Saturday, November 17, 2007

MWNews 65

Still don't have any pictures from the actual games we have been playing. I coach and Juanita keeps score, so no one is available to take the pictures. We will get some before the end of the year, though.
We had another game today, a few hours ago actually. I think we won this one but we can never really be sure. Juanita, I think, has got the hang of keeping score, so according to her scores, we won 21 to 18. I think the other scorer had the same thing, so we can say this was a win for us.
I told all the kids we tied again, which is what we told them from last time. I think they cornered Juanita and forced her to tell them we had won but they all seemed to have fun either way.
We have two extra players on our team, although one of them did not show up this week, and the other team only had eight players, so we had to lone them someone. I picked Jarvis although I knew he would be a problem. As I have said many times, he just does not pay attention and he never learns anything you tell him, so each time he had to come to bat, they had to show him how to hold the bat, where to stand and how to swing it. I think he got on twice out of the four times he batted, so he did ok once he was shown how to do it. He didn't manage to catch the ball in the field, although they did hit it to him several times. He always complains that they do not hit the ball to him and both times they did, he was not watching, so he did not catch it.
Maeghan got to bat four times and got on base twice. It takes her a very long time to run to first. The first time, she didn't run right away and she might have made it to first if she had. They threw the ball around to the other bases trying to get other people out and she just about made it before they realised that she was still running to first. The got her by a step but she had fun almost making it.
The next time, she hit the ball all the way back to the pitcher and got to running to first. The pitcher got confused and could have tagged her out, but they told him to throw the ball home, so he stopped trying to tag her and threw the ball home. The catcher just stood there with it and Maeghan ran all the way to first. Her first base hit and she was all smiles about it. Wish I could have got a picture of that.
The third time up, she got thrown out at first. Wasn't really close that time, she was just about half way, but she was tired by then and didn't mind sitting back down. On her last at bat, she again hit it to the pitcher and he ran in home to get someone out. But the runner on third did not have to run, so he went back to third and Maeghan had time to run all the way to first again. Her second base hit in the same game.
Both times she got on base, she had to run all the way to second, but they got the ball back in before she could get there, so she never made it past second base. Anna bats after Maeghan and is the last batter. We are only allowed to bat nine batters in any one inning, so all the runners are suppossed to keep running until they get the ball into home plate. Maeghan has very little chance of getting all the way home but maybe if I bet her higher in the order sometime or she gets to bat first and they let her get on. they will probably have to let her get to each base before she will have a chance to score, but maybe we can talk them into it. In the last game, they were going to let her get on, but the pitcher didn't throw the ball away like he was suppossed to, so she did not get a hit in that game.
Maeghan played pitcher for two innings and they hit the ball to her a couple of times. Some of the other players went and got the ball before she could get to it but she didn't really mind that. I think I have her playing 2B next week and they hit a lot of balls to there, so maybe she will get a chance to pick the ball up and throw it. She played 3B for a couple of innings, but they did not hit the ball to her.
Anna played left field and right field. I think they did hit the ball to her a couple of times and she threw one of them in to second base and the other into home. She might have gotten someone out at second if there had been anyone there when she threw it, but these are little kids and they rarely are in the right place to catch the ball.
William stayed home with Natalie. We still cannot take the chance of taking him with us as he will surely run out on the field or yell the whole time for me to come pick him up. Adn the flies are really bad out on that field. I had several fly into my mouth while I was out there. I don't ever remember flies in America as bad as they are in Australia. They are everywhere and they constantly buzz around you and never leave you alone. They do not shoe away either, they just move out of the way of your hand and come right back. It is possibly the worst thing I hate about Australia. Even in Tassie, where it is cold, they flies were bad in most places. Not as bad as they are in some places around here, but still pretty bad. It think the worst place we have seen them, if not on the basefield, is in Avoca Beach. We had planned on living there at one point, but whenever we have visited and had coffee or lunch there, the flies have been horrible, so I am not sure we will ever actually live there. But enough about flies.
I have gone back and re-read some of my previous blogs and they seem really, really long. So my plan is to write more often but not have as much in each message. I don't know if that will work, but eventually, you would expect me to run out of things to say.
Tomorrow is William's second birthday. I have to start cooking soon to get ready for it. I am not sure how I am going to cood the BBQ as the recipe I have calls for cooking it in a slow cooker, not on the smoker. I kind of think that is blasphemy but if you start a fire, even in the smoker, I am sure there will be fireman here in a very short time. I am probably going to try it, smoking for a couple of hours and then transferring it to the slow cooker. I think that might work and ease my sensibilities about BBQing in anything but a real smoker. We will see how it goes. I am also making sausages, but they do not need to be smoked, although, I might throw a few on to see how they go. Can't hurt as the sausages over here are really bad. I think they are what you would get in the UK, but they don't seem to have anything that resembles meat in them. I am not sure what they are made of, but it does not appear to be meat. Anyway, I might smoke a few just to see how it goes.
So, in my effot to keep these a little shorter, I will end this one now. I think I have to do some housework or something to get ready for the party. I will get back to this after the party tomorrow.
Until next time,
Talk to you later

