The little boy is here. Both mother and baby are doing fine. Everything went just fine and they are expected to come home either Monday or Tuesday.
I have lots of pitcures but I wasn't sure how to send them all. I might just put them on the Kodak site and have you look at them there. I will start uploading them as soon as I finish this. For some reason, I don't have a lot of good pictures of William, although he is in every picture. He is wrapped up all the time and all you can see is his face. There are a couple when he was unwrapped but they are not really very good. I'll take more pictures today.
Maeghan wasn't too happy at first. She would not talk to me or anyone else when I brought the baby back. I canme back before Juanita did and she let me pick her up and show her the baby, but she started crying as soon as she saw the baby. She wouldn't talk to me and wanted to go back to Michael. She started crying for mommy, but when mommy got there a few minutes later, she was still crying and would not talk to either of us. I had to pick her up and take her down to the kiosk to get a coke before she would start talking.
I don't know if she was upset about the baby or the fact that we had left her and I didn't come back with mommy or what the problem was. She got over it after I had spent some time with her and she then wanted to hold the baby all the time. She kept getting herself arranged so she could hold the baby but I had help her hold William most of the time. She still does not call the baby William and everytime you tell her it is William, she says it is the baby. She also calls William her, but she will get that after a while and we stopped trying to correct her.
I am not sure if she knows the baby is coming home with us to live. She always knew she was going to get a brother but I don't think she realizes that the baby is her brother. She kept telling us that the baby was making a noise and to go fix it when William would cry or make a little noise, so I think she is ok with having the baby, but maybe not when we bring the baby home.
William seemed big to me, but did not weigh that much and the nurses said they thought he looked bigger to them to and were suprised he didn't weigh more. He doesn't have the puffy cheeks Maeghan had and, according to everyone else, he has big feet. I don't know if they are big or not but that is what Juanita said. They keep him wrapped up so much that you can hardly tell you are holding a baby. All you can see is his head but I suppose they have a lot of practice at wrapping up babies, so they do it kind of tight. He pokes his tongue out a lot and doesn't cry very much. he cried a couple of times but only one little cry at a time and he would go back to sleep after making a little cry. Juanita says he sounds like Maeghan but I can't tell. He just sounds like a little baby to me.
Juanita says he has my nose. I don't know why everyone always says that but they said it with Rachael and then with Maeghan and now William. Juanita says he looks like her family. Again, I have no idea, he just looks like a baby to me. Today, we will get to go up and spend more time with him and take him out of his blankets so we can hold him properly. As far as I know, he stays in the room with Juanita but since she cannot get out of bed yet, I am not sure how that works. I know we put him next to her bed when we left but she cannot reach over and get him if he cries. Juanita said she will call the nurses to pick him up and give him to her when he cries but I don't know how often that will work and Juanita was sleeping most of the time. I have seen the nurses pushing babies around a lot, so maybe at some point them come and get the baby and take him someplace so they can watch him. I guess I should have found that out before I left, yesterday but I am sure I will find out eventually.
Now that Juanita will be coming home, I have to get started on cleaning the house. I need to make it look like I was doing that all along. I have to get William's bed from the next door neighbor. Apparently, we bought their old bassinet and I have to go get it. I than have to find a way to fit it into our room. Since we moved a tv into our room, there is not a lot of room to put anything else. I suppose I could move the dresser out and into William's room until we move him into there. I know it would be too much trouble to move the TV and besides, William likes TV and can't go to sleep unless there is something making noise in the room. At least, that is what he told me yesterday. He told me I could leave the TV in my room as long as I fixed the one that is in his room. So I have until he moves into his own room to get his TV fixed.
Maeghan went to sleep right away last night. That is an unusual occurance lately. She had even had a nap earlier in the day, so she should not have been that tired. She did have to get up really early yesterday to go to the hospital, but the nap should have taken care of that. Now that I think about it, she was acting a little strangely. She kept hiding under the blankets, something she normally does not do and always tells me to take the blankets off her. Last night, she would crawl under them and just sit there. Thinking about it, maybe it has something to do with William being wrapped up in blankets all the time. Maybe that is why she was doing it. I know I will have to try to spend more time with Maeghan, although we have been spending all day everyday together. I will just need to play with her more so she does not get jealous of William too much.
I suppose I need to be going now. I have a lot of stuff to do. I need to get some work done as I will be taking off starting sometime next week. At this point, I still have no idea when my operation will be but I need to start making preparations for it. Getting things in order and making sure everything is taken care of at work and at home so I don't have to worry about it. I already asked Juanita who we are going to get to cook while I am bedridden. She said she is going to do it but as she has not had to cook anything in about four years, I am not sure if she remembers how. Actually, Juanita is a good cook, she is just out of practice and I am not sure she will feel up to it right away. Hopefully, she will be fully recovered by the time I have to go to the hospital.
And, since Joanne called last night and I was asleep and I have no idea what she said or what I said but I know she mentioned this blog at some point, I assume she was calling about the baby and I need to tell her that everything is alright and the baby and mother are doing fine and if she wants to try again tonight or sometime later, I will try to be a little more coherent. It was a long day yesterday and I thought it was my work calling and I was confused when it wasn't. So, if the conversation was confusing, I appologise and look forward to hearing from you again.
For everyone else who might be reading this, I will try to call you as soon as we get everything settled and under control to let you know more about the baby and how the rest of us are doing. And, look for the pictures on my picture site. I still need to organize that thing as it doesn't use the same format that I have on my computer and I keep getting lost as to what I have posted and what I have not.
Talk to you later

CONGRATULATIONS TO DAVID JUANITA AND MEAGHAN On the safe arrival of WILLIAM sorry i rang so late just glad everyone is ok i have spoke to juanita this morning and am glad to hear everything is ok.