Wednesday, June 20, 2007

MWNews 57

Just a really quick note about the last post. After re-reading it I noticed that I did not say any of the funny things I usually say, or try to say. So I thought I would come back and tell you the real reason I had to stop typing.
I kept hearing this funny noise coming from the other room. At first I thought it was just the wind starting to blow from the storm that is approaching but then I decided I should go check it out, after the experience I had the other night with the broken pipe.
It turns out it was just a ham sandwich calling me and I ended up having to make that and some chips before I could go to bed. I didn't think I would remember for the next time, so I am creating another entry.
Anyway, the shortest note I have ever put in here is now complete.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Have you quit writing these?
