Friday, August 05, 2005

MWNews 8

Haven't had a chance to add to the list lately. I have been busy at work and busy setting up my new computer so I haven't gotten around to it.

Maeghan is still being cute. She just can't help it, I suppose.

I think we have resolved the 'spin around' mystery. This is where she sings spin around, spin around over and over again while spinning in a circle. She has been going to ballet classes once a week. It is for little kids like her. In this class, the teacher tells the kids to hold out their arms and spin around. The teacher keeps repeating this to the kids as most of them have no idea what to do and just run around the room ignoring the teacher.

Not Maeghan. She listens to everything the teacher says and does exactly what she shows her to do. She is not very graceful at it but when the teacher says spin around, she holds out her arms and spins around. And when the teacher says hands up, she puts her hands up and then she says clap hands and Maeghan claps hands. I only saw one class and there were only two other kids in it, but Maeghan would follow along with the teacher while the other two would just run around the room and scream. You could tell it was annoying Meaghan but she kept trying to follow what the teacher was saying.

This is also where she got the 'now stop' and 'now go' thing. The teacher says this when they are dancing around the room. Maeghan really likes the classes. She had to miss it one week because she was sick but everyday after that, she would say she is going dancing today and we would have to tell her she had to wait. She is always saying she is going dancing now and gets really upset when we tell her she has to wait.

She also goes to playgroup at the same place. Since it is in the same building and same room, she thinks this is dancing, also, except there is no teacher in this one and she and the other kids just play with each other. I haven't made it to one of those yet, but I assume they don't have any structured activities. She just likes to play with the other kids. She tells Mommy she is going to play now when they get there and runs off and plays. There were a couple of times when she stayed with Mommy, but we think that is just because she wasn't feeling well.

She has been sick a lot lately. She has been getting this tummy bug that everyone else is getting. She has had it three times so far, but each time, it doesn't seem to last as long. She will be sick for a couple of days and then be ok for a week and then get sick again. Of course now, she will tell you she is sick and she needs her bucket. She gets this because the first time, she was being sick about every 15 minutes all night long. We ran out of towels and clothes for her and were having her lean over a bucket when she felt sick. Now, that is the first thing she says when she is not feeling well. She says, 'I feel sick. I need my bucket' even if she isn't really ready to be sick. She does, however, usually have a fever when she says she is sick so we listen to her and give her medicine.

She has also started asking what everything is. She is constantly asking what is that and pointing at something, even if she asked the same question five minutes earlier. We tell her what things are but after 15 or 20 minutes of this, it gets harder to answer her every time.

Last night, she was singing and dancing in the play room all by herself. I was in the kitchen making dinner and she was in the rumpus room playing her piano keyboard. This is the one she got for Christmas last year. The one I have sent pictures of her sitting behind it. It plays several different songs depending on what keys you press. She would walk over to it and press buttons until it played a song she liked. She would then step back and bounce up and down and spin around and sing whatever song she could think of. Most of the songs were just different lines from different songs but she was really enjoying herself. I called out to Mommy to come look but she heard that and wouldn't do it anymore.

She then started hiding in her playhouse thing. It has two tent like ends and a tunnel inbetween. She would sit in one end and call out to me that I couldn't find her. I would then pretend to look for her in different places and she would laugh and say I'm not over there. As soon as I would find her, she would laugh and say let's do it again and then she would hide in the same place and say you can't find me again. So we would have to repeat the same process over and over again. I got Juanita to do it once and she loved this even more. From that point, when one of us would find her, she would call out to the other one and say it's Daddy's turn or it's Mommy's turn and hide again.

There is some other stuff I was going to write but I will do it tomorrow. I have to get ready to go home from work now. I have been working six and seven days a week for a while and I haven't had a lot of time. Hopefully, it will slow down in the next couple of weeks but probably not.

Talk to you later.

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