Friday, November 16, 2007

MWNews 64

Meant to post right after Maeghan went to the doctor but have not had the time or inclination to do so. In a few moments, that will change. Wait for it. Ok, now I am ready.
And just as I start writing this I am annoyed at what the blog is doing. Once again, it is not typing like I am used to and I will have to remember to do things that it normally would do for me. But, I am sure you will never notice it, so lets continue.
Maeghan went to the doctor last week. She was going to get fitted for a wheel chair. Not that she really needs one, but they want to get the process started before she starts school. Which is in a little less than three months. It seems it could take up to six months to get the wheelchair approved for her. Of course, we could pay for it ourselves but as they cost around $4000 for the one she wants, I am thinking I will wait for the government to pay for it.
She had a choice of two different models. One of which is the old style. It is like all the other wheelchairs you would imagine except it is smaller. Not very pretty and not very practical for a child going to school. The other is a more modern racing model. I say racing but it is not actually for racing. It just looks like it is. It is very light weight and Maeghan can handle it all by herself. The wheels are angled in and the seat is specially designed to fit Maeghan. The brakes are easy for her to reach and are easy to put on.
The deal with the good one is that it costs about three times as much as the other one. It is specially measured and fitted for her and has a single handle in the back that is fitted to Juanita and I for the correct height. But, since it costs so much, they will have to have some justification for spending the money on the more expensive model. We had to basically tell them that Maeghan can only walk of be active for about 15 minutes at a time. That is sort of true but if she is having fun, she can go for as long as she wants. It is only when we are walking or just doing normal things that she says she is tired and wants to be carried or ride in the pram or something. She also has the feet problems, she sort of walks on her feet kind of rolled over. They had a specialist look at them during this visit and he said it was not that bad, but the other doctors have said and continue to say it is not normal and will need support. That was one of the reasons for the braces but since she has worn them in over a year, they have decided she may not need them anymore, or not until she puts on a little more weight.
Speaking of her weight, she is back under 12 kilos. For a brief time last year or about six months ago, she actually got over that weight. But, since she has been going to school and is more active, she has gone back under the 12 kilos. The doctors said she has gotten a little taller but has not put on any weight. They told us last time that she has had her growth spurt for her age group and will probably not grow very much until she gets to ten or eleven years old. Which means she will be very small going to school.
As you know, we have been concerned about that for some time. We do not know how the other kids will react nor how she will handle it. Several doctors or teachers have said they do not think it will be a problem. She seems to be very independent and tells the other kids when she does or does not like something they are doing, so maybe she will be ok. We will just have to wait and see.
Everyone still notices how small and cute she is. I don't remember if I told this or not, but she went to what is called a teddy bear picnic a few weeks ago. It was at the school and was supposed to introduce the new kids for next year to the school and the teachers. They basically played games and drew pictures. She had some trouble with some of the games and things they were doing but there were lots of teachers to help her. I don't know if that will be the case when she actually starts school, but they all seem to try to make it easier for her. One thing that is going to give her problems is the tables and chairs. They have smaller tables and chairs for the little kids, but they are still not small enough for her. I think we are supposed to supply a little stool or something for her to stand on and sit on so she can reach the top of the tables. She already has the stool but I don't know about something to sit on.
Anyway, at the picnic, they had lunch for the kids. They had sausages on the BBQ and they all lined up to get theirs. I went over with Maeghan to make sure they could see her and not overlook her standing there to get her lunch. It turned out that it was not a problem as several of the older girls, older in that they are probably in the fifth grade or so, had heard about Maeghan and I overheard several them asking 'Where is Maeghan, I want to see Maeghan'. When she was pointed out to them they did the usually thing of saying how cute she was and they all wanted to help her. If that is how it is going to be, then I am sure she will be well taken care of while she is in school.
Maeghan is all excited to be going. She only has a couple of weeks left before she is finished with pre-school. They have been teaching all the kids how to act during school and doing a lot of the same things they will encounter when they start. Maeghan also goes to Ready, Set, Go, which is another program to get kids ready for school. They have had orientation the last three weeks, but I think that is more for the parents than for the kids. But she is ready to go. She cannot read yet and some kids her age can already do that, but most cannot. She can recognize her numbers and once she knows what she is supposed to do, she can play the games they are playing. She is doing really well, I think.
I suppose I should talk about all the other kids and the other things that are going on. William, while still being a real terror, he is starting to learn that when he gets yelled at, he should probably stop what he is doing. Now, or the last few days, the good times are outweighing the bad times with him. He can still throw a real fit when he does not get what he wants and can be lots of trouble when we take him anywhere, but I think, in a very small degree, he is getting better.
