Once again, it has been awhile. I think that will always be the case, no matter how I try to keep you updated. You might have noticed that this blog has a new format. Then again, maybe not. Apparently, they have updated the Google Blogger to a different version and it has some new things. Not that I can tell what they are, but it says they are new. You might also notice, if not now, then later in the post, that I am still using Juanita's computer. I cannot type on this keyboard. I should be able to as I type on my laptop all the time, but for some reason, I cannot get used to her keyboard. It does not feel right and things that I expect to be in certain places are not there and I end up over typing lots of things I have already typed. In fact, it has taken me about ten minutes to type the little I have typed so far. I will persevere, but this really is frustrating. I want to make sure you know what I go through to get these things published. Not that I am one to complain. I take it all in stride and never let my personal pain and suffering get in the way of your good times. So on to the merriment and I hope I can get at least some of the thoughts and antics of the twins in here before I throw this thing across the room.
Maeghan is amazing. William is amazing also and I will get to his amazing bits in due time, but first I need to mention some things Maeghan has been doing that are just absolutely delightful. I know I have mentioned several times in the past about her dancing and wanting to go to the club and dance all the time. She is always asking when we can go to the club and if we say we have to wait until payday, she tells us she has money and she can take us to the club. She usually has fifty cents or some odd amount of change, but whenever we mention money to her, she goes and gets her purse and gets her money out.
Anyway, we went to the Christmas carol night at the club. They had a big stage and lots of outdoor stuff for kids to do. Not that we did any of it as it was extremely crowded on the front lawn where they had it. We never actually made it down to that part of the entertainment, but we could see the stage from inside the club and we could hear the music. It wasn't a very good concert or anything and a lot of it was local glee clubs or something singing things that were not really Christmas carols. They also had the current Australian Idol champion there, or the one from last year. I am not sure which, I don't really follow it. But that was not the part we went for. We went to have dinner, then let Maeghan do her thing on the dance floor. It had been about a month since she had been able to get out on the dance floor when we have been to the club. We go about once a fortnight, you will have to look that term up if you live in America, and usually spend some time with Maeghan so she can dance. They have set up a kids area, sort of, where the kids can sit and watch movies, so lately, that is where Maeghan has been since it also allows William to get out of the pram and play.
But this night, Maeghan was in another world with her dancing. I know I have attempted to describe this over and over again, but I cannot really convey the absolute amazing ability Meaghan has to dance. Since most of the people were there for the Christmas things, Maeghan had the dance floor to herself most of the time. She doesn't really mind people watching her, but there is this one lady that seems to always be there, who comes up to Maeghan and tries to pick her up and dance with her. Maeghan will always leave the dance floor if this lady is there dancing. So, if there are other peope on the dance floor with her, she is constantly watching them to make sure they are not going to sneak up on her and try to dance with her. Luckily, on this night, there wasn't anyone like that. Maybe one lady, but she was just telling Maeghan some new dance moves to try.
And that brings us to another attempt by me to tell you about Maeghan and her dancing. On this night, she was absolutely fabulous. She was rocking and twirling and moving her arms and dancing all around. She even did some things where she would skip sideways across the stage and clap her hands at each end of the slide and then slide back the other way. All of this in perfect time to the music. There were whole tables of people who just sat there and watched her in amazement. I would say, in all, there were about 40 people who sat there and watched her for a good half hour and clapped and laughed and were just enthralled by her performance. It was one of those times that if I could have got it on film, it would live forever in her life and be a true peek of what she is capable of. I don't know if she will ever get involved in dancing in the future, but she just seems to be a natural at it. I hope we don't do something to screw it up like forcing her to dance when she does not want to, but it would really be nice to find out if she really has this amazing talent and she can do it because she loves it. Right now, it just might be something she likes doing for a little while, but as good as she is, I do hope she follows up on it someday. Then again, you are probably saying this is all just a father praising his daughter, but I think she really does have talent and if there was anyway I could encourage her, I will try to do that.
Speaking of film, I did manage to get some really short segments of her dancing on my cell phone. It takes really grainy movies, six seconds at a time. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to get them transferred to the computer so I can send them to anyone who wants them. Right now, I can play them using Quicktime and they are ok. I can play them with Windows Media center, but you do not get the sound with them. Not that the sound is anything you need. The phone only picks up very little sound and only if it is close to the phone. I was about 30 or 40 feet away from Maeghan most of the time, so you cannot really hear the music she is dancing to. Plus, there are people walking between me and Maeghan during most of it, so that presents another problem. The movies are not too bad, and you can get some idea of what she was doing, six seconds at a time. As I keep saying, they are not great, but I can put them together and email them to anyone who wants to see them. In all, it is about 4 meg, so it will be large email if you do not have broadband.
