I think there is a big meeting going on concerning Open Day here at the school. That is Friday. It is when all the students, parents, and any prospective students or parents come to see and gather information about the school. Supposedly it is a really big deal. I have been warned about it from the time I started working here. So far, I have done nothing to support it, but I have this sneaking suspicion that I am supposed to be doing something. My predecessor had a lot of information about it and said I would need to gather all the stuff needed to make it happen. I have said over and over again I have no idea what it is I am supposed to be doing. That knowledge went with her. If there is something I am supposed to be doing, someone needs to let me know since this thing happens in three days.
As far as I know, someone else has been put in charge of it, but I just got an invite to a planning session and if it is for that, then the meeting is happening the day before it happens. Not a lot of time to do anything as far as I can tell. But let's just wait and see. Maybe it is just to pass along some information to me and not to ask what my progress is, as I suspect. With the boss leaving, and he has never done one of these either, I cannot gather any information until they tell me. But class just let out, so I have to pretend I am helping someone. And while I was away, I got an email that someone else is doing everything, so I am off the hook.
Today is the day Juanita's mother died, tomorrow is the day her father died. She has been crying all day. I am at work, so I can't be with her. Maybe I will take tomorrow off, but I am not sure if I can. A lot of people call in sick all the time, but I am new, so I don't have sick days yet. And, it is Open Day week, so I am sure there is a lot to do, as I mentioned before. I have no idea what it is, but maybe I have to be here to find out. In any case, Maeghan is home, so maybe she can help. Juanita always gets really sad on these days.
I think I am about typed out. probably should not have started another of these today. I have done a lot lately but haven't really talked about anything but myself. Maeghan did finish her painting she was doing in her art class. She and Juanita go to this art thing that they do for NDIS people. I think they go twice a week. It is just to get the NDIS people out of the house. Maeghan loves doing art stuff, so it is good for her. Juanita likes doing it as well and this is something they can do together, although Juanita never talks about what she is doing. I think she was doing tiles or something, there are a couple on the kitchen bench, but no one mentioned them, so I am not sure who made them. Juanita hasn't mentioned what she is doing at all. Maeghan tells me everything she is doing and shows me pictures of them on her phone. She does Manja?? drawings and paintings of people. Hopefully, I spelled that right and have the correct term for it. Kind of big-eyed people, with triangular heads or something like that. I don't really know, and I have probably insulted her by saying that. They are good drawings but not something I know anything about.
William is off to get fitted for some free suit. Not sure what that means, but he has a permission slip to go visit some place that gives away free suits or something to the seniors. I have no idea what that means. He is also supposed to go to some play, but the two events are on the same day, so I don't think he is going to the play. Maybe he is, but I heard him saying he is not. He is getting close. A few more months and he will get out of the 12th grade and be finished with school. He is looking forward to it. I don't know why. I think he thinks that it will be easy to get a job then. That all he has to do is finish school and he is ready for a job. Hopefully, he knows it takes a bit more than that. He is willing but I don't think he knows how hard it is to have a job. Much harder than school. I saw a poster or something the other day that said, 'Why did I think work would be easier than school.". I meant to send it to William and Maeghan but forgot.
People keep coming and interrupting me, so it is hard to keep a train of thought. Plus, they keep walking behind my desk, so I have to keep hiding that I am doing this. Now I just got a phone call and normally, I don't answer phone calls but I saw the others looking at me to see if I was going to answer it so I ignored them until the phone call went away. I am probably in trouble now, but who cares, I don't answer the phone unless I have to and they know that. It will be interesting to see what the new boss has to say about it.
I just thought that we could go to the big market in the Gold Coast this weekend. There is one in Robina we have driven by a couple of times but have never been. Problem with that one is it starts at 6 and ends at 11, so would have to leave really early to get there. It takes at least an hour and a half to get there. It advertises as Australia's largest indoor market. I have nothing to compare it to, so I cannot say it isn't. It is just so far away and takes so long to get there, I am not sure it will be worth it. Doesn't look like anything special from the outside, but we have only driven by a couple of times. I am not sure I can find it again, but I am sure Apple maps can find it.
Afterwards, we can go to Surfers Paradise and go to that market. I don't really like that one but it is on the beach and it is in Surfers Paradise, so there are a lot of things there, all of which cost money, but we will see. I have an email telling me that TGIFridays has 50 cent wings this Saturday, so maybe we can go there also, but we have to make reservations for it. Unless we decide quick, we may not get in. It is a conundrum. And yes, they have TGIFridays here. It is not as I remember it, but we went once or twice and it is not bad. The one in Surfers Paradise is right across from the beach. Not that you can ever get those tables but it would be nice to sit out on the balcony and look at the ocean while we eat. So that is a reason to go.
They have the giant Timezone arcade there. The kids and Juanita love that. I don't, it is too loud and too expensive but if they want to go, I can pay for it I guess. Cost me more to go there than it does not eat, but they love it and it is giant. A bowling alley, bumper cars, lots and lot of arcade machines, a little snack bar, lots and lots of stuff. It is giant. But way too loud. I have to go outside and sit and wait for them. I can usually have a beer while I wait, so it is not all bad.
Next to the Timezone, there is an ax throwing place. Yes, you heard that correctly, an ax throwing place. I have no idea when this trend started, but I have seen a couple of them. You pay your money, they give you some axes, and you throw them at a wall. Not sure why or how that was turned into an entertainment option, but the few times I have seen it, it was busy with a lot of young people there. Mostly young girls, so maybe that is a thing. Just seems kind of strange to me. Also, outside the Timezone is a real bowling alley and a laser tag place and I think something else that I can't think of at the moment. There is a lot of stuff there, all of it expensive. This is a big tourist attraction area, so you can expect that kind of thing. A couple of blocks away, there is even one of those big giant slingshot things, where you sit in a ball and they fire it up into the air bungy jump style. We like to watch it a few times every time we go by there. I am not sure I could ever to that. It is not the initial firing that bothers me it is the bouncing up and down after that first time, hanging way up in the ait. Heights are the problem. I guess if I was strapped in, it might not bother me as much, but I am old and fragile now, so I will probably never do it.
There is a lot to do in Surfers Paradise. But that kind of leads me to the end. Another entry for the day but it is time for my lunch, although I don't eat lunch, but I have to take care of some business so I should be going anyway. It is the last rush before lunch break now, they go to lunch really late here at the school. I prefer a late lunch but lunchtime is when a lot of the girls come in, so I have to be here when that happens. So I go around 12:30. Would prefer to go at 1:00 but one of the other guys goes then and 1:30 is good for me but that is the lunch rush, so not good for the job. I think I will just close this one for now. Won't come back to it, so might as well publish it. It was a good time.
Until next time,
It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.
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