Of course, replacing all those tantrums is him being really, really cute and since he is talking a little better, he is saying some of the funny things kids say when they are that small and just learning to talk. If you can keep him entertained, then he is a real delight to have around. We still cannot have a coffee without letting him run amok all around the place, but we have found a little place inside Starbucks where he can stay and not bother too many people. If Starbucks was just not so expensive for a cup of coffee, we might go there more often. Plus, they do not have loyalty cards where you get a free coffee or free treat after so many purchases, so we do not go there very often. We might have to start though.
It is Williams birthday on Sunday. Apparently, I am cooking for a whole bunch of people I did not know were coming over until the last minute, or until the last week. I think there are 15 people coming over, mostly adults, so I have to get my BBQ cleaned and restocked so I can cook for them. I am going to make sausages, BBQ pork and maybe some dirty rice. A few of the other people will be bringing salad, so I don't think I have to make anything in that area. I also have to make the cake and I am going to try a new recipe that I am planning for Natalie and Adam's wedding.
Yes, apparently I am cooking for that occasion also. I did not know it included making the wedding cake, so we will see how this practice goes and decide if I can actually make a wedding cake. I am not a baker, so it will be a first for me.
But, back to Williams birthday, he will be two on Sunday. He loves cars and trucks, so we have gotten some of those for him. I can't remember what else we have gotten, but with all these people coming over, I am sure he will have lots of presents.
Juanita's birthday is the following weekend. I am not planning the elaborate party she had last year. Not that I planned that one either, but this year, I think it will be just me and the kids. Maybe Natalie and Adam, but I want to see if they will take the kids for a while so we can go to a decent dinner somewhere. it will be our last chance to be alone before the family gets here so I am thinking we need to do something special.
The family starts arriving the next week, for Natalie and Adam's wedding. Lots of people, lots of them staying with us and some of them have no plans for leaving. They will leave eventually, but they do not have any set date at this point. I know air fares do not go back down after the Christmas over-charging, until February, so I expect them to be here until then. Not that it is a problem but it gets pretty crowded at times and there are not a lot of places to hide when things get testy. It doesn't happen very often, but you can only expect things like that to happen sometimes.
I don't know how I am going to feed all these people and transporting them around is not going to be easy. Two cars wherever we go, so we sill not be going on many long trips while they are here.
We are expecting Angela and are not sure how that is going to work itself out since this will be the first time she has seen her kids or we have seen her in about seven or eight months. I expect the worst from this encounter but am hoping it does not get too bad.
Juanita goes into the hospital on Dec. 11. She is expected to be there for several days. I have this strange feeling that this will be the time that Angela makes her bid to recover the children, while Juanita is not here to argue with her. I am hoping the rest of the family that will be here will help me out as I will be spending a lot of time in the hospital with Juanita and cannot be home to protect the kids from their mother. We are also expecting the father, but I do not see him as a problem as he says he is for the current arrangement. He might be saying one thing to us and another to Angela, but I still do not see him as a potential problem.
Enough of the family disputes. We have not had another baseball game as it has rained every time we have had one scheduled. We have been having practice and most of the kids turn up for that. I don't seem to be able to hold their interest for the entire time but they all want to be doing something and since only a few can actually be batting or catching or doing anything at a time, they tend to get bored and find their own games to play.
Maeghan has not gotten to the point where she can catch the ball yet but Jarvis and Anna have gotten better. That is, when Jarvis is actually paying attention to what is going on. He rarely seems to follow what we are doing and even when it is his turn, he ignores everything you tell him to do and does it all wrong. He did have to pay the price at one point when he was playing the infield and was not paying attention, as usual. Someone hit the ball at him and it hit him in the leg. I don't think it actually hurt him but he cried until someone paid attention to him and then he was ok after that.
I do have a couple of trouble makers on the team as they are better than the other kids and tend to run around doing everything at once while the others are trying to learn. I don't know if it made a difference to one of them but most of the kids think he is the best one on the team, I am not so sure as I think one of the girls might be as good as he is and one of the other boys is definitely better but not as popular. I gave the player of the week trophy to another kid after our first game and I think he might have expected to receive it himself. Maybe it means he will actually try harder but all it seems to have meant was that he runs around a lot and doesn't really pay attention unless he is the center of attention.
We are supposed to play again in the morning, our second game, and at the moment it does not appear to be any problems with rain. Lets hope we get to play.
I have to go fix dinner now. Maeghan wants spaghetti, but none of the other kids do, so I am not sure what I will be cooking. I'll report after the game or after Williams birthday on how things went.
Until next time,
Talk to you later

