Friday, September 09, 2005

MWNews 21

Maeghan asked me to take her to bed last night. She always does that, so it was no suprise. I was laying on the couch, so I asked her to carry me. She said she can't. I asked her why, expecting her normal answer of 'cause. This time she said. 'I can't 'cause I am a baby.'

If it gets an cuter around here, we might have to sell tickets.

She was also doing a really funny thing about William. It doesn't really translate into telling it, it is one of those things you had to be here for. I would try to do it justice, but there is really no way unless you see her so you will just have to accept it was really funny. Of course, she noticed we were laughing about it so, she kept doing it all night.

She has also almost learned all the words to twinkle, twinkle little star. She sings it on her own now. Most songs, she will ask you to sing and she will sing along, but for some reason this one she will just start singing all on her own. She does it while walking around in the mall, and she does it really loud. It is just another thing that makes people point and stare at her.

They changed the date of Williams birthday. It is now Dec. 5. They had told us sometime between Nov. 22 and Nov. 29, with the most likely date of Nov. 25. We had a different doctor this time and she said that was too early and went ahead and booked us in for Dec. 5. Since we are having ceserean, the date if pretty well set, unless she goes into labor beforehand. I had already arranged my vacation for the Nov. 25 date, but I am not going to change it. I will probably need that week to get ready for everything.

I still haven't heard from the hospital about my angiogram. The doctor said to ring him back if I had not heard from them in three weeks. When I have tried to ring the doctor back, no one answers. Have I mentioned how much I dislike the medical system over here. It's probably my fault as I should have private insurance, but even private insurance will not cover me for a whole year after I start coverage, which means I will have to pay for it for a year before they will pay for anything and even then, they will not cover everything, so I have left it as public coverage. I have to pay a 1.5 percent penalty each year for not having private but if you get free hospital coverage, it is worth it. It is just the wait for procedures that bugs me and everyone else but no one seems to want to do anything about it.

Juanita has to go for more tests next week. She is borderline for diabetes. They say it is sometimes normal for pregnant women but with her family history, they want to do more tests. She is just borderline at this point and they say they are not worried about it, that the test are just routine, but we will find out for sure next week.

I have to go cook dinner now, so I will keep this one short. I went back through some of the latest entries and saw that they were really long. Not that it is a problem but they seem kind of excessive. I could break those up into seperate posts and have more entries. You might also have noticed that I changed the archive to once a month instead of once a week. Not that it matters when reading the messages as it keeps the last seven entries active but it might make it easier to go back through archives. I have no idea how long archives are kept but I read other people's blogs and they have entries for several years back, so I guess I don't have to worry about backing it up. I'm not sure if there is a size limit. With me posting pictures each time, it would seem like it would get really large and cost me something to keep it, but so far, I haven't hears anything.

I am making baked chicken wings tonight, with corn on the cob and mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts, although I might not make the brussel sprouts. On another food note, I found some spaghetti sauce that has some repectable heat. It isn't that good of a spagetti sauce but it is hot enough that I don't have to add anything. It is at a store over here called Aldi's. I don't know if you have those over there yet, it is a German company apparently. It is a discount store where they make special buys of things and sell them much cheaper than a normal grocery store. They have a lot of other things there too, like this computer I am typing this on. Lots of other stuff, too. I mention it because it was strange to find somthing like this at Aldi's. I don't know how long they will have it. Like I said, they make special buys and sometimes don't have a regular supply of things. They change brands when they find something cheeper, so you neve know what you will find. Hopefully, I can get some more of this next week. They have another style that is based on olives. I haven't tried that one yet. I think it might taste better and if it does, I will combine the two sauces and have my own spagetti sauce.

Now you might ask why I am using canned or jar spagetti sauce. It is because when I make spagetti, I have to make at least two different sauces and sometimes three different ones. And since there are only three of us here, each person gets their own sauce. So I got tired of doing them all from scratch and will use the canned stuff as a base for whatever I add. Michael likes sausage in his, or mince, whichever I have. Juanita likes shrimp in hers. I like mine hot and with no meat. Juanita will eat the one with mince in it, so if I don't have any shrimp, she will eat that one. Maeghan will eat anything with noodles in it, as long as there is nothing but tomato sauce on it.

Another reason it is important to find a sauce that is hot is that I am almost out of my Dave's insanity sauce. I bought one jar when I was over there the last time and it has lasted until now. Since I cannot get fresh peppers all the time, it helps if the sauce is already hot.

Now that I have typed some meaningless stuff after I said I was going to keep it short, I will really sign off now. The chicken has been in for an hour and I have to make the potatos.

Talk to you next time.

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