Friday, August 31, 2018

MWNews 126

Now where was I. Talking about something important I am sure. Then again, probably not. I just start new from here.

I would talk about some more of the bad stuff but I don't want to do that as much as I do.  Maybe it would help me to talk about it but this is about the kids and I want it to be something they will enjoy reading later, if they ever get around to reading it.  Lots of good stuff in here and maybe they will remember some of it with fond memories.

I think I mentioned that Maeghan is going to college next year, or the equivalent of the 11th grade.  I think we go to sign up for her classes next week, or I think I am taking her to that.  Not sure if that is the case but I am going to try to do that.  She says she has picked most of her classes.  She did say she was going to take Spanish for some reason.  I have no idea why.  Haven't talked to her about what she is actually going to take.  The school is supposed to help her and give her advice.  We have been to a couple of meet the school nights and she talked to a lot of people.  I think she has a pretty good handle on what she is going to do but I probably need to go over it with her to make sure.

She is going to have to take the bus to school everyday.  The city bus although I think she can still get a student bus pass.  It is almost all the way in town and I am not sure when the busses run.  I think they have a direct bus from here to there but I don't know if she has had a look at when they run yet. She takes the bus to school now and most days she takes it home but that is an official school bus and only has school kids on it.  I don't think the new bus is that way although I have been told the direct bus has mostly kids on it.

William has gotten a lot better at school or he seems to have.  He gets in a lot more trouble at school but I think that is mostly being a growing boy.  What I mean by getting better is he actually reads things now.  He's not very fast at it but he can read almost everything he sees so that is much better than before.  Used to, he didn't even try, he just asked someone else to read it for him.  Now, he will read things and then ask what it means so that is much better.  He still does not do his school work very well.  He can when he tries but he always says he never has any work and I don't find out about it until later.  His report cards still put him at the bottom of the class each time.

Some of his problem, and I don't really have much evidence of this but have witnessed it in action a couple of times, if that the teacher really does not like him.  I know all kids say that but I have seen it and been called in to witness it on a few occasions.  It got to the point that I was going to talk to the vice principal about it.  I did have a little talk with him and with William and there has been no other incidents since then that I know of but I didn't report my thoughts on why I think the teacher has it in for him.  It just that on a couple of occasions, she came up to me and reported a problem and made some accusations that turned out later to not be true.  Don't know if it was on purpose or not but if that is happening, her reporting things that are not true, then I should be talking to someone about it.  But, we will just wait and see.

Sunday is Father's Day here.  The kids are coming over to spend the day and night with me. I think I am going to take them to the swimming pool in town.  It is heated and they have been asking me to go for some time I just did not want to take them over to their and house and ask for their swimming suits.  I told them to bring them with them this weekend so I guess now I have to go.  It's cheap and easy, if it is not too crowded, so I am sure they will enjoy it.  Not sure if I will swim or not but I think they might make me even though I don't really enjoy it.  Last time I was there, some lady tried to pick me up or that is what Juanita said.  All I know is she kept talking to me and I couldn't really understand her so I just nodded my head and agreed with her.  It was strange but I don't think that will happen again.

Since the last time I posted, several years ago, I have grown a beard.  A full beard not the goatee that I have had in the past.  I cut most of it off a few days ago, only because I could not get it straight and ended up trimming too much. I am still not sure if I want to keep it but I have had it for almost two years now.

I am still looking for work and the prospects are not looking good for getting work in Tasmania, which means I will have to move to the mainland away from the kids and that will be very, very hard but I still have a couple of months before it becomes a think I am forced to do.  I am hoping something comes up before then that will keep me here.  As I type this, I got a reply from someplace that is rejecting me so it gets worse.

Guess I should be going now.  Not sure what I have to do but I am sure there is something.  Hope to have better news next time and everything begins to work itself out.

Until next time

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