We have lost half our bench space (counter space to Americans). William is tall enough to reach up onto the counters now. And he does not know the meaning of the word no. I do believe I have never said no so much in my life. We go hours where the only conversation we have is saying no to William. The kids just will not stop getting into things. Everything, everywhere, all the time. He just came walking in here with my water bottle, open, spraying water everywhere and then fell down across the exercise bike. I got up to see what was wrong but I only took the bottle off of him. He gave me a filthy look as if to say 'what about me, I am the one who fell'. I told him I was only interested in him not spraying water everywhere. He just looked away and sulked. He is now on his way back to annoy Maeghan some more.
I have told you he loves to climb into bed with Maeghan and then sit on her if she does not wake up. He thinks it is hilarious. If he hears you coming for him, he laughs and gets to the far side of the bed so you cannot get him off of it.
I just gave him some breakfast, eggs. He took two bites, ran off to bug Maeghan, and then came back 20 minutes later looking for the rest of his omelet. I had already eaten the rest of it and he was very upset by that.
Enough about what is going on now. I am here to talk about Christmas.
There were only a few of us here for Christmas. I guess it was not a few, but only Maeghan, William, Michael, Juanita and myself. We had a lot of presents that we had set out after the kids had gone to bed. Not that went to bed before midnight, but eventually, they went to sleep. We had already put their new trampoline and sand pit together and they were in the back yard. We got one of those trampolines with the netting around it so the kids cannot fall off. It is large enough for about three kids to be on it at the same time, but I have not checked the weight requirements to see if I can get on it. I am sure that is not possible, but the other day, Michael, Maeghan, William, and another kids from the neighborhood were on the trampoline. I don't know if that was too much, but it certainly would be as much as me. There was another time that four of the bigger kids from the neighborhood were on at the same time, but we have told them only two big kids at a time, so that doesn't happen anymore.
Speaking of kids in the neighborhood, Maeghan has lots of friends around us. Actually, only one across the street as she cannot seem to remember any of their names except the one across the street. They are all bigger than her. Michael has been playing ball with them in the street for a while and Maeghan was playing with Georgia, the kids across the street, for a while. At some point, several other girls showed up in the neighborhood. Two of them from next door, but I have not idea where all of them come from. Since Maeghan now has the cool toys, the trampoline, they all come over here now to play with her. Maeghan also got a new tv with a dvd in it, and they come over to watch movies with her also. When they come inside, they trash Maeghan's room, so we might not be letting them inside much more.
Most of the girls Maeghan plays with are around 6 or 7 years old. Some of them like to play in the sand pit with her, but they get too dirty so I don't think they will do that often. Maeghan and William got a sand pit from Michael for Christmas. It is like a small boat, with a roof over it and it holds quite a bit of sand. It has a storage area in the front of it, but the lid does not latch down, so the kids have thrown it around a lot and it never seems to be on the storage area. They hardly ever play in the street anymore, or at least the little girls do not. I do see the bigger kids riding their skateboards down the stree every once and a while. Some of them have bikes now, but that is mostly the ones at the end of the block and they seem to be part of another gang of kids around here. We also see some older teenagers who walk by on their to the beach almost everyday. I think there are about 4 or 5 of those and I have no idea where they live. It would have to be on our block as we are not on the way to the beach unless you actually live on this street.
Back to Christmas and what everyone got. William got a little car type thing that you sit in front of and move the levers and steering wheel. It makes a lot of noise. He also got a little elmo phone. It makes a lot of noise also. He got a teddy bear that sings and talks. He got some other stuff that I can't think what it was right now, but it all makes noise, so naturally, Maeghan had to show him all the noises they make and he only gets to play with the occassionally. He did get one thing that does not make noise. It is a little bike with trailor that you sit on and push yourself along on. It actually makes more noise than any of his other toys but that is because whenever Maeghan gets on it to ride, William tries to get on with her and Maeghan screams, William cries, and they make so much fuss about which one is going to ride on it that we have to take it off of both of them and tell them to play with something else.
That is one thing about William. He is fine, well not fine he is into everything all the time, but he will play with his toys and be interested in things while Maeghan is not around. But, as soon as Maeghan has anything or is in the room, William only pays attention to her. He tries to play with the toys she has, he tries to sit on her if she is doing nothing. He generally tries to do everything she is doing, all the time. Maeghan hates it. She is always squeeling about William trying to climb on top of her or he is messing up her playing or interfeering with whatever she is doing. I guess it will eventually get better, but William will always be bigger than her now, so he just tries to push his way into whatever she is doing.
William also loves to play ball. He will get a ball and bring it into where you are, sit on the floor and throw the ball. Not always to you, but he will throw it and want you to go get it and give it back to him. There are a lot of places where the ball can roll under something of go where he cannot get it and he tends to aim for those places so you have to get the ball for him. He really likes to play with the balls. He didn't get any for Christmas. In fact, I don't think he has very many balls. Maeghan always likes balls also and we would get her a new one most of the time we went out. She has lots and William plays with them. He doesn't really need any of his own.
Maeghan got several other things for Christmas also. She got a Dora doll, a Dora sit-n-spin, and a Dora computer. It is one of those teaching things that teaches them lots of things. She has already figured out how to play some of the games, like matching pictures and playing the songs. It is noisey also. She also got a new baby. Not a doll, she has a baby. It talks and cries and tries to crawl, but we have not figured out how to get it to crawl more than a few steps yet. We think it might be broken but are not sure. Maeghan likes it. Last night, she had gone to bed and I was playing my game, when she came into the living room and was almost crying. She said her baby kept crying and she had dropped its bottle down beside her bed. She could reach it and her baby was crying. I had to go move her bed to try to find the bottle, it is a little thing, and when I did, she told me the baby wanted me to feed it. I didn't but after she had laid there for a while feeding her baby, she brought in to me and said it wanted more milk. She handed the baby to me, while still holding the bottle in its mouth, and when I took it, she sat on the couch and was happy to watch me feed the baby. I took the bottle out of the babies mouth and it burped, said mommy, then daddy and then went to sleep. I told Maeghan the baby was full and she should go back to bed. She left the baby sleeping on the couch all night.
