Friday, April 15, 2011

MWNews 96

Not a lot to add between yesterday and today but since I am sitting in a meeting at 3 am and this screen was still up on my computer, I thought I would type into it.  Kind of shows what kind of meeting it is.

Had I mentioned I finally got a new computer for myself.  Don't have to use the Mac anymore for doing this.  Not that I will never use it but now I have a choice.

I got a new laptop.  ACER something or other.  Core i5 processor, 4M memory, 500 gig hardrive, not a lot of bells and whistles but all I really needed it for was feeding my XBOX.  Works like a dream.  Download files to my laptop, run them over Media Center to the Xbox and everything works with no problems so far.  As I download about 20 different podcasts, I just download them via iTunes and have Media Center watch that library so I can watch the video podcasts on the TV.  I can do the same thing with TV shows and movies, although these days a lot of that is already built into the Xbox, but doing it on the laptop gives me greater storage.  I don't know how we ever lived without this capability.  I can even show slide shows of our pictures on the TV, although somehow, no one ever comes over to look at the slide shows, even if I set them to music.  Go figure.

The kids went swimming yesterday.  It was about 19 degrees.  I guess they felt obligated since they are on school holidays and can't waste that valuable time without going swimming.  I am not sure how they survived.  Maeghan will swim in anything, no matter what the weather but William only stayed in about 5 minutes.  Much, much too cold.  Karen took them down and watched them.  I was against the idea but they insisted.  We thought as soon as they hit the water, they would be right back out but Maeghan stayed in for about 30 minutes.

Karen has gone to stay the night with Angela.  She sent a text message asking if we could come rescue her as soon as possible.  Sometime around noon today is what I am thinking.  Later if I am feeling evil.  Not that there is anything wrong over at Angela's house, but the her kids are not there and apparently someone over there is talking Karen's ears off.  Did not catch who it might be but I will wander over that way sometime today and relieve her from that situation.

My meeting has just broken up and I am thinking about going back to bed.  Since I had to put my contacts on to see the computer screen, I am not sure if I will take them back off before I go back to sleep.  Probably a good idea to do so but I am not sure I will.  Lazy I guess.

We still have plans to go to the movie this weekend.  I think it will be too cold and it might rain, but we will drive up there, it takes about an hour or so, and see what we can see.  There is this really great playground near there that the kids just love.  It has all kinds of things to play on.  A flying fox, a spinning swing thing, lots of things to climb on and hide under.  It is really a great park.  We try to go there anytime we go to the drive in.  Hopefully, it will still be ok this time as they had just completed it the last time we were there and that was a few months ago.  I hope other kids have not screwed it up and broken the rides and things.

I was planning on going to the Italian festival this weekend.  I guess we are not going to make it.  There is a new park that opened near there that we have only seen when they were building it.  It is supposed to be the biggest rope climb and play area in NSW.  It looked pretty big when we were there last.  It just opened last month so we have been saying we would go by as soon as we can.  I thought the Italian festival would be a good opportunity but I have been outvoted, I think.  That festival is in a newly refurbished area also.  We were there sometime last year for the oyster festival, which we did not get to attend as they were just setting up for it, and it was a fairly nice little area back then.  It is right along the water, part of Brisbane Bay although you cannot see the actual ocean from there, but it is a nice place.  They have a permanent market there we sometimes go to.  It is small and very crouded but they have different things than most of the other markets so it is good to go sometimes.  Plus, it is a pleasant drive.  Only about 45 minutes to get there but you get to go into the bush and along the ocean and then across the bay so you get a bit of everything.

Speaking of that area, or near that area, they just sank a big battleship near Avoca Beach the other day.  Not really a battleship, but it was some navy ship they had been planning to sink there for some time.  Been battling in court with the environmentalists for almost two years but they finally did it on Wednesday.  We wanted to go see them do it but there was supposed to be a big crowd there to watch and all the rodes were closed so you would have to walk in to the area where it was happening.  Plus, I am not sure where we would get a good view of it and since it was about 2 kilometers out to sea, I am not sure what we would have seen anyway.  We saw it on the news and it was not that spectacular.

