Friday, September 16, 2022

MWNews 204


At it again. Seems like I do this a lot. Maybe I am just bored. Or, maybe I am trying to get as much out here as possible before they take me away and don't let me type anymore. Seems a shame as I have a lot to say and never really get to say it. That is that other blog I may or may not be writing. It's a mystery, or a conundrum, or maybe even an affectation. One can never really know.

Hard at work again. I have been told there are several things I need to do today but they are going to call me when they are ready. Since I have received no calls, I will assume they are not ready. Might even just go for coffee early today, it is almost 10 am so I could use a break from this hard work I have been slaving away at for almost an hour. Let's see, I got my computer out, went to the toilet and sat in here and started typing. 

Interesting side note, I was just asked by a resident if I had heard the news. I said no so he told me he is getting married again. I have no idea if he was married before or anything about him as I have never seen him before, or if I have, I have never talked to him. I think he is one of the ones that sits in the reception area and waits for someone to kick him out. He is telling the receptionist all about it now. Not that it has anything to do with anything, but he stopped by my office door to tell me. I think I heard the receptionist ask if he had a girlfriend. He said no, but his ex-wife called him and asked to get married again. I stopped listening so I don't know where the story went from there.

But back to getting coffee. I could use a cup of coffee and some toast. I have been getting raison toast with my coffee when I am here lately because the cakes are not very good and I like something sweet but not really as sweet as cake all the time, so I get the toast. The staff over there does not really know they have raison toast as they have to look it up on the menu each time, but they do remember me and know I want a small coffee and something. They even remembered they over-charged me one time, by 50 cents, and they took it off my next visit. I told them it wasn't a big deal but they remembered and did it anyway. Nice of them. The coffee shop has been overwhelmed lately and is sometimes completely packed. They don't know why it picked up either but it you go at the wrong time, you might not get a seat. It is raining today, so I don't expect a lot of people there, but I will find out when I get there, which could be in a couple of minutes.

Ok, I am back from coffee and toast. It was good. Kind of like a little holiday in the park, without the park and without the holiday. Other than that, exactly the same.

Didn't really want to talk about more work but I just got an email about the job I am supposed to do next week. I thought it was go decommission a computer, but it turns out there are 15 computers to do. Not that it takes any longer, but if any of them have trouble, it adds to the time. Maybe 3 hours work instead of an hour and a half, since they can all run at the same time. Not a big deal but the new request if for me to do a site audit of the building. It is a four-story building full of desks and doing a site audit will take some time. I am supposed to get some help but with the short notice, they might not be able to get anyone. So I will be there on my own to do it. It would appear the staff there are unsure if they will be there the rest of the week, so Monday is the only day. This is the Bendigo issue that I might have spoken about before. I have heard they are closing Bendigo, and this is probably part of that. I know they closed the CBD office building, and it is a fourteen-story building in the Brisbane CBD. That is a lot of office space that is free at the moment. If they are about to close the Ipswich office, then that is most of my jobs lately. Not sure what I will be doing after that. This job I am doing now will be my only work and since I rarely do what is required here, this might not last very long either. Going to find out soon I suppose. Maybe I should do some work instead of wasting time typing here. The big boss is busy so he cannot tell me what it was he wanted me to do. I might try to do it on my own but I don't know which computer he wants me to use or where he wants me to put it, so that may not work out well. I will move on to other things.

Today is the last day or school for Maeghan and William. Neither of them went. William didn't go because William doesn't go that often but Maeghan wanted to go. It was raining heavily and she has to take the bus and the train so Juanita decided she would stay home. Of course, as soon as she decided that it stopped raining, but it was too late by then. She would not have made it on time since she stopped getting dressed as soon as she was told not to go. But it is the last day, so they shouldn't have missed much. They go back in two or three weeks; I am not sure when. 

As I mentioned before, we are planning a couple of outings. Not sure how we are going to pay for them but I have some savings so maybe we can use that. One to the market I want to go to and the other to Dreamworld. I have just found out that Dreamworld has some country fair going on during the holidays. I think it is just a petting zoo and some extra food places. I know you can buy a food pass that gets you little to nothing for the amount of money they want to charge for it, so there must be something going on. We will go for that. If the weather gets better, we will plan on going to Whitewater world also and do some swimming. It will be way too cold for me but might be ok for the kids if they are up to it. 

It probably means we will go on a Friday or Saturday. That way, we can go swimming in the morning, go to Dreamworld in the afternoon, and then do the Dreamworld market at night. They still have that market, or what they call a market, at night on Friday and Saturday. Just a lot of expensive food but we have been twice and I assume I will be forced to go again if they have their way. Whitewater world is just opening for the holidays. It has been closed for the winter. It is still too cold but it is open on weekends now, so we will have to go. It is enjoyable for a while but we never stay all day as Dreamworld is right next door so we end up going there after a while. 

This is a remnant from a vacation we took many years ago. We went for a vacation to Dreamworld. I am not sure where we were living at the time. I think Sydney. It was a long time ago. We ended up getting season passes to Dreamworld as they were cheaper than getting a three-day pass or a daily pass. I am not sure if I ever talked about it in here, probably not, but I might have. We camped near there and would get up and go to Whitewater World in the mornings and then Dreamworld in the afternoons. It was a good week and it was fairly cheap so we had a good time. Now, that is the plan we use anytime we have gone back. Now that we live here, it might be better to go to one park a day and the other the next but its appears to be tradition to do it that way so it is what we end up doing each time. Whitewater World is not open all year anymore and they have limited hours at Dreamworld, so it kind of makes the day not long enough but I am sure we will try it again and see how it goes.

I'm not sure when we will get to the market. I want to go on a Wednesday but we will probably end up going on Saturday. I know I have expressed the issues with that previously so I will not go into it again. Plus, no one seems to be that interested in going to the market, so we might not go at all. Or at least, William will probably not go and Juanita will probably be sick so Maeghan will not want to go. But I am hoping to get there some day. 

I was just called away and I am not sure what I was doing here. Checking does not seem to be an option, so I think I am finished. I had to go build a new computer basically from scratch. It had not had any updates in over a year and did not have any of the software they need installed. Naturally, they do not have an SOE or anything, so you have to do it all manually. I got as much as I could done but then had to call the helpdesk and have them install the rest. I went to the toilet in the middle of the install and now someone took the room for a private meeting. I can't get back in there to finish so I am waiting until it is free so I can go check on it. In the meantime, wish I had brought some lunch.

I was going to bring some fried rice, or a sandwich or something. But I decided I would get a pizza on the way home and I did not want to fill up on the other stuff, so I left it at home. Now I am regretting it as I am hungry. I have an orange, so that will have to do.

On a further side note, and I have to ask. If everything I type is a sidenote, maybe the actual news is the sidenote and I never seem to get to it. I am sure there are lots of things I could be saying about the kids but I never get to them and keep going off on things that have no meaning and are not very interesting. Its a habit now, so I don't expect it to change, but maybe I can try harder to punch it up and make it the fascinating work you are accustomed to. A noble goal.

Going to end it now. Have to go check if the room if free again so I can get the computer out of it. Plus, my notebook is in there and I am expecting another call to do some other work. haven't heard from them yet and if they call me at 2:30 again to do stuff, I may just walk out. They are testing the fire alarms today. It interrupted my calls and made me forget what I was doing. I am just thinking about it and there were some other things I wanted to talk about like William being offered a job and I forget what the other thing was I had just thought of two seconds ago. I hate this.

Enough, I am going to go now.

Until next time,


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