Tuesday, October 10, 2017

MWNews 122

I keep getting ready to type a new entry but then I never have the time.  As you can see, I am making the time now.  Not that I can remember all the things I wanted to talk about but at least I can ramble along as they come back to me.

The kids are away camping for one day.  Not sure why they would only go for one day but I had to work and it is school holidays and they were promised to go camping, so their mother took them.

Way down south of here, almost to the artic circle.  It will be very cold but they went anyway.  A place called Cockle Creek.  It is on the ocean, not sure why it is called Cockle Creek but it is about as far south as you can go in Tasmania and since Tasmania is already pretty far south, it just gets closed to the bottom of the world.

They come back tomorrow.  If they are not back by the afternoon, I am supposed to go looking for them.  We are not sure if they will have phone service down there.  I have no idea who they are going to go a whole day without the phones, iPads, and electronic toys.  William will go crazy.

They took along one of Maeghan's friends.  William's friend wanted to go also but he was supposed to have another of his friends over so he could not come.  I am not sure they understood where they were going or how cold it is going to be.  Maeghan has her kayak with her and she expects to go kayaking.  I believe the water will be close to freezing so I don't think they will be going in the water.  It takes up most of the car and if very heavy so I am hoping they do not drop it at any time.  Normally I do it but Juanita said she could do it by herself and could not be talked out of taking it.

Anyway, they will be back tomorrow.  I have the kids here for the rest of the holidays.  Juanita starts a new job on Friday.  Another long story I will probably never go into but she lost a lot of money when she stopped taking care of Sydney so she has gotten a cleaning job at one of the schools.  It is afternoons, after school, so I will have the kids from school and they will stay with me until Juanita gets off work.  I am sure they will end up staying most of the time at my place but the plan is for Juanita to pick them up on her way home.

Speaking of home, Juanita is having to move again.  The house she is in is being renovated, while she is still living there, and they want to almost double the rent.  The are charging too little now for where it is but with the improvements, they can get as much as they want to ask.  Juanita cannot afford that so she has to move.

The problem is, there are no houses available anywhere in this area.  She has to stay in this area because the kids have to go to the same school.  Next year is Maeghan's last year so it would not be good to have her move schools again.  William has made some friends at his school so we would prefer he not move either.  But there are no houses, or there are no houses that are affordable.  Only two have become available that Juanita can actually afford and they are not that close and when she has looked them there have been 20 to 30 other people looking at the same time.  So she has little hope of getting either one of them.  She has to be out of her other house at the end of November so at this point, I have no idea what she is going to do.  When she gets back, I will discuss her options with her but none of them are really good options.  As she has no choice, she might have to do something does not want to do.  We will see how it goes.

Now that I have all the downer messages in here, maybe I should talk about something that is uplifting and better.  Can't think of anything.

I do have a dog now.  Not that I wanted a dog and technically, I am not allowed to have him but Juanita's parents can no longer take care of their dog so I have inherited it.  For a while, it was staying at Juanita's but she is not allowed to have a dog either, so I asked my landlord if I could keep the dog on a temporary basis and they said it was ok, as long as it is temporary.  Having no plans or idea on what I will do with the dog I am sure I will be in trouble when they find out it is here permanently.

He is a good dog, well trained in going outside.  He does get bored and will go crazy every time he thinks he is going out the front but I have to keep him in the back since there is a fence there and he cannot get out.  Plus, he was always running away at the parents house so they had to keep him chained up all the time.  Since I don't do that, he thinks he is free to run anywhere when he is outside and if I let him, he will run away as soon as he can.  Actually, I only think he will run away, he keeps pretty close to me when we are out so he might not but since I live in town, there is good chance for him to run out into the road and I can't let that happen.  I have taken him to the shops with me before but he is not well behaved when he gets there and if there are any other dogs, he goes crazy trying to get to them so I don't take him very often.  Maybe this situation will work itself out soon and we can find a new home for him.

I can smell my lunch burning so I am going to have to go.  I didn't say a lot of positive things but I meant to.  Just got lost in the problems and issues so I never got around to it.  Be a good excuse to try again tomorrow.  Like that will ever happen.

It's been fun and I will get back to this soon but I have to go take my pie out of the oven.  Never thought I would be saying that but I am having a meat pie for lunch.

Until next time

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