Tuesday, September 12, 2006

MWNews 46

I wrote a large entry into this the other day. I spent about two hours on it. Then, I went to publish it and my program got a fatal error. No where could I find what I had typed. So, the lesson here is, watch what you say, no one may be listening.

Got some more vacation stuff. I have about three more posts about our vacation. Then we can move on to the latest news. Which, since William has learned to crawl, involves typing two words and then telling William, NO. He is now getting into everything and most of our time is spent chasing him around the house making sure he is not pulling something on top of himself.

We forget, but we did not have this with Maeghan. She didn't crawl around much, until she learned to frog hop and even then, she did not go lots of places where she could no longer see us. She didn't start walking until she was around two, so we have not had to deal with a really mobile child in a while. He is constantly in motion and headed somewhere. We have the toys in a somewhat neat pile in the lounge room. Maeghan gets them out and spreads them around most days, but it never really gets too bad. Since we try to put them back in their piles most days, they are sitting there each morning when William begins wandering.

He has learned to climb up on top of the toys he doesn't play with and get to the little toys he likes to carry around. There is a picture of Maeghan in her little home-made rocking horse. I mention it because we still have it and William uses that to climb up to get the blocks. They are in a box behind the rocking horse. We put them there so William will not be able to get to the box and throw all of them around. He has figured out that he can climb in up through the rocking horse, (it would take too much explanation to tell you how this is done), and reach back to the blocks.

I mention all this as he is right now over by the toys doing just that. Climbing over the rocking horse to get to the blocks. He seems to have given up on that this time and has become interested in the swinging monkeys on the little castle thing.

But this post was to be about the vacation and I will get back to that shortly. It is mostly about Maeghan, so I thought I would get a few things in about William first, but I think I am done with that now, so I can proceed with the adventures. Although, William has been up for about 30 minutes now and he will be wanting someone to pay attention to him soon. I just got up to get a cup of coffee, and he noticed that I was in the room and started whining for me. But I ignored it, you have to be strong sometimes. He lost interest as soon as I sat back down and is now trying to get to one of Maeghan's toys that she does not let him play with when she is around. The both want to play with my new xbox controller. It is white and I suppose they are tired of playing with the old black ones and everytime I have the new one out, both of them are trying to get to it and play with it. Probably because they want to be like Daddy, but mostly because they just don't want you paying any attention to anything but them. By the way, typing Daddy and having it refer to me is really strange. Not something I have ever really thought about but I usually do not type Daddy, so I suppose it has not come up before.

The vacation. Right, back to that. Not that you would know it, but we just had to take a30 minute break for William. He is getting lonely now and wants all the attention. No one else is awake yet, so I had to go play with him. Not that he wants someone to pay with him, he just wants to be held so he can reach things that are higher than he can normally reach. Have I mentioned that he is constantly in motion. He will not stay still for any time. As soon as you pick him up, his head is going, he is looking around and trying to reach anything he can see. It is almost impossible to hold him anymore. He is too (ok, I have tried several words in this place and I cannot spell any of them, so you are going to have to fill in your own words that basically means he moves around too much as I cannot continue to try to spell things I cannot spell) fill in the blank.
While in Brisbane, (vacation talk), we went to the EKKA or I should say 'The Ekka'. I have no idea what EKKA stands for not do I know why it is called 'The Ekka', but if you don't know what that is, think Fat Stock Show or Sydney Easter Show and you pretty much have the idea.

The Ekka is kind of hard to see. It is not laid out very well and it spreads across several places that I am not entirely sure are there when the Ekka is not in town. I know we never went down to that area when we lived there but when the Ekka comes to town, this whole area is converted to a show. There are buildings and livestock areas and all sorts of things that I did not know were there. The problem is, since it is not designed as an exhibition area, it makes it hard to find anything or no where you are while you are there. I am certain we did not visit everything, and we were there from the time they opened to the time they closed. We spent a lot of time backtracking and going through things we had already been through.

I have to go now. William is throwing a fit and wants breakfast. I cannot do both, so I will get back to this later, probably today, so I can tell you more about some of the things Maeghan did during the Ekka. Until then.

Talk to you later Posted by Picasa

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