Wednesday, November 07, 2007

MWNews 62

The program is over. Maeghan may not have been the star of the show, but she was the star everytime she went on stage. Which was twice, or three times if you count the ending when everyone was on stage.
Her first time on, which didn't come until halfway through the show, she was a chicken, or a duck, or something that was suppossed to be a bird. I have no idea what they were dancing to, I was too busy trying to get her on camera. I have most of it, but about holfway through, I hit a wrong button and the picture went a little screwy. I spent the next few minutes trying to fix it. After watching the tape, it was not as bad as I thought it was, but there is a little gap where you cannot really tell what is going on.
I recorded the whole show, or most of it. I think I missed a couple of dances but you cannot tell on the tape. There was another friends daughter in a few of the dances and I felt obligated to film her and get closeups of her, so I ended up with most of the show on the tape. The battery did run out at the end, so I missed some of the last awards but Maeghan had already received her award, so I didn't miss anything important.
On her second dance, she was a cowgirl, as you can see in the picture. They were a little too close to the front of the stage, so they were not fully in the light and it was hard to film. A couple of times, they actually came off the stage and sat on the steps leading up to it. That part did not come out at all on the film and the pictures are really dark so I have to adjust them until they are unprintable. But it was ok, I got all the dance and a few closeups of her and she was smiling and laughing the whole time. She had a little part to play in this one as she was suppossed to act sad and start to cry while the dance was going on. They were dancing to the song 'you have a friend in me' from Toy Story. When they get to the part where it says you may be small and you may be something else, she pretends to cry and all the other dancers come over to comfort her. She did it pretty well, but the sound system in the theater was so loud, it was a school auditorium, you could just get the gist of the music and not really here the words.
This part, several people came over and told us they were going to cry she was so cute. I think I might have. At the end of the show, they were all on stage together and after she took her bows, she went back to the back and gave the big girl who was with her a high five. Probably not a lot of people noticed it but I have it on tape.
Anna was only on in the last number. She had not been with the class long enough to learn the dances, so was only on at the end. The show really centered around the big girls dancing. The did not do a ballet but did two hip hop type numbers, or whatever they were calling it and each was the longest numbers in the show. There was one group that did several numbers, with a little different group each time. I think I skipped a couple of theirs, so I did not get the whole show. The church wants to have a copy of my tape although I told them that there were a lot of closeups of Maeghan and Anna and this other friend and when they were not on stage, I did not really have the camera centered on the stage. But they did not tape it and apparently do not have any copy for themselves.
The reason the church wants it is the teacher, who dances with the big girls, is the pastors daughter. They had four daughters in the show, three in the big group and one younger one in the next highest group. Normally, the teacher wears her hair up and is really conservative, but for this, she was barely recognizable. She plays keyboard in church and is onstage most of the time, but if I had not seen her a few times away from class and church, I would not have recognized her.
William did not come to the show. As I have said, he has become a real terror. We did not think there was anyway to keep him still during the show so he stayed home with Adam. Natalie went to the show with us, along with Jarvis. I think some of William's new behaviour comes from Jarvis, but he appears to have enhanced on it quite a bit. We can no longer take him anywhere as he throws fits most of the time. You know those kids that scream and holler in the mall and carry on when they do not get their own way. You see them somtimes throwing themselves on the floor and refusing to move while they scream and holler. Well, William have become one of those kids. I know it happened a few times with Rachael, when she was little, and I had to take her out of wherever we were at the time to get her quiet, but William does not stop and the only option we seem to have is to not take him anywhere.
Right now, he is suppossed to be in bed but I can hear Juanita yelling at him because he is doing something he should not be doing and I can hear him laughing all the time, even when we are yelling at him. He just does not care about anything you say to him, he does what he wants and keeps doing it until you drag him away from whatever he is doing that he should not be. In the past week, we have taken him out twice and tried to sit down and have a coffee after we had finished what we were doing. Both times, he threw such a fit because he was sitting and when we let him out, he just ran around all the other people opening things and yelling, to the point where I did not get to finish my coffee and had to take him out to the car. I am not sure what we can do about it anymore. I sat him on the bottom sometimes to try to make him stop, he just gets louder, but I don't like to do that because if it has come to the point where I feel like swatting him on the bottom, I am usually very upset with him and I don't like doing it when I am upset. And I definitely do not like doing it in public, so my only option appears to be taking him away from that situation.
But, as we all know, it is the times when he is happy and playing that make it all worth while. He really is cute and now that he can talk most of the time, he says some really cute things. And his laugh, well it means we can never be upset with him for long and he generally gets away with anything he does.
On a side note, I seem to be making a lot of typing mistakes and I may not be catching them all, so once again, you are on your own in adding words or correcting spelling as you see the need. I have gone back several times and noticed I have left whole words out of some sentences, to the point where the sentences do not make sense. So if you get confused, do what I do, make up your own stories.
