Wednesday, July 19, 2023

MWNews 219


Let's see what trouble we can get into today. At work and not a whole lot of time to do this, but it is kind of a slow day and we will see if I can manage to eke out a new entry. Might be tough as I can see classes about to end, but maybe I can pick it up after the next class starts.

I had something to say about Maeghan but I can't remember what it was. I told about her diploma. Not sure if I told you about her future plans. She really hasn't decided but she did say something about getting a job until she does decide. And now that I type that, I remember typing it before, so we will move on. Have to jump off anyway as the crowd is starting to form.

Either I have solved all the problems or something exceptionally weird happened. No one stopped to have me look at or fix anything. That is really, really weird. Maybe it wasn't the actual end of class. Maybe it was just a couple of classes moving rooms. Since I have no idea when classes start and stop, I am always surprised when there is no one here and when it suddenly gets busy.

And as I was typing this, someone snuck in behind me and was watching me type, waiting for me to solve their issue. Not a real big deal, but since the picture is up while I am typing, they can see what I am doing. Hopefully, they do not report me to the principal.

Ok, all quiet now. Maeghan got a tattoo. You read that right, she got a tattoo. Not with my approval. Not that I am against it, I just think it is something that is permanent and you need to think about it for a very long time before you commit to it. Like maybe your whole life before you decide to get one. Tattoo's are permanent. You cannot change your mind. So you better be sure. I don't think she will regret it but she might someday. It is just a flower on her wrist, but still, will she always want a flower on her wrist. Maybe, maybe not. Just not something for me to decide, I guess.

William hates it. Not the tattoo, just the fact that Maeghan got one and he didn't. He has wanted one for a long time and can't wait until he gets to 18 so he does not have to have my permission. I think, if he has the money, and even if he doesn't, he will get one while he is Tasmania for his birthday and I am here, unable to stop him. His mother will be with him and she likes tattoos, so she will take him to where he needs to go and get him setup. Or I hope she does. I don't want him to get one but if he does, I don't want him to go to one of his friends and have them help him. They are not trustworthy people. Juanita will know where to go, so as much as I am against it, if it is going to happen, then let it be in a safe place.

Maeghan is happy, I think. She doesn't talk about it anymore. I keep reminding her to go wash her wrist as it appears there is some dirt or something on it. She doesn't think it is funny. Once again, that is something I need to go talk to her about. Just to see if she is happy and to give my approval. I think she picks up on negative feelings I have about it so I will have to reassure her.

I need to do that with everyone. This job is really taking it out of me, and even though I have not talked about it here yet, I spend a lot of time here and getting to and from here and it leaves me tired and not able to interact with anyone when I get home. I get up at 3:00 am and leave for the train at 4:30, then don't get home until 4:30 in the afternoon. It means I have to go to bed at around 8:00 to have any hope of getting enough sleep, which I don't as I usually wake up around 1:30 or 2:00 and stay up until time to leave. But that is a whole long story for another time. Just to say, I am not a well camper and I am trying to get by day to day and earn enough money to allow all of them to stay at home and not have to worry about life until I can no longer do it for them. Hoping for a good ten years, but we will see. Things are not looking good, but maybe it is just me. I can probably survive anything.

Let's see what else is going on. I think I have already said a few of these things but maybe not. William went to a job fair. He did not find anything but he did bring me home a couple of free pens. I had a lot of trouble finding some pens for work a few weeks ago and they apparently do not sell the ones I wanted. I wanted one of the fat ones with the cushy grip on it, the kind you get for free at fares or demonstrations. Since I had not been to one in a while, or I did not look for them when I was, I needed a new one. I could not find them anywhere. I ended up buying one I did not like. After that, they all would find pens for me to use. I currently have a stack of about 15. I didn't tell them that I found a stash of pens at work, that while they are not the ones I wanted, they are good pens and I have been using them. William got me a couple more at the job fair. I said thank you and put them in the stack. The only reason I needed a pen was because the one I had was two years old. It ran out of ink. I have never had a pen for long enough to have it run out of ink. It was amazing. It might have still been going but it literally fell apart and I couldn't get it to stay together anymore. Otherwise, I would have just put a new ink cartridge in it. I got it from the place I used to work, the old folks home and it lasted that long. I didn't lose it, I didn't break it or anything. It just kept working and not it is gone. It is still on my table at home, with all the other pens I have now, but it cannot be used as it breaks when you try.

Not that any of that matters. Just a filler story. I really need to talk about my new job and my health but that will wait for the next entry I think. I did think of some other things to write, when I went to the toilet just now, but now that I am back at my desk, I can't remember what they were.

I need to think of something we can do this weekend. Last weekend, we didn't do anything except go to the shops. A pleasant thing to do but we only went to the close shopping center, the one we always go to and I try to spend Saturdays doing something special each week. Not every Saturday, but at least every other one. Since our theme park tickets ran out and I did not renew them, we are finding other things to do. I decided not to renew as it still costs a lot of money to go there, with eating and traveling and souvenirs each time, it was just not worth it since none of us really go on the rides anymore. Maeghan and I are too big, Juanita doesn't like the rides, and William likes them but it's not much fun to ride by himself all the time. So I look for other things to do. We went to the Underwater World aquarium a few weeks ago. It was cheaper than most other them park type things but all you really do it look at the fish tanks. It's too expensive for that but it was a good time nonetheless. We went to the shopping mall after that and they went to the arcade. Spent more money there than at the aquarium, so I am not sure if that was worth the time. I can't stay in that place as it is way too loud and way too many people, so I have to pay for everything and then wait outside. I went and had a beer at the meat place. 

There is a restaurant that serves a lot of meat. It is a German place and there are a few of them around. Maeghan does not like it and William only eats a few things but the food is good if not exceptional. Lots of it, though. Anyway, they had two sizes of beers. I only wanted a little one but I saw several people with the big one. It is a two litre mug of beer. Huge. It costs $25. I did not order it but I wondered how they could drink that much beer. Each person orders their own, I did not see much sharing. Juanita and I have ordered it in the past but we shared it. I only had my one little one and some onion rings to go with it. Not very good onion rings but this is the meat place, so you take your chances on the side orders.

This week, I am not sure what we want to do. I will try to find something interesting somewhere. But for now, I have wasted enough time for the next class to let out and it is morning break, so I expect more people to come in. I have seen one teacher walking though and she does not look happy. Fortunately, someone else is working with her to solve her problem. She has been in a few times in the last few days and cannot seem to get her problem resolved. I don't know what the problem is and I do not want to know. I handle the little stuff and if it is a big problem, I move them up the chain. Keeps my life happier.

But I am going to go. Can't wait until I have the time to talk about me, or maybe more about food. Been a while since I did a food entry.

Until next time,



It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.

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