Wednesday, November 13, 2019

MWNews 154

It's a new day. Have fun with it.

I have begun to consider the possibilities involved in being unemployed. Will things change. Will there be more spaghetti in my life. Is there a place that I can be and not be at the same time.

You know, I don't really have anything to say. I am at work, doing the same thing over and over again. My brain has rotted and I am not sure even if I find another job I will be able to actually do it. I might just find some work as a stoker in the grocery store. Or a paid greeter at Costco. Or maybe I can find a job being old. I am getting good at that.

For some reason, when I type stoker, it changes it to stalker. I think maybe that might be a new career. Professional stalker. I can spend my days following someone and being creepy. I certainly have the creepy part nailed. Probably don't have the patience to follow someone for any length of time. I'll just follow people who are sitting down. That way, I can have a coffee.

I would like more spaghetti in my life. Can't get enough spaghetti.

Maeghan is in the process of saying goodbye to her friends. Not a fun time I am sure. She still has a couple of weeks to catch up with them, but she does realize that this will be the end. Maybe stay in touch but probably not likely. She does still talk to some of her friends that have moved away over the years but these are her best friends she has had for a long time. Always hard to do. I've never actually had any friends, so I am just imagining it is hard.

William doesn't really have any friends. He had been spending more time with some of his schoolmates but they have always been mean to him and not really his friends. Don't know why they have chosen now to get closer and let him into their groups. William has trouble in groups, hard for him to not be the center of attention or at least to keep his mouth shut and not try to impress everyone. You know the type and school kids are not known for being very receptive to that. So he spends a lot of time at home.

But, the new world awaits. I don't see anything changing but it will hotter, so we will all be more short tempered. Heat does that to you. You would think I would be ready for it but I'm not. I have no idea how I will be handling it. I don't sleep now but with the heat I think I might sleep even less, if that is possible. The kids have never known this kind of heat. They have lived in Tasmania for a long time and it does not get hot here. It is always hot in Queensland and it never gets cold. Big changes for them.

I am not sure why I even started this entry. I don't have anything to say and I don't really feel like typing. I just thought it would pass the time since I have nothing else to do today and I have to look like I might be doing something.

William's birthday is next week. I got him a game for the Xbox. A game I said he couldn't have back when it came out but it was only $20 the other day so I bought it for him. GTA 5. I know, a game not really for kids but he really wanted it and I always said no but I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. He has to have something to do and he does have his own Xbox. Maybe it will keep him off of mine for a while. I doubt it as I have over 150 games since I have been a member of Xbox Live for about 5 or 6 years. New games every month. I have deleted about 80 of them as I ran out of room on my hard drive. I still own them and can download them again if I want to play them but I have never played most of the games I have. I just downloaded them because they were free. I haven't bought a new game for years. I think the last one might have been Skyrim, but I don't really remember. The games available are usually old and out of date but they are free so how can you lose.

I am currently playing Witcher 3. It was free at one point even though it is a relatively new game. I started it about 6 months ago but they kept referring to Witcher 2 and I had that one also. So I went back and played that. Now I have moved on to the new one, or the newest one they have. I am almost back to the point where I stopped playing it last time, so I guess I have caught up. Although, I am confused as some of the stuff I remember doing the first time are not there this time. I have no idea why. I think it might be because I just went around and tried to find everything there was to find and I think I screwed up the tasks that are available. I think I did some of them without actually having a task telling me to do it so the task never shows up. I don't know, but it seems different this time.

Guess that's enough about gaming. We are going to take William to the Huon Show. I have gone over what that is before so I will not do it again. None of us have any money so I am not sure he is going to get to enjoy it but it's only $25 for a family to get in so it is really cheep. Maybe we will catch some of the shows or music. You can't really avoid seeing that or hearing it but we might just sit down this time and watch or listen on purpose. Then again, the weather is supposed to be terrible, possible snow and rain and wind, so I don't know if we will actually be staying that long. I guess it will keep the crowds away. That's always a good thing.

I think I am going to get a cup of coffee. It is only 2:00 and I still have a couple of hours to go. I was going to go outside for lunch but it is raining and windy outside and I decided I would stay here and write this. Now I have to find something else to do the rest of the day. I can always try to figure out how to install this software but since I already did that on my machine, I only have to figure out why it does not work on other machines.Guess it is because I am an administrator and when I do it for someone else, they do not have access to the right libraries. I am just guessing but nothing else seems to make sense yet.

I will leave this open on the off chance I decide to write more after I get my coffee. Since I have not written my closing line I guess I have to come back to it at some point.

I just herd on my podcast 99% Invisible that they need chili pickers in New Mexico. I'm thinking road trip. From what I can tell, it is because it is too hard to pick them. They used to get cheap labor from Mexico but now they can't and it is too hard to pick them themselves so they plant other things. Maybe its not such a good idea.

By the way, coffee, pretzels, and tangerine is not really good together. Just saying.

I think I am going now. Most of these entries have been too long anyway so having said nothing in this one, I will just let it go.

Until next time

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