Friday, August 05, 2022

MWNews 194


You might notice there are no kids in this picture. You could only see the tops of their heads so I cropped them out. So let's just imagine they are in the water watching the dolphins jump up to catch flying fish that they threw in an attempt to get the dolphins to come home with them. It didn't work.

I will say I am trying to type this with a wrist strap on my wrist and it is proving difficult. Not sure why since I only use one finger at a time to type but it would appear this is going to be a long process. Maybe someone will come in to rescue me and by the time I finish, I will have taken the wrist band off, but at the moment, I just put it on and probably need to leave it there until my hand goes numb. That seems to happen lately. I think my wrist has swollen and it cuts off the circulation to my hand when I have the strap on. It never used to do that but I have not worn it in a few months so anything is possible, Maybe it shrank, or gremlins got it. More likely, the mouses got it. Either way, I need water.

Ok, I am properly hydrated now, although it took a whole bottle of water to get that way and now I am out of water again. Plus, I will probably need to pee soon and that is the boss's office so he will see me and put me to work. I'm not feeling that great today and would have liked to have taken the day off but since I am the sole source of income, taking days off when you do not feel well is not an option. I had hoped for a positive Covid test this morning but no such luck. Have to stay and tough it out.

I did get an email and a text message about some problems they are having during the week but I don't think they understand that I only get paid for the Friday work and talking them through and solving their problems during the week is not part of my job description. They don't see it that way but someone needs to explain it to them. 

Speaking of strange calls/emails/messages, I got a call from someone about some company that I am supposedly supporting. They said they were the new customer representative and wanted to introduce themselves. She said she had tried calling someone else but found out they do not work for that company anymore. I asked her what company she was trying to reach and it turns out it was a company I did some work for almost a year ago. I told her I was no longer with that company either. She then started to ask who was and that is when I started having suspicions that it was maybe a scam or something and she was gathering names and numbers. I told her I did not now any names or numbers and said goodbye. She seemed to accept that so it might have been real but it was strange. It tells me that the company in question has still not got their act together and cannot tell their clients who works for them or who is supporting them. I had lots of that kind of trouble when I was working with them in that they did not know anyone's names or account numbers or even what the setups were and the master accounts for accessing them. I recognized this as a major issue and got out the best I could, faked a heart attack was my main solution. They said they would wait for me to recover but I never called them back and they did not try to get me again. Hated to leave that way but it was chaos there and I did not want to be part of it, especially since they were not paying me and wanted me to send them bills for the work I did. Even when I did that, they disputed what they owed me so instead of arguing, I put it down to some charity work for them for a couple of weeks and got out of it. But that is old news and we are here to talk about something else. Might be the kids, but I doubt it.

Gotta have more water.

We are going to the EKKA Sunday. We got Shayla a ticket also and she is going with us. We told the others but they have not committed to going yet and you have to get your tickets online, no tickets at the door, so I told them if they go, get their own. Still haven't heard back from them. We did tell them to look up the show bags and pick one out and we will get it for them if they are not there. There are almost 400 different show bags to choose from and I am not going to try to find something for each of them so they will have to give us some idea of what they want. I doubt if that will happen.

Ok, I just drank my second bottle of water, that will be my forth today. Juanita says my ankles are swollen, or they were yesterday. I am taking my fluid tablets so I should not be retaining water but she says they are swollen and that is the first sign as far as I know. Not sure if I should go to the doctor or just increase my dose myself. Seems a shame to waste a day going to see the doctor to have him tell me the same thing I already know but he will probably want a blood test so I should probably go. 

Anyway, the EKKA. I got $50 worth of ride tickets. That will either be too much or way too little. I think the rides are $12 each, if not more, but since Maeghan will not go on them and William says he is too big, that leaves Shayla to shame them into going. If she does, we will need more tickets. If not, then we have too many. It's only one ride each but I did not want to pre-purchase too much just in case. You only save $5 per $50, basically $45 for $50 dollars worth of tickets, so the savings of doing it before hand is not that great. If they want more, we will buy them individually when we get there.

I did get me a food ticket, basically the same thing for pre-purchased food items. The problem with that is they do not tell you where you can use them. It only says valid at participating shops but it does not tell you what the participating shops are. If it turns out to be only a couple of places, then it is a waste of money. If it is most of them, then once again, it is not that big of a savings so we can just buy it there.

We have not been to the EKKA in over 20 years. No idea what to expect. We have been to the Sydney Easter Show a few times and it is basically the same but the big difference with the EKKA is it is located on a narrow bit of land that goes for a couple of kilometers. Where the Easter show was all in one big place, the old Olympics site in Sydney, the EKKA is weird and I am not sure what it entails. We saw part of it from the hospital yesterday but it follows along some rail tracks or something and goes for quite a ways in each direction. Or so I remember. I am not all the sure.

Juanita wants us to drive there and find handicap parking but I do not want to be trying to find parking in what I can only assume will be a major traffic problem. We were by there yesterday and the traffic was terrible, even though the show has not started yet, it is really bad around the hospital district and always is. Lots of one way and narrow streets to navigate and I do not want to do that with a car full of kids. I am planning on us taking the train. I am told that is a good way and there is a train stop there but looking at the website, I have no idea what or where it is we need to go. The directions for the train leave you with a kilometer walk to the show and it is at stops that make no sense. I am planning on just asking when we get to the train station about where and when we need to be going. I think it will be much less of a hassle. Juanita seems to think they are going with me when I take Shayla home after the show but that will be late and we will all be tired so I am sure that will not go well. If I park near home and take the train, we can take the train back and then I can drop them off before I take her. I will take much longer that way but it gives them the option of staying home or going with me and not getting back home until one in the morning.

More water. These are 750ml bottles of water, and this will be my fifth of the day. I will probably have at least four more today and probably six more, depending on when I get home and get to bed. I usually have two as soon as I walk in the door but since everyone is meeting in South Bank to pick up Shayla, I have no idea when I will actually get home. Probably have to buy more water when I get there, which means more water bottles and I have noticed I now have a collection of 14 at home. Time to throw some out.

Time to be going anyway. I have to do some work and this entry is too long. I have noticed that I am making longer entries lately, not as long as some in the past but I was trying to do this more often and less length with each one. But that hasn't worked out. Too much complaining or explaining my life and my problems. I have to keep reminding myself, this is the kids, not me. You can see that has failed. More me than anything. That is why I wanted to start something new, but have not gotten around to it. Or maybe I did and you have yet to discover it. It's a poskability. Probably not though. This is what you get and this is all there is, for the time being.

Still have not gotten all the pre-EKKA information out. Probably be a live blog from the EKKA as the next entry. Maybe I will do another today, but I am tired of typing and I need to take this wrist band off soon or loose a couple of fingers. I can't feel by wrist anymore but my fingers are still working for the time being.  

I went back and re-read this, as I usually do, not always but usually. There were a lot of references I did not elaborate on, like the mouses. And more EKKA. And more hospital and Shayla and everything. But, too long and I am tired. Will have to wait until after lunch, or after work, or after sleep. Probably just after after. I could have even mentioned the dinner last night, but after after. That is the plan.

So until next time,


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