Thursday, November 08, 2007

MWNews 63

I think Juanita has sent this picture around but I am including it in here. Shows just how big William is and how small Maeghan is. We are currently getting ready for school, so this will probably be a short message.
Maeghan has Ready, Set, Go today and school orientation after that, so she will be at big school all day. William is not going anywhere and hopefully can stay home and not have to be watched constantly. Juanita is not feeling well, so I will be taking the kids to school. I have to go to Maeghans pre-school to pay her fees. Only a few more weeks left until school is out and she will no longer go to pre-school.
And once again, this blogger has changed in that it is not entering a double line when I press enter, so I have to press enter twice. But I will muddle through as best I can.
William is in the other room calling out for something. I have no idea what. He makes a lot of noise and is generally not happy with the way things work. He thinks we should all wait on him and be ready whenever he calls. Kind of like me, but he tends to yell and scream when no one is paying attention to him. I, on the other hand, hardly ever yell and scream more than once or twice. He keeps up a constant tirade until someone pays attention.
He brought me an apple for me to take the first bite out of it. He cannot get them started with his own teeth but will eat the apple after you take a bite. He has only eaten one bite so far and the rest is sitting her on my desk. I suppose he will not be finishing this apple. He wasn't hungry as he had already breakfast but we were putting apples in the kids lunches and he wanted one.

