Another month, another lockdown. That's right, we seem to be in lockdown again. Three days this time with the chance for it to go longer. And right before Easter. Not good timing. What makes it worse is that I was actually in one of the places where one of the positive tested people were said to be. No idea what time they were there but I was at the shop that day so I am supposed to be in a 14 day self quarantine. Along with everyone else that lives here. It's fun times all around.
William is happy as he was supposed to go on Easter break next week but with the lockdown, he has an extra week. He is already bored as we cannot go anywhere and he broke his TV in his room. Not sure how it happened but he said it fell off the desk and cracked the screen. It works, if you don't mind a big blue streak across the screen all the time. Maeghan has now offered him her TV until we can replace his. Not that she was ever watching it, she says it is too hot in her room and the air conditioner does not reach all the way to the back of the house so she spends her time in our bedroom on in the living room at the desk or watching the big TV. I don't think she is happy about it and I did have to prompt her to volunteer to do it, but she says she was already thinking of doing it so it worked out well.
Speaking of other people in the house, I am sure I am not supposed to tell anyone although it is fairly common knowledge now, but we have two extra people living here. One is Leslie, one of the grandkids. He has been here off and on for about three months now. He originally was to live in the garage but we were told that was illegal so he is in with William. Not that he is ever in there. He still spends all his time in the garage watching his TV and playing his games. He only comes out to eat and to beg for cokes. Of course, he has a sneaky way of doing it in that he comes out and asks if we want a coke and makes it for us and then asks if he can have one too. We try to keep it to a minimum but as Juanita, William and Leslie go through about 3 liters a day, I'm not sure if the minimum is all that small. It is sugar free coke so I suppose there is that. I buy a box of 6 one and a half litre bottles a week and it never lasts the whole week. I don't drink it and Maeghan doesn't drink it so it is those three going through it all.
The other person who is living here and where I do not know if we are supposed to tell or not, is Anna, another grandchild. She is about to turn 21. She is pregnant. She was couch surfing with all her friends until we found out she is pregnant, she is three months along I think, so we told her she had to live here. Not so sure for how long but the biggest problem is her dog. A huge dog. I think she claims it to be an American Staphie. I have no idea what that is but he is a very big dog. And he lives inside. He is well behaved and trained but he is just too big to be inside all the time. That is the main reason she does not have a place to live. No one will put up with her dog for very long. She was living with someone but he got mad at her leaving the dog there all the time and kicked her out. Maybe I have that story wrong but she doesn't live there anymore. He is not the father and as far as I know, they were not together in any way. Again, I can't say what the actual living arrangements were but he moved out just after he kicked her out.
The father, or so I am told he is the father, lives with his mother, just got fired from his job and is facing a jail term for violating his parole. That story I have tried to have no opinion on as it will just cause more angst for everyone if I get involved. So she just lives here. She spends a few nights a week over there and leaves the dog here with us, the dog is not allowed at the fathers mothers house. She asks us to drive her over there or come pick her up most of the time but while it is only about 30 minutes away, during peal hour traffic, it is in the heart of where all the traffic is, it takes about an hour and a half to do that during those times. Plus, we are trying to save wear and tear and petrol on the cars so we have to tell her to find some other way a lot of the time. She gets the father to pay for an Uber most of the time. Not sure how much that costs but she refuses to take the bus, which would be door to door for her but she doesn't do it so its at the expense of others to get her around. She will sometimes call her mother to come do it for her but as she lives on the other side of town, that is about a four hour trip here and back. Not that her mother has anything else to do but it is a colossal waste of time and money for her to do it.
Speaking of the mother, we won't speak of the mother. Maybe a few tales for another day but Anna coming to live with us instead of living with her mother caused a great deal of issues. The fact that her mother lives in her car about half the time didn't seem to be an issue. She just felt she was being left out of the baby making process and gave us all kinds of grief about it. But we aren't telling that tale today.
This lockdown is causing a major issue with Maeghan and her trip to Tasmania. Not sure if I have told it or not but Maeghan is, or was, supposed to go over for a wedding in late April. Juanita was going to go with her as I bought her tickets to fly over for our anniversary. I know, not the best of gifts but I don't have a job so it was both practical and thoughtful as Juanita has been trying to find a way to get us all back over there for a visit for a long time. So I was going to send her for a week with Maeghan.
With the lockdown, Tasmania has closed it borders to anyone from our area. Not sure for how long but as of right now, they are not allowed to go. It could change in the next three weeks but we have no way of knowing that now. So they will probably have to change the plans. The big issue with that is the airfares. While I know the airlines will give them vouchers for future flights if they are unable to go, I got a great deal with the flights. Normally, it would cost about $300 each round trip to go from here to there. But with the pandemic supposedly ending, the airlines were giving great deals on flights. I got them both tickets for only $300 total. It was a great deal as the sale fairs fell right in the timeframes of when they were going. If it gets cancelled, they will have the vouchers but they will be required to pay the difference in ticket prices when they plan the trip again. I am sure I will not be able to find the same deal so it is going to cost me more money to do it. And, with my financials at the moment, that might not happen. So we will lose the money. But that is worrying about something I can't do anything about right now. Hopefully, Tasmania will open its borders again and they will be allowed to go with no restrictions. We will have to wait and worry about it until then.
And, speaking of my situation, I am our of work. I am looking at retirement options but that will not happen. I have looked into social security from the US but best case is I can't get it until I am 62, which is in a year. Worst case, I cannot claim it at all as there were some laws or something passed in 2019 that restricts how you can access it from overseas. I have started the process but am waiting for the US government to get back to me. For some strange reason, the US government for the SSA is in the Philippines. I have no idea why they do not have an office in Australia but according to the website, that is the closest site I need to go to, so there is that. I have heard tales of this and the problems people have in getting all the paperwork and documents required to access their social security so I am dreading having that fight with the government. I looked it up several years ago and thought the process was fairly straight forward but with the new laws and the new websites, it is not so easy anymore. Guess that will be a lot of fun.
Juanita says I have to retire but I don't see it as possible. No where near enough money coming in and with all the new people living with us, we just cannot make it on that kind of income. I told my work to give me a few weeks to decide when I can come back but I am a contractor and if I drop off the grid for a while, I am replaced by other people who do not have my problems. As my benefits end this week, I have told them to find me a job. They had one. About four hours work doing some kind of network install but that is not my expertise and Juanita says I can't do it but I have to. Hopefully it gets me back into the game and I can get two or three days work a week. We might be able to make it on that for a while, until I can sort out this social security benefits situation. I am told I have some options over here for pension pay or something but from what I have seen so far, you have to be in dire needs to get that and we are not there yet and to get there, we basically have to be homeless. I'm looking into it but it does not seem hopeful. I do have my super over here but you cannot access your super until you are 67, unless you once again have dire circumstances that require the money early and even then, they only allow $10000 a year to supposedly tide you over. It's a bad situation and not something that belongs in this blog so I will leave it for another time.
Guess I should be going now. I have noticed I didn't mention food at any point so I suppose I just ruined that. I do have some other tales to tell but most of them are about me and my health and I am tired so I will leave it for now. Since we are about to be kicked out of our house for a time while they replace the bathroom, I have no idea what happens when that comes about. I probably forgot to mention the fact that the bathroom is leaking behind the wall in our bedroom and to replace it, we cannot be in that room or maybe not even in the house so I have no idea how that will work out. But we do have a couple of weeks before that actually happens.
I'll be going now.
Talk to you later