I haven't posted in a while. I have had several drafts but I never completed them. This might be another. We will see.
The reason I have not posted is that your grandmother died. I am not really sure who really reads this blog on a regular basis, but I know she used to and was always disappointed when there were gaps in my publishing a new entry. I know your grandfather reads them occasionally. I don't know of anyone else who looks for and waits for these.
I have always said I write this for the kids, so they can read them when I get old. I suppose now is the time to start really addressing these to you and not just reporting the things you have said and done.
I have to say, I miss your grandmother. It has not been all that long since she passed away and you never got a chance to know her. She was my mother and while I had not seen her for a while, it has been hard knowing you will never get the chance to meet her and let her know how special you are and how much you would have loved to spend time with her. She loved the two of you and missed you terribly. She never got a chance to meet William but we always told her about you and we let her know what a wonderful little boy you are. She always remembered Maeghan for the special little girl you are. I know, you are not a little girl anymore, but your grandmother will always remember you that way.
A lot has happened in the time I have not been writing. I will not even attempt to go back and recount it all. I will just start fresh and move on from this point forward. I might make sidetrips into the past, but that is just because you have created so many memories and moments, I always have to share them when I remember them. My mind is not what it used to be, so I might embelish some of your antics from now on. I certainly have not done anything like that in the past. But it is only so I can embarris you with them later. Its all in good fun. For me. Maybe not for you.
I'll get the everyone is well statement out of the way first. Both your mother and I have started to feel the fact that we are way to overweight. We are trying to do something about it and hopefully, by the time you are able to read this, you will say you cannot believe we were ever overweight. It will take time, so don't learn to read until you are at least 15 or 16. We have taken the precaution of hiding all the books in the house, so don't fret when you see them at other peoples houses, they are just there for decoration.
We are thinking of sending Maeghan to school next year. We had always thought we would do that, but lately, we are getting the advice that we should wait another year. Not only from the school, but the pre-school and several of our friends. They say it does not make a lot of difference now, but it will in the future when you are more mature and have to handle bigger problems. We have not decided yet. I would like to let you go now and get the headstart it seems this will create, you are certainly ready for it now, but maybe they have good points and it would be better to wait. It will give Juanita another year to spend at home with you, which is a good thing. We are almost definately going to send both of you to private school and she will have to go back to work to pay for it when the time comes. Anyway, we will be sure to let you know when the time arrives.
William is not ready for school yet. If we sent him, he would wreck the school. He certainly does his best to wreck the house. He is still the never stop, always going full tilt kid. He can reach more things now, so he can get into almost everything. Pushing things back on the bench has been no help as he can climb up the drawers and get onto the counter. If that doesn't work, he climbs up on his high chair and gets on things from there. It is on rollers, so he can push it around to where he wants to go and use it to get into everything. We thought about tieing him to something, but we could not decide what it was we could do without. He would wreck anything he was that close to.
We moved house since the last time. We live in a nice house in Chittaway Bay. It is just up the road from where we used to live, in Shelly Beach. It is not close to the ocean, or not as close as we were before, but it is a much nicer house and has a backyard and front yard you can play in. It has four bedrooms but I am using one as my office. Maeghan is in one, William is in another and we are in the master bedroom. You might notice that I failed to mention where all the other kids are living. Well, we are proud (or sad if they are reading this) to say that no one lives with us anymore. All the grown up kids are gone. To places unknown to us, which we like it that way.
Actually, Michael has moved on to Brisbane. He has a job up there and lives with your mother's ex. Angela, who was here for a while, is still back in Brisbane but is currently hiding from her kids in Tasmania. She has the youngest, Shayla, with her but the others are staying with their father in Brisbane. Two of them, Anna and Jarvis, had to go back to school and Leslie just wanted to go back with his dad. I am not so sure about the current arrangement, but I have no say in it, so I guess I will keep my opinions to myself. (Maybe I am not that old but I certainly do not want to lose my image of a curmudgeon.)
Natalie and Adam, our borders for almost two years, have moved on to his sisters place. It is over near where we used to live. I am not sure how that arrangement is working out. I know they are looking for their own place. Not sure how hard they are looking but I just want to avoid them looking at our place as a refuge when they have problems with their current situation. Not that we would not allow them to stay for a while, but I would not want it to be another two years. Especially, since I have just got an office I can work out of in the house. The master bedroom is probably big enough for either my office or William to move into,
Had to jump up and leave for a minute. William is not feeling well, I am not feeling well myself, and he was coughing a lot just now. I went in to check on him, but he seems to be ok. Now if I can remember what I was talking about.
Oh yes, the kids moving in again. Adam currently has a job and Natalie is looking for one, so hopefully, soon, they will be able to afford their own place. Adam's car has just about given it up, so he will have to put money into that, but if both of them get work, they will not have too many more money problems. Then again, we always have money problems, so that is not likely to happen for them. But we will see.
It is currently 3 am. I do my best work when I am not sleeping. I have a meeting in a couple of hours, so I should get some sleep before that. I hope this little bit of information is enough to tide you over until the next time I write. Then again, if you are reading this when I am old, there won't be much gap at all between posts.
And for anyone out there who might be reading this and waiting on every word, let me know. It would be nice to hear from someone now and then.
Until next time,
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