We had a bye on the last baseball game. We had a practice yesterday and while some of the kids are getting better, especially the younger ones, the older ones seem to be losing patience with the pace of the practices and are constantly asking to do things that we are not currently doing. Like bat when we are catching the ball and running the bases when we are batting and not catching the balls that are hit to them because they are busy playing with each other. jarvis is a hopeless cause as he does not seem to be able to concentrate for more than three minutes, if that long. And he does not even try to do anything right. Doesn't matter how many times you show him or help him or tell him what to do, he does whatever he feels like at the moment and we usually end up just ignoring him and moving on. That generally makes him sulk and he does nothing for five or six minutes. You can see where I suspect some influence on William. I am not sure what to do with Jarvis either. It is not fair to the other kids for me to constantly be paying attention to him, but without that, he gets in the way of the others and generally interrupts what we are trying to do. I suppose he will be better at some point. When, I do not know.
We play this week, if it stops raining. It has been raining for a week. I was called fifteen minutes before the games were suppossed to start last week to tell me that the games were cancelled. We had a bye but I am not sure what I was suppossed to have done about it as if we had been playing, I would have already been at the field. I told everyone that I would not get any notice if there was a rainout, but if I did, I would try to contact them.
In other news, Juanita went to the doctors today. She has been having her problems, for most of the last two years, and after they have tried several options, she is now scheduled to have a hysterectimy (no idea how to spell that) on Dec. 11. This is three days after Natalie's wedding and all her family will be here. They say she will be in for about four days but with her past history, I am not counting on it. I expect her to be there a week or so. I am on vacation at that time, so I can be there most of the time, but as I said, her family will be at our house and I do not trust them to be able to cook for themselves or take care of themselves. I know they do it all the time at their own homes and I suppose I have to let them do it here, but you know me, always have to be in control. I guess it will be ok but I now they will need to be allowed to drive one of the cars and the only one big enough is mine, so I will have to give it up to them while I am at the hospital. I hope my insurance covers it.
There was something else I was going to write about Juanita, but for some reason, I have forgotten what it was. I guess it will come back to me but maybe not.
I got bad news about my work today. It seems we are no longer viable as an option for the American company. In the past, we were considered 'offshored' for the American company, but since the Australian dollar is almost equal to the US dollar, it is no longer cheaper for them to send the work to us. That has actually been the case for some time, but now they have made an official statement about it and we are all expecting to lose our jobs sometime soon. Of course, our boss says that is not going to happen but when his boss was let go with no notification about a year ago, and never replaced, we are not sure he knows what is going on. We did hear that this former boss has just got a job, after being out of work for a year.
Juanita and I are really worried about it as there are not any jobs that pay as much as I make in other fields and no one is hiring for the skills I possess. I don't really have a choice about it but I have already started looking and there does not seem to be anything out there. I have a couple of options and hopefully, I can make use of them before they let us go, but I am not sure even those skills are marketable. I am told they are, but we will see. I need to complete a project and get certified really quickly but I seem to have an advantage in that I already have the training for the certification, I only need to complete a project. For those who might know what I am talking about, it is the Six Sigma certification, which means nothing to anyone, but to those that do know what it is, it appears to be very important. I will try to get that rolling as soon as I can Maybe there actually is a market for that.
I might be able to return to contracting in the server automation field, but they updated all those products in the past few years and I do not know if my knowledge is current anymore. By the way, I think my keyboard has started to act up again, maybe the batteries are dead once more because I am typing things and they are not appearing on the screen. I will attempt to muddle through, but I should probably bring this to a close soon.
If anyone is reading this in timely manner, pray for Juanita, and pray for William and pray for me. Maeghan goes to the doctor on Friday, so pray for her too. Its just a checkup, but they might be giving her a wheelchair at this visit. I don't think she needs one, but they might do it now since she is starting school soon so it will be easier if she does need it and they have to scramble to get all the okays after she starts school. In case you do not remember, she starts school at the end of January, next year. Less than three months away, but I have spoken about that before. William has been to kindergarten a couple of times, to try to prepare him for when he goes next year. He is going to be a problem, I think, as when I was there with him, he would start to call out and cry anytime he could not see me in the room. Juanita says he did the same thing with her when she took him. Hopefully, he will get over it, Maeghan never had that problem, but I don't think so. He is also a bully and does not get along with other kids, always pushing them around when he wants something. I guess this school is suppossed to get him used to being around kids his own age, but he does the same thing to all the other kids here, so I don't see him getting over it anytime soon.
I guess I should be going. I have other stuff to say, like I have lost some weight, down to just be obese and not morbidly obese, but that can wait until we see if I can actually lose more weight and keep it off. Juanita has also lost weight, but with her condition, she cannot really go on any diets that might affect her health. She has to take iron tablets now and she cannot be further weakened by having less food.
Ok, I had to change the batteries as it was really annoying me. Just in time to close this entry. I'll keep up with some of the things after Saturday, when we have another baseball game.
Until next time,
Talk to you later

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