I am sure she would have received some kind of ovation when she left that night. There were that many people watching and even the people walking by would stop and comment to us about how wonderful she was and what kind of talent she seemed to be showing. About the time we were going to get ready to go and everyone would have had a chance to clap for her as she was leaving, they started a fireworks show at the concert. We all raced out to see it and did not get the chance to let her have her moment. The fireworks show was really good and Maeghan liked it. William sat through the whole thing and never cried to seemed to take any notice. There were some really loud ones and William just continued to sit there and look bored.
Which brings us to William. Not that I am finished talking about Maeghan, but I am reaching the point where I can no longer type and I need to say a few things about him. He is basically walking now. He just turned one and he can walk pretty much wherever he goes now. It is still a little rocky on his feet, but for the most part, he prefers to walk instead of crawl. Unless you are chasing him and then whatever means he currently has available to him is how he goes. If he starts standing, he will attempt to run, not well, but he will attempt it. If he is sitting down, then he is gone. He can crawl faster than any of us can chase him. If he gets a head start to something or you are tying to pick him and he thinks it is a game, then you cannot catch him. He is one of the fastest crawling babies I have ever seen. Not that I have a lot to compare it to, but he is just plain fast when he crawls.
He can also climb everything now. Even if he can't, he will try. One of his favorite things is to go into Maeghan's room in the morning and wake her up. He is always up first and if he sees Maeghan in her bed, he is off and gets there and climbs into her bed to sit on her faster than you can tell him no and try to catch him. William is also big, so Maeghan is not very appreciative of him climbing on top of her when she is sleeping and waking her up. He weighs more than she does now, and he is only slightly shorter than she is. He is a big boy. I am always amazed when I pick him up as to how heavy he is. I can carry Maeghan all the time, but William is just too heavy to try to carry for any length of time. He spends most of his time in the pram. Except for when he is riding in the shopping trolley, once again, a term that is not used by Americans. You need to substitute shopping cart for that term. William likes riding in the shopping trolley. Mostly, because the trolleys over here have four independent wheels. I don't remember that being the case in America, but maybe it has changed. Basically, it means you can spin the trolley around in a circle while still moving forward. William loves that. We walk down the shopping centers, yes, they have shopping trolleys in the shopping centers because that is where the grocery stores are. Anyway, we walk down the halls spinning the trolley as we go. He loves it. Maeghan does to, so she usually stands up in one end of the trolley and William sits in the seat and I spin them around as we walk from shop to shop. William has learned that he can stand in the trolley also and hold on to the sides. That is another big thing for him, now. I don't spin it when he is standing, but he just likes the new feeling of standing up while he is moving.
Other news, we took Maeghan to the doctor last month. It was her annual or semi-annual checkup. They said she was doing great, or as great as can be expected. We know she will always be weak in the legs and she will always be small, but they said there was nothing else wrong with her and she was doing just fine. One thing they did do was tell us she did not have to wear her braces anymore. We forgot to put them on her before we left as we have noticed that she tends to fall down a lot more when she is wearing them than when she is not. She still falls down a lot but it seemed that with the braces, she was having trouble catching herself when she was about to fall and she tended to hurt herself more with them on. So, having forgotten to put them on before the doctors appointment, they checked her out without the braces and told us there does not seem to be any reason to have her continue to wear them. So, bottom line, she no longer wear the braces for her legs. The doctors did tell us we need to keep her in supportive shoes, no sandals, but if the shoes were strong enough to support her ankles, then she doesn't have to wear the braces anymore. So, it is great news.
Speaking of William walking and climbing everything, today he climbed out of his cot, so now we have to watch him all the time. No where is safe now and he is very energetic about getting into stuff. He watches Maeghan most of the time and if she can do something or goes somewhere, then he tries to copy her and go there too. Maeghan can crawl over the couch and get into this little corner area where she is not supposed to be. William has always wanted to get back there and so far he has never been able to. But. he say how Maeghan does it and now he can do the same thing.
I have lots of Christmas news and I never did tell you about Juanita's party last month, but the kids are starting to get a little noisy and I can not longer concentrate on this keyboard and keep and eye on them, so I will have to cut this short. I'll get back to it as soon as I can, but I always say that and I don't seem to make it. Maybe this time. Anyway, I will try to remember all the things I was going to say and type them in next time. Until then.
Talk to you later.
By the way, I typed in this whole post and when I tried to send it, it failed and I lost everything. But, having had that problem before, I made a copy of it before I tried to send it and was able to recover the copy. So, I suppose this time, someone was actually listening. And, the new blogger has a better spell checker. It seems to work for me. It does flag Maeghan as mispelled everytime and I cannot find a way to add it as the correct spelling, but at least it seems to work now so I can spell check everything each time. Not that it checks grammer or that I used to the correct words, but it does tell me if I mispelled any of them.
Talk to you later
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