I know I have told several people about Maeghan's braces, but I don't think I have put it in here. Maybe I did, but she does not have to wear them anymore. Now that I think about it, I think I did put it in an earlier post, but I am too lazy to go back and erase what I just typed.
Maeghan loves her trampoline. Of course, she says it is her trampoline and her sand pit. We have to tell her that they are Williams too. She mumbles something to herself when we say that but she agrees that William can play on them too. She is really good at jumping around. We think it will help strengthen her legs. We don't really have anything to base that on but we will ask the doctor next year if it was a good idea to get it for her. William is not really sure about the trampoline. He will sit there and let people bounce him around, but he doesn't look happy about it. Most of the time, he just tries to chase the balls around that are in there sometimes. He doesn't really try to bounce or anything and he has never tried to stand up.
He does love the sand castle. He is not allowed in it much anymore as he tends to try to eat the sand, but he loves the beach and he loves the sand pit. He gets absolutely filthy in there and has to have a bath immediately afterwards. There was a trail of sand, and I mean an actual trail, from the sand pit, all the way up the stairs and through the house to the bathroom the other day. Most of it is stil on the landing outside. I have no idea how he got so much sand on him and in his clothes, but it was everywhere. Maeghan usually gets sand on her feel and legs, but we wash that off under the outside faucet before she comes in. She usually has to have a bath, also, but she can generally wait for a while, as long as she does not try to get on any furniture or get on her bed.
I got socks.
Michael got some new clothes and a robot thing. He loves his robot thing but I have not seem him play with it lately. I told Juanita it would be fun for a while, but he would get bored with it doing the same things over and over again. I think he has already gotten to that point, but maybe not.
Juanita, got some dvds. The first four seasons of Gilmore Girls. We love that show but it does not seem to be very popular anywhere else. I have the fifth season but it is on my computer and I do not have my computer. It should take her a while to watch all the dvds, but she is already into the second season and I think she has just about finished that one. So, I might need my computer sooner than I think. We almost bought the fifth season, but decided to get Cars instead. Maeghan watches that everynight. We got her Toy Story also, and she watches one after the other for as long as she is awake. Every night.
I bought Juanita a Wii also. That is the new Nintendo game console, as if you did not know that. We had been looking at the and I said we would get one after Christmas, maybe when they went on sale or something, but on the spur of the moment, I decided to trade in my XBOX and her Nintendo Gamecube and all our games to get the Wii. It was a pretty good deal as I already have the Xbox 360 and most of the games we have will not play on that. They gave us enough back for almost the full price of the Wii, so it worked out pretty well. Michael was pretty upset and we had moved the Xbox down to his room when I got the 360, and he has several games for it himself. He kept his games. I don't know what he is going to play them on, but he says he wanted them, so he kept them. Now he does not have any games to play so he spends all his time on my 360, which is in the living room on the big tv, so no one can watch tv anymore. We took Maeghan's old tv and put it in our room, even though we have a perferctly ok tv downstairs that the other kids watch. They should be working on getting their own tv but they are not working on anything to help themselves out. But I won't say anymore about that.
We really like the Wii. It has the sports games, and we bought an extra controller which came with some other games. The main problem is we cannot get another nunchuk for the extra controller, so a lot of the games we cannot play two player. It seems there are no nunchuks left in Australia and they have thousands of them back ordered. I won't go into what a nunchuk is or what it does, just tell you that you have two controllers with the Wii, the Wiimote, which is the motion sensitive controller and the nunchuk, which is also motion sensitive. It attaches to the Wiimote and it allows you to do more things with some games. Without it, you can't play those games that require it. As soon as they get some new ones in, we will go down and buy one.
Playing the Wii can be very tiring. There are some games on there, like the sports games, that require you to play standing up and moving around all the time. It gets to be exhausting. They have a Wii physical on the machine that is suppossed to measure how ready you are to play the games. If you take the tests it has, it gives you an age group that you are currently at. The idea age is 20. I scored at age 76. No one else has been game enough to try it, so I don't know if that is good or bad, but it appears to think that whenever I play the games, I am a 76 year old man and it adjusts to let me play a little slower than normal. You can only take the test once a day, so I have not had a chance to retake it.
I did get a couple of new games for the 360. One, and I won't go into it, is a role playing game and it can take years to play all the differnt scenerios. Michael and I have been playing it constantly since Christmas. I have about 70 hours play time on it and Michael had over a hundred. That is actual play time in the game. It does not count all the time you spend setting things up and checking on different things to make sure you have your character the way you want them. Michael has two games on it, one at 40 hours and one at 60. He stopped playing the 40 hour game when he did something wrong and forgot to save it before he did it. He does have a problem with saving games. He has twice saved over the top of my game. Fortunatly, I keep two same games and sometimes more on the machine, so I have only lost a few hours of gameplay each time. Now, I keep three saves out there and then, if I have a difficult part, I keep four or five.
Well, I should probably get going now. Juanita wants to use the computer and I want to play a little more of my game, before I have to do some work. I have way too much work to do to be playing games, but I have so much work, that I don't know where to start, so I will play the game while I think about it. Anyway, until next time.
Talk to you later.