I suppose I should be getting ready to go. I still have to take a shower and then get Maeghan ready to go. I have an hour before I have to leave but there might be a problem with getting Maeghan up. She tends to stay up later than she should, always making excuses for why she is up, but really just not wanting to go to sleep. She asks for cold water, as oppossed to the semi-cold water that she got when she went to bed. She then asks for something to eat, because she is hungry, but she is not really hungry she just wants to be up. Then there is the switching of the beds as she starts out in one bed, moves to sleep with Anna and then moves back to her bed when Anna takes her water. Sometimes, she makes one more move to our bed, but lately, that has not been happening.
William is always sleeping in our bed, or Juanita's bed as I cannot sleep with the kids in the bed. William sleeps in his bed until about midnight, and then comes in and wakes us up so he can get into bed. This happens almost every night. I have a single bed in my office and when William arrives, I move to teh office and sleep there. William will then call out to me for most of the night wanting a drink of me to pull the covers over him or just to generally keep me from sleeping. Juanita says he wakes her up all night long, but I don't think she knows how much he wakes up during the night as she is always asleep when he is calling out to me.
Maeghan has just gone off to have a shower, so I suppose I should be getting ready also. I think there were a few other things to talk about, but I have to get going, so,
Until next time,
Talk to you later

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

MWNews 62

The program is over. Maeghan may not have been the star of the show, but she was the star everytime she went on stage. Which was twice, or three times if you count the ending when everyone was on stage.
Her first time on, which didn't come until halfway through the show, she was a chicken, or a duck, or something that was suppossed to be a bird. I have no idea what they were dancing to, I was too busy trying to get her on camera. I have most of it, but about holfway through, I hit a wrong button and the picture went a little screwy. I spent the next few minutes trying to fix it. After watching the tape, it was not as bad as I thought it was, but there is a little gap where you cannot really tell what is going on.
I recorded the whole show, or most of it. I think I missed a couple of dances but you cannot tell on the tape. There was another friends daughter in a few of the dances and I felt obligated to film her and get closeups of her, so I ended up with most of the show on the tape. The battery did run out at the end, so I missed some of the last awards but Maeghan had already received her award, so I didn't miss anything important.
On her second dance, she was a cowgirl, as you can see in the picture. They were a little too close to the front of the stage, so they were not fully in the light and it was hard to film. A couple of times, they actually came off the stage and sat on the steps leading up to it. That part did not come out at all on the film and the pictures are really dark so I have to adjust them until they are unprintable. But it was ok, I got all the dance and a few closeups of her and she was smiling and laughing the whole time. She had a little part to play in this one as she was suppossed to act sad and start to cry while the dance was going on. They were dancing to the song 'you have a friend in me' from Toy Story. When they get to the part where it says you may be small and you may be something else, she pretends to cry and all the other dancers come over to comfort her. She did it pretty well, but the sound system in the theater was so loud, it was a school auditorium, you could just get the gist of the music and not really here the words.
This part, several people came over and told us they were going to cry she was so cute. I think I might have. At the end of the show, they were all on stage together and after she took her bows, she went back to the back and gave the big girl who was with her a high five. Probably not a lot of people noticed it but I have it on tape.
Anna was only on in the last number. She had not been with the class long enough to learn the dances, so was only on at the end. The show really centered around the big girls dancing. The did not do a ballet but did two hip hop type numbers, or whatever they were calling it and each was the longest numbers in the show. There was one group that did several numbers, with a little different group each time. I think I skipped a couple of theirs, so I did not get the whole show. The church wants to have a copy of my tape although I told them that there were a lot of closeups of Maeghan and Anna and this other friend and when they were not on stage, I did not really have the camera centered on the stage. But they did not tape it and apparently do not have any copy for themselves.
The reason the church wants it is the teacher, who dances with the big girls, is the pastors daughter. They had four daughters in the show, three in the big group and one younger one in the next highest group. Normally, the teacher wears her hair up and is really conservative, but for this, she was barely recognizable. She plays keyboard in church and is onstage most of the time, but if I had not seen her a few times away from class and church, I would not have recognized her.
William did not come to the show. As I have said, he has become a real terror. We did not think there was anyway to keep him still during the show so he stayed home with Adam. Natalie went to the show with us, along with Jarvis. I think some of William's new behaviour comes from Jarvis, but he appears to have enhanced on it quite a bit. We can no longer take him anywhere as he throws fits most of the time. You know those kids that scream and holler in the mall and carry on when they do not get their own way. You see them somtimes throwing themselves on the floor and refusing to move while they scream and holler. Well, William have become one of those kids. I know it happened a few times with Rachael, when she was little, and I had to take her out of wherever we were at the time to get her quiet, but William does not stop and the only option we seem to have is to not take him anywhere.
Right now, he is suppossed to be in bed but I can hear Juanita yelling at him because he is doing something he should not be doing and I can hear him laughing all the time, even when we are yelling at him. He just does not care about anything you say to him, he does what he wants and keeps doing it until you drag him away from whatever he is doing that he should not be. In the past week, we have taken him out twice and tried to sit down and have a coffee after we had finished what we were doing. Both times, he threw such a fit because he was sitting and when we let him out, he just ran around all the other people opening things and yelling, to the point where I did not get to finish my coffee and had to take him out to the car. I am not sure what we can do about it anymore. I sat him on the bottom sometimes to try to make him stop, he just gets louder, but I don't like to do that because if it has come to the point where I feel like swatting him on the bottom, I am usually very upset with him and I don't like doing it when I am upset. And I definitely do not like doing it in public, so my only option appears to be taking him away from that situation.
