Friday, March 15, 2024

MWNews 244

I don't have my pictures available so am not sure what this will look like when I go back and add it. I am not sure I have ever done that before; I usually start with the picture and then with the stories, but since I am taking the Naplan test, I have a little bit of time in between letting people go to the toilet.

Naplan is an Australian thing where they periodically test the students to see how they are doing. Not sure what the American equivalent would be. It's been 50 years for me. Tests take three days to complete and the school where I work has been number one for five or six years in a row, so they take it very seriously.

Right now, they just broke for lunch. Thirly minutes, which I would not consider lunch, but that's what they do here. Hardly a reason to leave as far as I am concerned.

A little catchup on where the operation is going. I am scheduled to go back in July. I have to call them in June to remind them I am scheduled for July. It seems there is some specialist from Germany that will be in Australia in August. He is doing something in Perth for three weeks and then he is coming here to Brisbane. I am told he is one of the top three in the world at this type of operation, but I was told my doctor was one of the top three in the world, so I am not sure who to believe or how they measure that type of thing. My doctor is from Russia, by the way. Or I have heard him say this is how they did it in Russia while he was operating on me.

Anyway, the operation in July is to put the other stint in and to check on how the other thing he was doing is going. Apparently, he put three stints in but could not completely clear the blockage. It allowed the blood to flow further into my heart, but not all the way. I am guessing this new doctor from Germany is going to try to completely clear it. I am told he is only going to do three operations while he is here, and my doctor is going to recommend that I am one of them. So, it is still up in the air, but if it happens, it will be in August. That operation will take the five hours the first one was supposed to take, but since it ended up taking 6 and 1/2 hours, I am not sure how long this one might take. We will have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I am feeling pretty good. I did have what I can only describe as a three-day heart attack right after the operation. I was fine when I went home and fine for about a day after that. They I got a chest pain that would not go away. I was afraid. Very afraid. But I did not go to the doctor or even tell anyone for the first day. I had to go back to work on Monday. Long story, but I had to go back to work on Monday. We cannot afford for me to retire and taking the time off for them to put me back in the hospital was not an option. So, I suffered and lived with it. I am just hoping it didn't do too much damage.

I know, I am stupid and should never allowed it to happen. But I had my reasons, and it is too late now. We will see what they find in July. For now, I am fine. Haven't had any chest pain or anything other than general fatigue since the operation.

Now we can get back to your regularly scheduled program.

I think William is working again. My old job, the contractor, has contacted him on a couple of occasions for work. I am not sure for what and he has not been yet, but I think he is working tomorrow and over the weekend. The weekend should be good money. He is Level one support, which means doing all the grunt work like carrying boxes and stuff, but he does get to occasionally watch what others are doing and hopefully, he will ask questions. That will get him more experience so he can start doing other things. Not being able to travel on his own is a problem but if he sticks to jobs, he can actually get to, it shouldn't take long before he can start to do other things. 

Maeghan has a babysitting job. Not sure if it is one or two days a week but it is for several hours, so it is some money. I think she has applied for a couple of retail jobs in the mall, but I haven't heard how that is going. Maeghan still has only the one roommate. I think a few people have asked to come see the extra room, but they never show up, so they don't have any prospects at the moment. Don't know yet how that is going to affect her rent.

She only comes over for a day or two a week now. She tells us she is having a good time. I hope she is. I hope she is starting to get her own life and not be forever tied to us. I hate it, but as I have said many times, it has to happen. I just hope she stays happy with the people she is with, and she gets some good roommates soon. And since no one ever reads this, I miss you, Maeghan.

I still don't have a picture to use. I am ready to close this entry and post it, but without a picture, it looks bare. Since I am already supposed to be home and am working late. I am just going to leave it for now and not post. Next time you read this, it will be posted.

Until next time,



It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.

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