time,



It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end. 


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