My boss just quit. I knew it was a possibility, but I did not think it would happen. He went back to his old job, for more money. Not that it really matters but he was kind of a buffer between me and the only guy I do not like here. I am afraid that in the interim, the other guy will be put in charge. Not a good thought but doesn't matter I suppose. I will just try to do my job.
I think the last time, I was complaining and moaning about how poor life has treated me. So, nothing new. I could continue with my mental issues, but who wants to hear that again. I have Alzheimer's, no getting around it anymore. It affects everything now. I even have issues driving. I can't remember where the turn signal is and the windshield wipers are. Trial and error to see which one I hit. I keep telling people but no one seems to take me seriously. Not that there is anything to do about it. Doctors say wait and see. Tell me to keep my mind active. That is the number one reason I took this job. Stimulation on a daily basis. I think it is helping, but I can't be sure yet. Guess it is wait and see. Guess I wandered off into my issues again. I have excuses, I have a disease.
Formatting has screwed up again. The things I have to put up with.
In future news, we are going to the EKKA again this year. So far, just the four of us but I assume I will be asked to pay for someone else to go with us. Shayla probably. She went last year but she was living with us at the time. She left early to be with her boyfriend. Don't know what the plans are for this year.
I bought the tickets a couple of months ago. They had a special offer of 50% off for the first 10,000 tickets. I am pretty sure it was a lie. I was on ten minutes after they went on sale and they were all gone. I would have been on earlier but could not get to the website. So maybe it was that busy, but I doubt it. The consolation prize was 30% off, so I got those. Now I see the tickets are on sale again but 30% off, so I am guessing that is the normal price and they just say they are on sale. They do that type of thing here, say things are on sale by advertise a ridiculously high price that no would have ever paid for it in the first place. One business around here does it year-round. They have signs up in the store, everything 50% off or 70% off but the prices are still more expensive than everywhere else so it is not really a sale. And who would pay 80% for that stuff anyway, when you can get it at the shop next door for the same sale price they are advertising. It's just a scam. The same business tells you they are having a going out of business sale and you can take a further 20% off. They never go out of business and I have to always ask, if they are 80% off and you add another 20% off, why can't I get them for free. Seems to me they would be 100% off at that point. But I think I have had that tirade in the past.
So we have tickets. Problem is, that is the last day the current boss will be working. He goes on vacation after that and then starts his new job. I don't know how they are going to work that out, but I assume my day off will not be affected. I took three days off, two vacation and one public holiday, so I get five days in a row off. I need five days in a row off. I really need five days in a row off. They better not mess with it. I assume they won't but if they hire a new boss by then, who knows.
I have a lot of expenses coming up, have had for a long time, so I can't leave this job and go back to contract work. I am considering it, but I cannot really do that. Defeats the purpose of taking this job in the first place. Worth the thought though. I am not cut out for working full time anymore, but what can you do.
Have had a run of people coming today saying they have lost their laptops. Not sure if there is a thief running around, but if I hear about another, I will need to report it. I only mention it because I was just interrupted with another report of a lost laptop. The late afternoon rush should end soon and I should stop talking about work, but since I am here and people keep coming in, I lose my train of thought.
Ok, back to my complaining, or was it interesting stuff this time. Nope, reread it, complaining.
I really need to remember to get a frame for Maeghan's diploma and William's award. William got an award last term for outstanding something. We put it up on the fridge but I need to get a frame. I keep forgetting. Hopefully, I will remember soon.
Haven't found anything for us to do this weekend. I wanted to go to the West End Market, but it is in the city, or sort of, it is in the West End. The problem with the West End is there is no place to park. I have been there for work a few times and there are no parking places or parking lots anywhere. I have always been able to use the places I worked at parking places but there is nothing for the public. And it is not near any train stations. It is about a 2 kilometer walk to maybe even three kilometers to get there. Maybe we could do that but then we would be tired when we got there. But that is not the real problem. The real problem is it starts at 6am and ends at 2pm, so we would have to go early to get there and getting everyone up and ready to leave by about 8 is always a problem. We could drive into Southbank and park and then walk but it is a long ways and I do not relish the walk back. And it is a small market, so not a lot for the kids to do. It is a farmers market mainly, so I will enjoy it, but I am not sure there are enough arts and crafts for them to stay entertained.
There are other things in the West End, but they are mostly at night, and I do not plan on staying that long. So it is an option but probably not a good one.
I guess I am going to have to be going now. Almost time for me to leave and someone just ask me to come over to them and fix something. I have no idea where it is, but I will try to guess and see if I can find them. Some printer problem. Have to get going.
Until next time,
It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.
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