Wednesday, December 18, 2019

MWNews 157

Let's write a new post, full of joy and happiness for the Christmas season and the new year. It will be fun and energetic and make us all feel warm and comfy.

Who and I kidding. Did I forget it was me writing this thing. Warm and comfy is just not me. This is just a place to go when I have nothing else to do. And believe me, I have nothing else to do. So, I have started this once again.

Let's see, in our last chapter, I was complaining about something. Not that I went back and re-read whatever it was I was talking about last time but it's a pretty safe bet I was complaining. I think it was Maeghan's award or maybe it was me being sick, or maybe it was moving to Queensland. Probably none of those so if this repeats anything, pretend the problem is with you and not the writer.

The family has been gone for a while. Off to move into the new place in Queensland. they had the van completely packed, so much so that they had to ride while holding stuff. I don't know how they did that but they are there now and have been for about a month or so, maybe a little less than a month. I have no idea how the new place is or what it is like. I am told it is small but I would have assumed that would be the case. I am only concerned about the location and if it is in a good area or not. Apparently, there are a lot of kids around. It is yet to be seen if they are good kids or not. They do make a lot of noise as I can usually hear them on the phone.

I don't think I have mentioned it before but it is hot there. Very hot and they are currently going through a hotter than normal stage, or most of the mainland is. I am not so sure about where they. It might not have gone their way, the heat that is. I know we are about to feel it where I am. Just in time for me to be working outside cleaning the flower beds and doing the yard this weekend. I am not looking forward to it.

I leave next week. My last day of work is two days from now, or it is at the time I started writing this. I am not entirely sure I will complete it today. I still have a lot of packing and cleaning to do. I have done some, but I got tired and non-motivated and have not done a lot since last weekend. I am hoping to get it all done this weekend as it is my last and it has to be ready to go so I can leave. I still have most of the packing to do but since I don't have a lot to pack, it shouldn't take too long. It is the cleaning that will be the problem. Lots of that to do, especially the outside. All the weeding and cleaning and mowing and chopping I have no idea how much I will actually get done. I would try to do a good job so I can get my bond back but since I never expect to get my bond back at anytime, I am not sure why I would try to knock myself out getting it done. Just do what I can and let them decide how much of my bond they are going to take. All I can really do since I have no way of fighting them if I disagree with anything as I will be on the mainland and unable to argue with them about it.

I should move on to the kids. Not a lot to tell so I will mention the trailer instead. I have the trailer to haul stuff with but it is unregistered. I have been trying to get it registered. Lots of little crap I have to do to get it up to specs but apparently that will not be good enough. The inspector told me it was too rusty and I needed to remove all the rust before I could get it inspected and I do not have the time to do that. So, I am going to try driving it unregistered. I am sure that's not a good idea but at this point, I don't really have a choice. All my stuff will not fit in the back of my van so I have to take the trailer. There is a transport registration I can get but it does not allow anything to be hauled in the trailer, only to move it from one spot to another. I am hoping I can get that and then pretend I did not know I could not put stuff in the trailer. I am sure no one will even notice but just in case, I will get this permit and hope it gets me through.

Maeghan passed the 11th grade. Not that there was a whole lot of doubt about it but she did get her certificate so she is officially graduated. The school system in Queensland is different and we still need to find out what from over here applies to over there. Long story but in Queensland, they have to go through year 12. In Tasmania, it is an option after the 10th grade. Since she has technically graduated and has taken some college courses, it could be that she will not have to attend 12th grade and she can use her certificates to get into TAFE or something. TAFE is the vocational education system people go to instead of college or university. It allows them to get certificates so they can get jobs. If they decide that is what she is allowed to do, then she can start working at anytime. TAFE will help her find a job and give her further training in what she needs to get a job. If they do not allow that to happen, she will have to go to 12th grade and we are not sure what happens to her qualifications at that point. Have to call them up after the first of the year and find out what needs to be done.

We have no idea what William is going to be doing. The private schools over there are expensive and the public schools are public schools so it might not be good. They have not found one yet but will have to call a few in the area to find out which one he needs to go to. I don't hold out much hope there but if I work with him, he might be able to catch up the level he is supposed to be at, which is 10th grade. Since he did not finish 9th grade, I am not sure what that means over there. He left before the end of the school year and I am sure that will hurt him. Don't know a lot about what needs to be done at this point. Have to wait until I get there to find out what is what.

I am told they go swimming everyday while they are there. It is hot. I am not sure I want to go swimming everyday but since it is so hot, I am not sure what choice I will have. And since this is still the beginning of summer, I am sure it will only get hotter.

The apartment has air-conditioning which keeps the bottom floor ok but does not reach the top floor. It is still hot up there, I am told. I will have to see what I can do about that but I do know running the air will cost a lot of money and a lot of money is not something I have. I have no money. I don't have a job. I am not sure how that will work out once I am there. I am ready to retire but I suppose 60 is too early to retire, especially since I cannot access my super until I am at least 65 and probably not until I am 67. Not that it is enough to live on but it is something to look forward to I suppose.

This is going to be a short entry. I am getting tired of typing and since I have done all this at one sitting, I think I deserve a break. I'm tired from working and packing and working and packing so I need to do something else for a while. I suppose driving is what I have to look forward to once I leave. Long ways to go by myself pulling a trailer, and doing it all on Christmas day. I don't really look forward to that.

But, as I said, I am tired and I seem to not be putting out the entries as I was for a while. So, maybe this time I will have something more to say and do another entry soon.

Until next time

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