Tuesday, September 25, 2018

MWNews 131

See, I'm out of photos.  Not even sure what this one is but I got tired of looking.

Maeghan leaves for New Zealand tomorrow.  Gone for eight days.  On her own, with no one to pick her up and no one to play with.  Ok, so actually she is going with some of her classmates although the ones she likes are not going.  Probably should have said no to her going also but who knew I would be out of a job for so long.  Kind of an expensive trip but I guess it is once in a lifetime so hopefully, it will be worth it.

William got a FLAMES award at school.  Not sure what that means but he got one for having a good attitude in science.  I'm sure it is something we should be proud of but he doesn't know why he got it either so we just have to say good job.  He doesn't get a lot of awards so anything that shows how good he is doing in school is a positive.  Maybe it means the teachers have stopped hating him.  Only a few of them do and I am not really sure they hate him but I have spoken about it before and everything seems to be going better this term.

They go on vacation at the end of the week.  A two seek break between terms.  Maeghan will be in Alaska but William will still be here.  Not sure how often he will be staying with me.  I don't have any money to take him anywhere so he might prefer to stay at home where he can relax but we will see what he wants to do and do that.

Maeghan will be gone until next week.  She hasn't practiced packing yet and I have been telling her to do it for over a week.  We went to the shopping center last weekend and got her some shower shoes and some other little things.  They did tell her she was not allowed to wear leggings at some of the restaurants they are going to in France.  Leggings is about all she wears so I had to go and get her some pants.  Not sure why she doesn't wear them more often but she didn't have any so I got her one pair.  Maybe that will be enough but I couldn't afford any more than one pair.  It's horrible not having any money.

It's not that I don't have any but I am afraid to spend what I have until I have a real job.  And who knows when that will happen.  I apply for lots of jobs but get rejected each time. I have no idea why.  People I have asked say I have the experience and my resume doesn't look bad but I never seem to get beyond sending in my resume.  I never get the chance to get to the interview part where I think I can shine.  Then again, I have not done any interviews in a long time so maybe I can't do interviews but I haven't gotten the chance to find out yet.

While Maeghan is in Albania I might go to a movie or something.  I have a couple of free tickets that William and I can use but I don't think there are any movies we want to see and I don't want to waste the tickets on a movie we won't like.  We will have to see but I doubt if we will actually go, it's just a thought.

I seem to be having trouble typing today.  Not sure why but my hands keep going numb.  It is kind of strange.  One thing I have noticed since I started writing again is that my comprehension is better and my mind is working really well.  I used to be in a funk and couldn't concentrate for long and I had trouble thinking like I used to be able to.  But now, it seems to have gotten better.  I can figure things out and I can write and think funny things again.  Not sure how to describe it but I think it has helped me a lot.  I am writing and creating things I have not done in years.  Not a lot of funny things in here but I think it will come.  I do feel better about it.

I was writing a play for Maeghan and I to do at the next Shakespeare festival.  I'm not really sure what they do there but it is run by the family of one of Maeghan's friends.  I was writing a skit based on Romeo and Juliet.  Basically, having Maeghan make fun of me for being too old to be Romeo.  I am still working on it but it appears it might even be funny.  I told Maeghan about it and she thought it was funny so we will see where that leads.

William was in the car when I was telling her about it and I think he was jealous and wanted me to do something for him and I.  I will think about it and try to come up with something we can do together.  He won't be able to remember a lot of lines but there might be something I can do.  It would be fun to do something with both of them.  Maybe something for all three of us.  I will just have to think about it and see where it goes. I know I can write something outside of Shakespeare but I am not sure if that is allowed.

Guess I should be going now since my hands are really starting to hurt.  Might be the way I am sitting which is back from the keyboard and reaching out to type but it is helping my back to sit this way and I don't want to move.

On  a quick food note, I made a lot of guacamole today.  I started with two avocadoes and then added another.  When I tasted it, it had too much salt and no lemon so I went to the store and got two more avocadoes and a lemon.  Now I have a big bowl made with five avocadoes.  I am pretty sure I will not be able to eat all that before it goes bad.  I did make some avocado toast but they barely put a dent in the bowl.  I was hoping Maeghan would eat some but she is saying her tummy hurts.  I hope it gets better before she heads to Saudi Arabia.

And with that note, I am outa here.

Until next time

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