Friday, September 01, 2023

MWNews 234

Had to come back for a bit. Never mentioned that Maeghan gradiated. Yeah, I know, it is spelled wrong but that is how I say it to annoy Maeghan, so it stays.

Today is a student free day. No kids at school. So I have time to type. Not that I really feel like typing, but I will try.

Maeghan gradiated last week, or she had the graduation ceremony last week. I would have pictures but none of the ones I have are very good. I ordered some professional ones but have not received them yet. That was a weird ordeal as they only accepted PayPal and my PayPal account is from about six or seven years ago. The card associated with it is no longer valid, so I have no idea how the payment went through, but it did. Since I put Maeghan's contact details in everything, they will go to her to say that it has not been paid. But for now, I have receipts that say I paid for it. We will see how that turns out.

Juanita and I went to the ceremony. William decided he wanted to go at the last minute, but we had not bought a ticket for him, so he had to stay home. It was a very long ceremony and Maeghan's class was not until the very end. Plus, we had to listen to speeches, so it made it even longer as the people giving speeches apparently hadn't done it before.

The pre-ceremony wasn't bad. They had some guy playing guitar and singing. He did that for an entire hour and a half straight. Didn't take a break or stop for anything. Just one song after another. And he wasn't too bad, so that was pleasant. They were selling drinks also, so a few of the guests that were there seemed to get into that a bit too much. Nothing happened, but it was different seeing a bunch of people walking around drinking beer at a graduation ceremony. 

The food wasn't that great, although everyone else seemed to like it so maybe it was just me. Sausage rolls and some little chicken sliders. The sausage rolls weren't bad, if you are a fan of sausage rolls, but the sliders didn't have a lot of flavor. Nothing else to choose from, but there was a lot of it.

Now that Maeghan has gradiated, she is looking for work. Not sure why she couldn't have looked before but now she is serious about it. She is looking for baby-sitting jobs and au Pair jobs. Babysitting if she cannot find work as an au Pair but she says there are a lot of people looking for someone to come live with them and take care of their kids. She hasn't really had a lot of responses from her enquiries yet, but I am not sure how many she has applied for or if they said no or just did not respond. 

I keep asking her how is she going to get paid. If she gets paid, then she has to pay taxes on it and I am not sure how you do that. I suppose that will be my weekend, trying to figure out how to incorporate her. I think it is a difficult process, but lots of people do it, so it probably isn't that hard. I looked into it at one point so I could become an independent contractor, but I found it a bit difficult so I did not pursue it. Now I have to figure it out for her.

William still has the tax problem. He is wanting to get his taxes he paid back, since he did not make enough money to pay taxes last year. I have tried to file his return, but you have to register with the tax office and prove who you are. They want you to send them copies of any documents you have shared with them to prove it is you, but since he has never filed any documents, they say he has to go through some other agency to prove it is him so they can tell the tax office that it is him. Very confusing, but since everything is done online now, there is not a manual way of doing it, or I have not found one yet. Have to work on that too, but it requires sitting on the phone with Centrelink for hours waiting for them to talk to you and I have been unable to find the time to do that.

William is home sick today. But since it is a student free day, he is wasting a sick day. He was sick last night, or so I am told. I fell asleep on the couch and was awakened by a lot of commotion with them running around making sure he was not sick in the wrong places, like on the floor. He was, it smelled, I went to bed, and they dealt with it. Haven't heard anything this morning. Maybe they are all mad at me for not helping. I had to go to sleep for work, so there wasn't a lot I could do to help. I just sent them a message asking how he is doing.

The kids and Juanita got me a new Xbox for Father's day. I have been saving shopping points and I kept telling them it was so I could buy an Xbox for myself for Christmas. I was half joking, I don't need a new Xbox, but they took me seriously and used all my points to buy me one. They had to add a bunch of money to it but Juanita said she had been saving it and Maeghan used her money to help, so now I have a new Xbox Series X. Now all I need is a new TV to play it on. Our TV has been going out for a few months now and has lines across the screen with bad pixels. And it is not 4k, so it will not use the capabilities of the Xbox. A new TV is not really in the plans, or not until after Christmas. I have to fix the car first. Guess the car is going to wait but I can't really justify that. Hopefully, something will work out and I can do both.

We really need a second car, also. I have been looking into that, and I could get one, but it means I will not be able to save any money for other things if I do. My priorities have been, fix the old car, get a new car, get a new TV and then possibly get a new Xbox, but there are other things that have priority, so that plan might have changed. Now, I have the new Xbox, so I might have to change around some things. I always thought, if I could find the right car, I would get the new one before I fixed the old one, but that is a commitment that I have not made yet. Just waiting to see how bad the old car gets and if Maeghan really needs a car to get around in. She cannot drive the van and the van is the only thing we can haul around her wheelchair in. A new car that can do that is not really an option. 

So, I planned on getting a small car she can drive, but that means William cannot drive it because he is too tall. And William needs to learn how to drive also. What I have wanted to do is save enough money to do all of it and not go into debt. Right now, we have no debts. That was the point of taking this job, save some money to get the things we are going to need in retirement, so I don't have to try to buy them out of pension money. The problem with the retirement plan here is that it assumes you will be owning your own home. If we had that, I could retire now, but we don't, so I have to keep working to try to get the things we are going to need, like a new car and new furniture and anything else that we will have to buy once I am no longer working. Lots of stuff I have to plan for. I can get there, but things keep coming up, like the car, and this trip to Tasmania they are all taking in a couple of months. Maeghan getting a new job and having to take her there. Petrol has gone out of site, so that is an expense that is not planned for either. 

Where was I going with all this. See, this is why I don't want to write in here anymore. It is just an exercise on my complaints and my problems, and I do not want it to be that. I know I had some news about the kids, but now I am just venting my frustrations. I hate it. I have lots I will go into if I keep typing, like work and the changes/plans there. (I volunteered to take charge.) But, I am going to just stop typing. Probably should do some work anyway.

Until next time,



It will all be ok in the end, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.