Friday, September 23, 2022

MWNews 206


I'm back and I have to go again. But I have started a new entry so I will probably finish it first. Unless I start a whole bunch of them and finish them randomly, so you never know what order to read them in. That sounds like a fun time but maybe not the best. I think two entries in the same day will be fascinating but that is pre-assuming I finish and publish this one today. With the sad tales and underwritten stories from the last one, this should be a real pick me up. Hard to tell since I have to run again. Wait patiently and I will return with lollies for each and every one of you. 

They called me away and I might not get back to this today. Have to go fall off a ladder again. So, I'll catch you later.

This being my only job, I can't really quit but I am tired of being blamed when things to not work. I am here once a week. I do what I can to get it working but if it fails during the week, it is not my fault. The need to be trouble shooting while it is down. But enough.

William went to work with me on Monday to the Ipswich Bank office. We were doing an inventory of the entire building, four floors of desks, over 350 devices. I had an additional job to do while I was there so he had to start the inventory while I was doing that. He managed to do one floor by himself. I am not sure he got everything right but she at least got a lot of it. I walked him through a couple of desks to show him what he was looking for and then gave it to him to take over. Took him about two hours to finish that floor. We did all the other floors together and we were much faster that way. I still have to keep checking on the other job I was doing at the same time but we managed to complete it all in about 8:30 hours, 8:30 to 5:30 with a lunch break.

He did really well and took the initiative on several occasions to decide what was actually there. It would seem the list they gave us about what should be there did not match the actual devices that were there. Three different power packs, different docking stations, and decisions on whether someone was sitting at the desk or not. It would seem a lot of people did not work all the time, so when we saw an empty desk in the morning, it might not be empty in the afternoon. That is where most of the mistakes might be but for the most part, we got all the rest correct. Except for one floor where no one knew which desk was which, so we just guessed. I am not sure if the inventory had to correspond to a specific desk but if it did, I will be going back to fix it, I am sure.

All in all, a good first experience for him. Not a lot of technical work, but my job rarely requires it, and he was able to follow instructions. I am not sure how he would have handled someone else giving them to him but maybe they would have been a better teacher and he would listen to them. It remains to be seen how he might do in the future. Not that I expect them to use him a lot but maybe. Problem is, he has no way to get anywhere. So if I have to take him, then it should be my job anyway. I don't do a lot these days and can use all the work. I know he needs it too, but I pay the bills and if it is question of him getting paid and me getting paid, I think I should get the job. We will have to see if they have any plans for him in the future.

Maeghan had her NDIS worker over the other day. I would explain what the NDIS is but I don't know. It is the people who work with people with disabilities and help them with things they need. All government funded so she gets a whole lot of money that they are supposed to look after her with. They never do anything, so it was a big surprise to have her over to explain what she can do.

Apparently, they are going to try to get her a smaller wheelchair. One that can fit into a normal car instead the giant one she has now. She will get to keep the old one, which is a better one for going places on her own but the new one can be taken anywhere by anybody, so it might help her in the future, when she gets a car or something. It will help her to take it on an airplane to Tasmania, I think and that will be great for her as she can then visit her friends over there and they don't have to have a car to take her huge wheelchair. Not sure if she will be approved for a new chair, but the lady said she will fill out the form and see what they say.

She is also looking at arranging a house for Maeghan. A unit more likely, but with the scarcity of units these days, I am not sure even if she gets approved for one she will be able to find one that is suitable. I don't want her living in a shared home and neither does she, but that might be her only choice. And most of the ones that are shared are shared by old people. There are not a lot of places that are for people her age with disabilities. I know we have looked at then in the past and they were not good places, especially in our area. She might have to move far away and without a car, that will mean I will be horribly upset. I will try not to show it, she needs to learn to be on her own, but I know I am not ready for that to happen. Maybe if she is close, but not far away. I can't handle it. I am not sure she can handle it, but I know I will be devastated. So, unless she reads this, I will not let her know how much it means to me but it has to happen someday, so will try not to complain.

I am not sure what else they were discussing, I was doing other things, not sure what, so I did not hear everything. I know Juanita was there and she might have been asking for things that they cannot provide so I only hope Maeghan was able to tell her what she really needs and not what Juanita thinks she needs.

We haven't made it to Dreamworld or the market yet. We were planning it for Saturday, but we are supposed to go over to Angie's house for something and we had to cancel our plans. We are moving it to next week but according to the forecast, it is supposed to start raining Sunday and not stop for the foreseeable future. Rain everyday next week. Not that I think they ever get the forecast right, but it can rain here for weeks at a time so maybe they will get lucky this time and it will actually happen. Hopefully, it doesn't. 

If we go Sunday, that is the day the big part of the current fair will be taking place. Dreamworld has a country fair theme for the next couple of weeks. Sunday is the day when the big music acts are playing, so it will probably be crowded. If it rains, I don't think they will cancel but they might. We will probably end up going then. That leaves next Wednesday for the market, or maybe next Saturday. It depends on when the rain starts and when we can get up at 6am to leave. I am not sure I can get everyone up by then to go but that is the time we have to leave to get decent parking, I think. Maybe going in the rain will be a good thing as it will cut down on the crowds, but it is school holidays, so I expect a crowd everywhere.

Don't think we have any other plans. I was being volunteered to cook food for this thing on Saturday, but I refuse. I might make something, but only if I feel like it and with how I am feeling right now, I don't think it is going to happen. I am dizzy and tired from all the walking around and climbing ladders, so I need a big rest. Guess everyone will be disappointed when I show up with nothing, but I don't want to go in the first place so maybe I will just stay home and let them go. Like that is ever going to happen.

Well, I have come to the end of my second entry for today. As mentioned, I am tired and dizzy and hungry. It is too late to go to the coffee shop, they close at 12:30, so I will have to wait until 3 when I get off. I will probably get a pizza or something on the way home. Not that I should but I might. I do have some sesame snacks to eat, so that will have to tied me over until I can get real food. I am not sure what they will be eating when I get home, but I will be too tired to eat it anyway. Probably end up going to sleep as I usually do. That is one of my bigger issues, not getting enough sleep, but this entry is not about my complaints.

It's been a long day and I will see you again.

Until next time,


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