But, as we all know, it is the times when he is happy and playing that make it all worth while. He really is cute and now that he can talk most of the time, he says some really cute things. And his laugh, well it means we can never be upset with him for long and he generally gets away with anything he does.
On a side note, I seem to be making a lot of typing mistakes and I may not be catching them all, so once again, you are on your own in adding words or correcting spelling as you see the need. I have gone back several times and noticed I have left whole words out of some sentences, to the point where the sentences do not make sense. So if you get confused, do what I do, make up your own stories.
We had a bye on the last baseball game. We had a practice yesterday and while some of the kids are getting better, especially the younger ones, the older ones seem to be losing patience with the pace of the practices and are constantly asking to do things that we are not currently doing. Like bat when we are catching the ball and running the bases when we are batting and not catching the balls that are hit to them because they are busy playing with each other. jarvis is a hopeless cause as he does not seem to be able to concentrate for more than three minutes, if that long. And he does not even try to do anything right. Doesn't matter how many times you show him or help him or tell him what to do, he does whatever he feels like at the moment and we usually end up just ignoring him and moving on. That generally makes him sulk and he does nothing for five or six minutes. You can see where I suspect some influence on William. I am not sure what to do with Jarvis either. It is not fair to the other kids for me to constantly be paying attention to him, but without that, he gets in the way of the others and generally interrupts what we are trying to do. I suppose he will be better at some point. When, I do not know.
We play this week, if it stops raining. It has been raining for a week. I was called fifteen minutes before the games were suppossed to start last week to tell me that the games were cancelled. We had a bye but I am not sure what I was suppossed to have done about it as if we had been playing, I would have already been at the field. I told everyone that I would not get any notice if there was a rainout, but if I did, I would try to contact them.
In other news, Juanita went to the doctors today. She has been having her problems, for most of the last two years, and after they have tried several options, she is now scheduled to have a hysterectimy (no idea how to spell that) on Dec. 11. This is three days after Natalie's wedding and all her family will be here. They say she will be in for about four days but with her past history, I am not counting on it. I expect her to be there a week or so. I am on vacation at that time, so I can be there most of the time, but as I said, her family will be at our house and I do not trust them to be able to cook for themselves or take care of themselves. I know they do it all the time at their own homes and I suppose I have to let them do it here, but you know me, always have to be in control. I guess it will be ok but I now they will need to be allowed to drive one of the cars and the only one big enough is mine, so I will have to give it up to them while I am at the hospital. I hope my insurance covers it.
There was something else I was going to write about Juanita, but for some reason, I have forgotten what it was. I guess it will come back to me but maybe not.
I got bad news about my work today. It seems we are no longer viable as an option for the American company. In the past, we were considered 'offshored' for the American company, but since the Australian dollar is almost equal to the US dollar, it is no longer cheaper for them to send the work to us. That has actually been the case for some time, but now they have made an official statement about it and we are all expecting to lose our jobs sometime soon. Of course, our boss says that is not going to happen but when his boss was let go with no notification about a year ago, and never replaced, we are not sure he knows what is going on. We did hear that this former boss has just got a job, after being out of work for a year.
Juanita and I are really worried about it as there are not any jobs that pay as much as I make in other fields and no one is hiring for the skills I possess. I don't really have a choice about it but I have already started looking and there does not seem to be anything out there. I have a couple of options and hopefully, I can make use of them before they let us go, but I am not sure even those skills are marketable. I am told they are, but we will see. I need to complete a project and get certified really quickly but I seem to have an advantage in that I already have the training for the certification, I only need to complete a project. For those who might know what I am talking about, it is the Six Sigma certification, which means nothing to anyone, but to those that do know what it is, it appears to be very important. I will try to get that rolling as soon as I can Maybe there actually is a market for that.
I might be able to return to contracting in the server automation field, but they updated all those products in the past few years and I do not know if my knowledge is current anymore. By the way, I think my keyboard has started to act up again, maybe the batteries are dead once more because I am typing things and they are not appearing on the screen. I will attempt to muddle through, but I should probably bring this to a close soon.
If anyone is reading this in timely manner, pray for Juanita, and pray for William and pray for me. Maeghan goes to the doctor on Friday, so pray for her too. Its just a checkup, but they might be giving her a wheelchair at this visit. I don't think she needs one, but they might do it now since she is starting school soon so it will be easier if she does need it and they have to scramble to get all the okays after she starts school. In case you do not remember, she starts school at the end of January, next year. Less than three months away, but I have spoken about that before. William has been to kindergarten a couple of times, to try to prepare him for when he goes next year. He is going to be a problem, I think, as when I was there with him, he would start to call out and cry anytime he could not see me in the room. Juanita says he did the same thing with her when she took him. Hopefully, he will get over it, Maeghan never had that problem, but I don't think so. He is also a bully and does not get along with other kids, always pushing them around when he wants something. I guess this school is suppossed to get him used to being around kids his own age, but he does the same thing to all the other kids here, so I don't see him getting over it anytime soon.
I guess I should be going. I have other stuff to say, like I have lost some weight, down to just be obese and not morbidly obese, but that can wait until we see if I can actually lose more weight and keep it off. Juanita has also lost weight, but with her condition, she cannot really go on any diets that might affect her health. She has to take iron tablets now and she cannot be further weakened by having less food.
Ok, I had to change the batteries as it was really annoying me. Just in time to close this entry. I'll keep up with some of the things after Saturday, when we have another baseball game.
Until next time,
Talk to you later

