I think Juanita tried to send the pictures via a text message but I am not sure who or if it made it to everyone she sent it too. We took several with the phones. Over here, they put the tooth in a cup of water overnight and the tooth fairy comes and replaces it with money. I didn't suggest putting it under the pillow, I thought they might think I was crazy. (And as a side note, this computer is acting up again in that it is not typing what I am typing, meaning, I type a whole bunch of words and they do not appear on the screen for several seconds. It makes it hard to catch spelling mistakes and things, but I will muddle through again. As an example, I finished typing this whole sentence before I could see it on the screen.)
I think Maeghan was a little scared about her tooth. As I said, it had been loose for a long time and I think she was afraid of having it fall out. I can understand that as it is a little scary to have things falling off of you. I prefer adding more bulk as it then becomes a good thing if something falls off, you lose weight that way.
Another sign has occurred that I am getting old. My three, soon to be four, year old son now gives me advice on how to play video games. I think I have mentioned he had become addicted to the DS and carries it everywhere. Occasionally, he gets stuck and asks me to help him with something. I never play the DS, so I have no idea how to play any of the games but I give it a go and can mostly figure out how to get past whatever he is trying to do. Sometimes, I can't and he gets an exasperated expression and tells me to give the game back and he will do it or he keeps saying you have to do this and you have to do that and then gets frustrated and takes the game away to show me what I am supposed to do.
I hate that when grownups tell me how to play the games, or what passes for grown ups around here, but to have a three year old be better at the games than I am, well I am sure it is just a matter of time before he is able to push me over and tickle me instead of the other way around. He is already big enough that he it hurts when he hits me or wrestles with me. We have to keep telling him to be gentle when he plays with the other kids and he is bigger than most people his age.
William and Maeghan get along most of the time, (and this typing thing is driving me crazy) but they generally end up fighting. I think Meaghan has figured out ways to get him in trouble all the time. She knows he is bigger and stronger and she cannot always get her way, so she goads him into doing something that gets him in trouble to make up for not being able to push him around.
Right now, Maeghan is on school holidays for two weeks. Actually, she has one week left. She is at a birthday party right now, so William is bugging me constantly. So, in addition to the typing thing, William is driving me crazy. He found the xbox last night, Maeghan wanted to play the Pinata game. While I was getting it out, William found the Cars game, so he has been asking to play it constantly since then. Since Maeghan is gone, he has a chance to play, so I set it up for him. Unfortunately, he does not know how to get from one game to another, so when one ends, he is in my ear asking me to change it to another. Amazingly, if he tries to follow the game, he can usually win, but he doen't do that often, so it takes him a long time to finish any one game.
The other problem is he wants to play all kinds of things that are not unlocked on the game. I have to constantly explain that he can't play as that character or play that race until he wins the other ones. It is a lost cause trying to get him to understand.
Well. this has bugged me long enough. I am sure there are other things, but I can't stand it anymore, so I am going to close this. William is here bugging me again and the mother in law wants the computer. She hasn't said anything, but she is sitting behind me and I am sure that is a subtle hint that she want to play on facebook or something. Gusee I will be going.
So, until next time
Talk to you later
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