They are apparently making an artificial reef or something and they are going to charge divers to go swim around in it after a few months of settling.  Not sure how you charge people for doing that but they said there would be tickets sold to dive on the it.  I thought if I was swimming under water, how are they going to stop me from just swimming up to it and looking around.  Guess they have someway of knowing or keeping people away.

They had to delay sinking the ship because a pool of dolphins came into the area and were swimming around the ship before they could sink it.  All the protesters said it was a sign from nature that they did not want it sunk there.  The protesters also had all kinds of sky writers putting messages in the sky about how bad it was to be doing this.  They even said on the news some little kids were crying about it.  I think it was a load of crap.  Most of the kids would have been fascinated by the fireworks they let off before it began sinking and would have known nothing about the environment issues.  Just goes to show how much power the Greens have here in Australia.  Everything is bad and nothing is good seems to be their message all the time.  As you can probably tell, I am not a big fan, but that is another issue for another time.

I am not tired and wanting to go back to bed, so I am signing off now.  Much too early to be doing this and I thought it would be short, but we can see how that turned out.  Not a lot about the kids, which is what this is supposed to be about.  Then again, it is about things that go on down here and what might affect the kids, so I guess this counts.  Of course, the parts where I wander into my own opinions are probably not needed.  I should start another blog just with things that I want to say, but who would read it.  Guess we might never know.

Until next time

Talk to you later

Thursday, April 14, 2011

MWNews 95

William has started playing soccer.  This is him in his new uniform.  He has played three games so far.  Not sure if they keep score or not but only the last game seemed to be a real one.  Had a referee for that one.  I assume it was for real but we never know.  His team is made up of first year players.  Most of the other teams are kids that have played for a year.  Some of them know what they are doing, but most do not.  They spend a lot of time just standing around or just chasing after the ball.  A couple of the players on William's team are pretty good.  They have actually scored a few times.  William is not one of them, but he is having fun and I am sure he will get better.  Part of it might be my fault as he tends to just kick the ball a little ways in front of him all the time. I told him to do that during one of the practices instead of what he was doing, which was just kicking the ball as far as he can in any direction.  Now, he never kicks the ball very far, even when we tell him to.  But he will learn, I am sure.

I don't coach the team anymore, or pretend to coach them.  Only when no one else is around to do it.  One of the dads is doing most of the coaching these days.  I am not sure he knows what he is doing either, but he seems to want to do it, so I let him take over.  Not that there is a lot of coaching involved but he tries to get them to do things together.

Maeghan really wants to play.  She practices with the team all the time but if she were to play, she would have to play against girls and boys her own age and they are much bigger and faster than she is so it is probably not a good idea.  She really wants to though and it is sad to have to keep telling her she cannot.  She thinks she is as good as all the boys on William's team, and she probably is, but not against kids her own age.  Not that it would matter a lot if they would let her play, but she just would not be able to run with them or kick the ball with them or even stop the balls they would kick at her.  She is just too small.  She is smaller than anyone on William's team but since they do not know how to play, she can hold her own with them, for a while.  She gets tired and cannot play for long, but she tries and she would really like to play if she could.

Juanita and I celebrated 10 years a few days ago.  Didn't do what I wanted to do which was to go out of town on our own for a while, but we did spend the day in Sydney.  Did a lot of things we had never done before.  Visited the Japenese gardens, rode the monorails and the trains, saw the new shopping center.  We had a full day and did not get back until around midnight.  It was fun.

Karen and Beverly are over for the school holidays.  They got here a couple of days ago.  We plan on taking them to the Easter Show next week.  Haven't been in a few years so there might be some new things there.  Probably be a long and hot day.  The last time we went, we got in a crowd that was so big we could barely move across an intersection.  We won't have a pram with us this time, but we will have two people in wheel chairs, so hopefully, it will not be as crowded.

We plan on going to the drive in this weekend.  I am not sure about taking the new car to the drive in.  I think I have spoken about it before, but now, we will have more people going and more chance of someone 'mistakenly' taking something into the car and eating it to get out of the cold.  They are already not happy with me for telling them they will have to sit outside for the drive in, but that is the only way it will work.  Not sure how we are going to hear the radio from there, no speakers at the drive in, but maybe we can figure out something.

Going to cut it short again, so I have more to say next time.  Been a busy week and it is just going to get busier.  Guess I will try to write again tomorrow.

Until next time,

Talk to you later