Wednesday, September 18, 2019

MWNews 146

Once again, I am going to start this but will probably not have time to finish. Not that it is late in the day at work but because I have to move some people from one desk to another in about 30 minutes I will either be too tired to finish this or I will not finish until it is time to leave.

Moving people from one desk to another is apparently something that I have been assigned to do. I am told to only work on the project but the other people in the team are on the phones and they don't like moving people. So, they ask me and then assign all those jobs to me. It's nothing that is complicated or anything but its just hard work. We only move the computer equipment from one desk to another, they are responsible for moving all their junk. And some of these people have a lot of junk.

One good thing about the desks here is that they are all height adjustable desks. That means you can raise and lower them when you want to. It makes it easy to work at them for long periods of time as if you get tired of sitting, you can raise the desk and work standing up for a while. Most people do that and when I am at a desk, I like to do that also. Not that I am at a desk very often. The little room I work in most of the time is just some benches all along the walls and I put my computers on them to do what I need to do. I have a chair but I don't usually use it all that often. Only if I am sitting down to write entries in this here blog.

They have started ordering new desks for this place. Same type of thing in that they are movable but they do not have a lot of features that the old desks have, like trays to mount the computers underneath the desks. You can order some caddies for this but I have found the new caddies are really hard to use. They are not adjustable at all, or actually, they are adjustable but the screw that you would use to adjust them sits flush with the bottom of the desk. So you have to completely remove them to do any adjustments, which kind of defeats the purpose as far as I am concerned. But who said governments are smart. I am sure it was a case of the lower bidder getting the contract for the new desks. They do have a smother and quieter motor to move them up and down and they seem to be a bit larger, probably because they do not have to accommodate a computer underneath them. But the monitor arms to mount the displays are different and hard to use, plus they require a completely different set of screws and mounting brackets so you have to completely remove the old brackets and put the new ones on. They are more user friendly since you can adjust them easily in height and location but I am sure this is because they are new. Once they have been used for a few years, I think they will go back to the hard to adjust and hard to maneuver arms we are used to.

But enough about work, for now. Seems I have spent the last few entries talking about work. I'll try to work in some kids news and maybe even some off color jokes. Can't give the sensors an easy time of it. They need to stay busy too.

As mentioned in earlier entries, or maybe not, who has the time to remember, the kids and Juanita are moving back to the mainland. That will occur the day after Christmas. I am not totally sure what that will mean or what the actual plan is for doing this but it is my understanding they will not be coming back. Now, there is no way they can take all their stuff with them so they will have to come back to get it at some point but right now, I don't know what the plan is for that. They will, however, be going without me. Apparently, there is nothing I can do or say to change this so you can probably guess how I am feeling about it. Not good. Until I know what the actual plans are, I will refrain from commenting but it's not a good idea and they are rushing into it without a plan. Always in the past, I have been able to bail them out of anything they get into but I cannot do that anymore with my job, my finances and my lack of trust in what Juanita plans to do. But we will move on.

They actually have to move out of their house at the end of October. The original plan was to camp until they leave in December. I will fight that the entire time. There is no reason they cannot stay with me and Juanita says she wants me to come live with them on the mainland so I don't see why they cannot live with me until they go. But that is another trust thing and I won't go into that either.

I am almost certain that neither of the kids want to go. William might, he gets to go see his nephews and nieces over there and he is all for that, although I am not sure I like the influence they might have on them. It will give him a chance to make new friends but his school is so bad I am afraid he will just drop out once he gets there.. He is not doing well and he hates it but I guess it could go either way. Either he has teachers and friends that will help him or he doesn't and he stops going. Since I will not be there to influence any of this, it will be up to the people around him and none of them actually finished school, so we know where that will be going.. Another depressing thought. I am full of them.

Maeghan, on the other hand, I am sure she does not want to go. She is still talking about what classes she is going to take next year and what her friends will be doing and she never mentions the fact that if she goes, she will have none of that and will have to start all over in a new school. I know it scares her. That is another thing I will need to talk about soon. Since they might read this, I am not sure if I should type it first but I am going to. I think she should stay here with me. She can go to school and be with her friends until they all graduate. It means another year here in Tasmania, something I don't want either. I am actively looking for work over there but if Maeghan wants to stay, that means a commitment for at least a year. I am not sure I can find work again if this job ends. But I need to discuss the option with everyone. Maeghan and I living over here and William and Juanita living over there is something that I know will not be good but what other choices are there. All of them are bad. If I had a good job, here or over there, then it would all be different. We could work something out. But right now, I don't, so some decisions will have to be made. And very soon.

Have to go do my work now. I never got around to saying anything funny so I will leave this open until I return. Maybe I will think of something. More likely, I will wear myself out and be too tired to do anything but publish this. But if you see more typing after this, then you know how that went.

It's the next day. I never made it back to this and I really only have a couple of minutes right now. So expect another delay. If it was me, I would read really slowly so you don't notice the lag so much. I suppose I should just end this and start a new one but with only about 10 minutes before I have to go again, I am not sure what I am going to do.

One thing I am going to do is complain about the formatting in here again. If I save an entry and come back to it later, the formatting has changed in what I am typing but not in the actual blog. So, once again, I am confused.

I was going to re-read what I have already written but I found a mistake almost immediately and I decided it was better to leave them in. Makes it more personal, I think.

And, I am out of time. Stopped to check on a deployment I have to go to and had to pre-deploy some software to it so that took my time for entering things in here. I hope I did enough to keep you interested but with all my complaining and whining, I am sure the entertainment part is subjective. But, that's the way it is.

Until next time

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