Friday, November 02, 2007

MWNews 61

I would say that the picture thingy is broken again, but actually, I am at work and I do not have any new pictures to publis on this computer. I suppose I should download some on here so I can do that. Another thing is, this font looks funny as I am typing it and I am not sure this entry will look like any of the others. It seems kind of strange but there is no way to check it, so I will continue as if I don't notice.

William has become a real terror. I suppose it is the terrible twos as he is going to be two this month, but he has really become a handfull. With three other kids to watch, we have to take it in turns for someone to watch William all the time. It is not easy. He is constantly into everything and wanting things and climbing on things and climbing up to things he would normally not be able to reach. I am constantly telling him not to grab things off the kitchen counters but he never seems to remember he is not suppossed to do that. It doesn't matter what you say to him, he will do it as soon as you turn your back.

He has also developed the annoying habit of throwing a fit every time he cannot get his own way. Since he seldom gets his own way, that means there an almost constant fit in progress. He does the typical thing of screaming as load as he can, throwing himself on the ground and then looking for any other adult to hold him and tell him everything is alright. We are not sure if this is normal behaviour or he has picked it up and amplified it from the way the other kids act. They have a tendancy to whine anytime they do not get what they want and are in constant need of attention themselves. Not so much Maeghan, but the other two were apparently trained to whine and cry whenever they want something. If they could just learn to simply ask for something instead of whining about it, everything might go a little easier but they have this tone in their voice and this sad, almost crying look on their face that makes you just want to slap them all the way to their bedroom.

