Maybe it is because none of the grandkids are going. We asked Shayla, but she said she was busy with friends. I am sure we asked Anna, but she doesn't like to hang around with us old folk. The two boys are just not fun to be with, so I don't know if we asked them or not. They are ok, but kind of surly when they are bored. I am sure Leslie would have enjoyed it but it is a long day, so he would have gotten upset at some point I am sure. Jarvis is ok, but I hear stories all the time about how he treats everyone badly and is not a nice person to be around. I have never noticed it, unless you could being overly polite. He is always overly polite to us but a whole day of it, might not be such a good thing. He is welcome to go, all of them are, but I am a bit different and maybe they just don't like being around me. Who knows.
So it is just the four of us. I prefer that as we can do more and get more done. With more grandkids, we have to entertain them all so the day gets split up into everyone going one way or another on their own. I am sure the kids will go someplace on their own while we sit and rest, but they both like being with us too, so it should be a lot of fun.
I remember the fireworks show from last year. It was fairly impressive, and we are looking forward to it again. The two hour show you have to sit through to get to the fireworks show is not so great. It is ok, but not great. Except for the motorcycles. I hope they have the motorcycles again. That was almost better than the fireworks. I will have to look up if they are going to be there again. Don't see why not. It was impressive but if you want to read about that, go to last year's entry and read that one. I vaguely remember writing about it last year.
It is very, very slow here today. Not sure why. I don't know of anything going on, but there must be something, it is way too slow.
Juanita made a beautiful sculpture or plant or fairy garden thing in the art class. It looks like a store bought one, and a very expensive one at that. I am sure it would sell for $150 - $200, maybe more. It has fake plants and real plants and fairies and flowers and fountains and all kinds of things in it. I haven't really told her how pretty it is. I should do that soon. They go to art class again today. Not sure what she is working on now. I see they both brought home some mosaics or platters or something. Tiles plastered together making a pattern.
Back on another day. Not sure when I was last typing. Might have been yesterday. I can't be sure. I am not sure what today is.
No further incidents with my health, unless you count using my spray walking up the hill to here. But that is most days, so I discount it. Doctor say, you have angina? live with it. Very reassuring. I go to the doctor tomorrow. Haven't heard from the imaging clinic. Probably want to do it on Monday and we go to the EKKA on Monday, so I am sure they will not be able to change the date and I will miss out. Already have the tickets for the EKKA so we will be going there.
As much as I want to type more into here and tell the tales of youth and vigor, I think I am just going to publish this and be done with it. I can't remember what I was going to say anyway. I need to have more adventures and more tales to tell, but it will have to wait for another day. I will probably get bored and come back to this in another entry, but I doubt it. Just tired of typing. Too much work, not enough gristle. That's what I always say.
Until next time,
It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.
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