I think I had finished telling what the play was about and what my impressions of the actors were. Also how impressed I was with the band. Maeghan did her part as good as could be expected. She said she did mess up one of here lines during on performance but it was because the other person didn't say her line and Maeghan just continued on. Maeghan has been in several plays over the years and now she is a seasoned professional.
There is not a lot more to say about the play. They did get to keep the raincoats they all wore in the last group scene where they all sang in the rain. I thought they should have had real water falling but they didn't. Kind of a cheat if you ask me. I offered to squirt them with a water gun while they danced but was told I couldn't. I almost got to be in the play as we were sitting on the isle and when the lead actress was running away, they told us to stop her. I was going to help and stop her but she stopped before she got to me. I think I told you about the last play she was in where they were asking questions in the audience and they asked me one so I answered. I didn't get any credit in the program for my roll, but I include it in any resume I create.
One of the main things I do want to include is what happened in the Tasmania State Parliament meeting. We did not know anything about it but these things are apparently televised, kind of like C-Span. Someone sent us a link to it as we did not know it had happened.
It would seem that one of the senators from Hobart got up and made a speech about the play. He congratulated the college and the administration and of course the minister for education for putting on a world class production. Not sure how many world class productions he has been to but I will take his word for it. During the speech, he congratulated the actors and all those involved. What makes it special was he congratulated some people individually. And we know where this is going, he congratulated some of the actors, only five, and one of them was Maeghan. He said these actors created an outstanding performance and they should be thanked for there efforts in making this such a good play. I am not sure I got the wording right but you get the gist. Maeghan was mentioned by the state government in an official meeting that is recorded and stored for all eternity. People hundreds of years from now will be able to look up the minutes of this meeting and see her name. I think that is just really cool.
Don't ask me how you would go about looking up the minutes of this meeting or where it might be stored but I would have to assume it is an official record of the government and they are required to hold these things. The video of this would probably be held at the tv station but I could not find it when I looked. I am sure it is there.
But that's the story of the latest play she was in. A real production with everything that goes along with that. Not that her other plays were not real but they were all kids and stuff done in a small auditorium in the counsel building in Huonville. Yes, it is an official theater group but this one was huge, with real actors and real sets and real music. Ok, maybe they were all high school kids and maybe this is done all the time, but I was impressed and that is all that matters.
After typing all this in, I am feeling like I have left William out. I know this was all about Maeghan but I should say something about William, too. So lets see. William finally got to go fishing. Not sure if anyone, or maybe everyone, knows this about me but I do not like fishing. It's not that I don't like it, I just don't see the advantages. Lots of reasons. First, no matter what anyone tells you, there is nothing you can do to cause a fish to be caught. The fish is either hungry and eats your bait or it is not and it doesn't. Waiting hours on end for a fish to bite is not that fun to me. I can see the relaxing part of it but what usually happens is, I end up putting bait on someone's line, fixing their fishing pole, setting up chairs, being cold and wet or just not having a relaxing time. And, if you actually do catch a fish, the kids can't do anything with it. They can't take it off their line, decide whether to keep it or not, or get their line ready for the next fish. I have to do all those things. And, it brings up the question of what do you do with the fish once you catch it and decide to keep it. Again, I end up finding a way to store it, finding a way to clean it and then finding a way to cook it. And the kids do not like fish, so there is another issue with fishing.
I think he got this whole fishing thing from a friend of his mother. When they go camping, this couple usually goes with them and he likes to fish. So, he takes William. Now, William wants to go fishing all the time. He has been asking for weeks to go but it has either been too cold or raining or we had something else to do so he has been sullen every weekend because he cannot go fishing. And, of course, I am not going to take him so it is up to his mother to take him fishing when she gets a chance. She got a chance to do this last weekend. I was not even asked to go but I think they knew I did not want to and I had other things to do. So I went and did my things with Maeghan, mainly watching the new season of Veronica Mars with Maeghan, and they went to the river to fish. I am told they did not catch anything and the fish ate all of William's bait but the more important part is Maeghan watched all the episodes except the last. We are going to finish that hopefully this weekend but I am told that the ending is not good. We will wait to see for ourselves.
Hopefully, William has got the fishing bug out of the way for a while. We, or I, only live about a five minute walk to the river so it is theoretically possible for him to go down by himself and do that but I am not sure that is a great idea so I or someone has to accompany him whenever he goes. Plus, I never see anyone fishing in that river, except late at night when they fish off the bridge. I know you need a license to fish in most places but I can't imagine they would stop a 13 year old kid from fishing if he wanted to. I mean, how much could he catch. But it doesn't really matter. When he wants to go again, I am sure someone can be found to take him.
Going to go now. At work, supposed to be working and all that. Its been fun with lots of laughs. Don't expect I will be able to keep up this hectic pace but you never know. I guess it is so long from me and so long from him.
Until next time
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