But I digress. Actaully, we think we are getting them out of that habit, but it is slow progress. William, on the other hand, is just getting worse and worse. He just will not stop doing things that he is not suppossed to be doing. Doesn't matter what is available to him, he will go for the thing that is the most critical that he should not be doing. He climbs up on the handles of the counters, and grabs things off the counter top. You can take it away from him, tell him no, and swat him on the bottom and after his fit, he is right back on the handles grabbing something else. Someday, I am sure he will learn, but it does not appear that will be anytime soon.

We seem to forgotten how it is with normal kids as we were so blessed with Maeghan. I am sure she did a lot of things that were naughty, but we don't remember anything like this. William is just a terror.

On the good side, William and Maeghan seem to get along really well together. When the other kids are around, Maeghan hardly ever plays with William, but when they are alone together, they paly all kids of chasing and running and other types of games. William is the only one who Maeghan can actually run away from and not get caught, barely. William is catching up pretty fast, but they will run around the house over and over again with William chasing Maeghan and both of them laughing all the time. It is about the only time William is not getting into trouble, when he is playing with Maeghan. Any other time, and Maeghan is playing with Anna or Jarvis and William is being ignored. I guess that is a lot of the reason he gets into trouble.

If they try to play chasing games with the other kids around, the other kids are too noisy, too clumsy, and just too big to be running through the house. The noise level goes up exponentially at those times and we end up sending them all outside. A good thing normally, but it never lasts very long and if one of them comes back in, then they all come back in.

Well, this font is annoying me and it is time I should be going home. I have some really big projects I should be working on, but it is late in the day on Friday and I didn't want to start anything and then have to leave it. I do have to set up a meeting before I go, but that should not take long.

Tomorrow is Maeghan's ballet concert. It is costing us $15 a ticket, a rediculous price for a kids ballet concert, but Juanita has seen the end of the show at rehearsal and she says I will just cry when I see how cute Maeghan is in the concert. From what Juanita says, she is still the star of the show and is the only one who does all the moves correctly. The other kids still just follow along with what the teacher is trying to tell them and don't get it right. Maeghan does everything on her own and does the routines without having the teacher tell her what to do.

I should have lots of things to say after the concert. Hopefully, she will be able to do it this time and not freeze up. I think she will be alright but we will see. I am planning on filming it all in any event. I have no idea how we are going to get William to stay still for that long, but maybe we can send him to his godmother's house. She loves having him over for some reason and he likes it because she buys him lots of toys and clothes and things.

We don't have a baseball game this week, we have a bye, but we had practise this week and I don't think any of the kids really want to play. Maeghan likes to play, but she is so small, she may never be able to get on base or throw the ball to where she has to throw it. I think she likes it but she is bored most of the time. Jarvis is about to be kicked off the team as he will not listen to me at all and just runs around doing whattever he wants or just sitting on the ground sulking because the ball is not being hit to him. Anna does ok, but I don't think she really likes it. A couple of kids on the team are in her class at school and she talks to them some but I don't think she really knows them. I spent most of the practice working with Maeghan, Jarvis and some kid named Samuel that I kept calling William. They are the smallest and least experienced so I had them learning to catch and throw and hit the ball. Maeghan still rarely misses but the ball does not go very far. I had my assistant coach throwing fly balls to the other kids and giving them batting practice while I worked with these three. I think I have said a couple of them are pretty good but I think they get bored with playing with the younger kids. We will see how it goes at the next practice.

Time for me to go now. I try to write again on Sunday, after the concert. I might even have new pictures to post. Not that I have come close to posting all the pictures I have, but maybe there will be one of Maeghan in her constumes.

Until next time,

Talk to you later