Friday, November 02, 2007

MWNews 61

I would say that the picture thingy is broken again, but actually, I am at work and I do not have any new pictures to publis on this computer. I suppose I should download some on here so I can do that. Another thing is, this font looks funny as I am typing it and I am not sure this entry will look like any of the others. It seems kind of strange but there is no way to check it, so I will continue as if I don't notice.

William has become a real terror. I suppose it is the terrible twos as he is going to be two this month, but he has really become a handfull. With three other kids to watch, we have to take it in turns for someone to watch William all the time. It is not easy. He is constantly into everything and wanting things and climbing on things and climbing up to things he would normally not be able to reach. I am constantly telling him not to grab things off the kitchen counters but he never seems to remember he is not suppossed to do that. It doesn't matter what you say to him, he will do it as soon as you turn your back.

He has also developed the annoying habit of throwing a fit every time he cannot get his own way. Since he seldom gets his own way, that means there an almost constant fit in progress. He does the typical thing of screaming as load as he can, throwing himself on the ground and then looking for any other adult to hold him and tell him everything is alright. We are not sure if this is normal behaviour or he has picked it up and amplified it from the way the other kids act. They have a tendancy to whine anytime they do not get what they want and are in constant need of attention themselves. Not so much Maeghan, but the other two were apparently trained to whine and cry whenever they want something. If they could just learn to simply ask for something instead of whining about it, everything might go a little easier but they have this tone in their voice and this sad, almost crying look on their face that makes you just want to slap them all the way to their bedroom.

But I digress. Actaully, we think we are getting them out of that habit, but it is slow progress. William, on the other hand, is just getting worse and worse. He just will not stop doing things that he is not suppossed to be doing. Doesn't matter what is available to him, he will go for the thing that is the most critical that he should not be doing. He climbs up on the handles of the counters, and grabs things off the counter top. You can take it away from him, tell him no, and swat him on the bottom and after his fit, he is right back on the handles grabbing something else. Someday, I am sure he will learn, but it does not appear that will be anytime soon.

We seem to forgotten how it is with normal kids as we were so blessed with Maeghan. I am sure she did a lot of things that were naughty, but we don't remember anything like this. William is just a terror.

On the good side, William and Maeghan seem to get along really well together. When the other kids are around, Maeghan hardly ever plays with William, but when they are alone together, they paly all kids of chasing and running and other types of games. William is the only one who Maeghan can actually run away from and not get caught, barely. William is catching up pretty fast, but they will run around the house over and over again with William chasing Maeghan and both of them laughing all the time. It is about the only time William is not getting into trouble, when he is playing with Maeghan. Any other time, and Maeghan is playing with Anna or Jarvis and William is being ignored. I guess that is a lot of the reason he gets into trouble.

If they try to play chasing games with the other kids around, the other kids are too noisy, too clumsy, and just too big to be running through the house. The noise level goes up exponentially at those times and we end up sending them all outside. A good thing normally, but it never lasts very long and if one of them comes back in, then they all come back in.

Well, this font is annoying me and it is time I should be going home. I have some really big projects I should be working on, but it is late in the day on Friday and I didn't want to start anything and then have to leave it. I do have to set up a meeting before I go, but that should not take long.

Tomorrow is Maeghan's ballet concert. It is costing us $15 a ticket, a rediculous price for a kids ballet concert, but Juanita has seen the end of the show at rehearsal and she says I will just cry when I see how cute Maeghan is in the concert. From what Juanita says, she is still the star of the show and is the only one who does all the moves correctly. The other kids still just follow along with what the teacher is trying to tell them and don't get it right. Maeghan does everything on her own and does the routines without having the teacher tell her what to do.

I should have lots of things to say after the concert. Hopefully, she will be able to do it this time and not freeze up. I think she will be alright but we will see. I am planning on filming it all in any event. I have no idea how we are going to get William to stay still for that long, but maybe we can send him to his godmother's house. She loves having him over for some reason and he likes it because she buys him lots of toys and clothes and things.

We don't have a baseball game this week, we have a bye, but we had practise this week and I don't think any of the kids really want to play. Maeghan likes to play, but she is so small, she may never be able to get on base or throw the ball to where she has to throw it. I think she likes it but she is bored most of the time. Jarvis is about to be kicked off the team as he will not listen to me at all and just runs around doing whattever he wants or just sitting on the ground sulking because the ball is not being hit to him. Anna does ok, but I don't think she really likes it. A couple of kids on the team are in her class at school and she talks to them some but I don't think she really knows them. I spent most of the practice working with Maeghan, Jarvis and some kid named Samuel that I kept calling William. They are the smallest and least experienced so I had them learning to catch and throw and hit the ball. Maeghan still rarely misses but the ball does not go very far. I had my assistant coach throwing fly balls to the other kids and giving them batting practice while I worked with these three. I think I have said a couple of them are pretty good but I think they get bored with playing with the younger kids. We will see how it goes at the next practice.

Time for me to go now. I try to write again on Sunday, after the concert. I might even have new pictures to post. Not that I have come close to posting all the pictures I have, but maybe there will be one of Maeghan in her constumes.

Until next time,

Talk to you later

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