Friday, January 21, 2011

MWNews 88

One more letter to Poppy, then I can start putting pictures in here and having original posts. Maybe.

Before you start to panic, or maybe it is too late, we are no where near the floods that are occurring. We are actually in Tasmania, so even if the floods were where we live, we would not be there.

We live near Sydney, on the Central coast. Yes, it has flooded near us before, but these floods are about 500 miles away. Being in Tasmania, unless the floods cross the ocean, we are safe.

We don't return for another two weeks. We used to live near where they are, in Brisbane, but that was 8 years ago.

We have some concern about the grandkids. They are with their father near Ipswich. Ipswich is two thirds under water right now. They are currently safe, no where near where the floods are occuring, but the family here is worried. No reason to be, but you can't tell them that. For a flood to reach where the grandkids are, the water would have to rise about another 100 meters (300 feet), which would flood most of Queensland.

We are seeing that the floods are being reported all over the world, so Juanita thought we should send you an email saying we are safe. Hope everyone there is well. Will update you if anything changes.

We are supposed to be going camping again tomorrow, but there are very high winds predicted for the next three days, so we might have to cancel or something. Will have to wait and see tomorrow.

Talk to you soon,

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