New Christmas Bikes |
Guess I should say right off the bat, no issues. Nothing happened to the car, the kids did not do anything wrong, no one was sick or spilled anything or climbed over the seats. No problems. Guess that intimidating stare has finally paid off. Well, they seemed to take notice I was there, so that is an improvement.
There was actually a couple of incidents. When they first got in the car, one of them had an opened package of two minute noodles (Raman Noodles for those in the US) No one noticed when they got in the car, it was only when I smelled noodles that I thought to myself, why would I be smelling noodles. Maybe they just had dinner and that is what they ate. Maybe the people next door are cooking noodles. Maybe there is an opened package the kids have snuck into the car. Of course, it turned out to be the worst option. A kid, with a spoon, eating raw noodles in the brand new car. I think I made him cry. He didn't eat any more noodles though, after I had confiscated them and explained the rules. I gave him a break from getting kicked out of the car to walk home because the rules had not been explained to him yet. I still think I made him cry. But, as they say, no harm no foul. I am not brave enough to actually check the back seat to see if anything was spilled, I am taking it on faith that I caught it in time.
I made these rules, about not eating or drinking open drinks in that car. I would like to ban all drinks in the car but I always have a bottle of water with me, so I can't really say they are not allowed to drink and I am. Ok, I can say it, but I just felt a little guilty about it. So, drinks with lids on them, not paper cups with lids, but actually close-able lids, are allowed. There is still the possibility to spill something when they are actually taking a drink, but again, faith will sustain me.
The rules themselves will probably only last until the next time the kids are late and hungry and I have to go through the drive-through to satisfy both requirements, but with proper planning, I can probably make it another week before that happens.
There was another incident with the car, while we had the kids, but it was not their fault. We took them to a permanent flee market we go to sometimes, just to keep them occupied. They have a big playground there and the kids like it. While we were in there, it started to rain very heavily. I mean very heavily, like you could not see out the entrance more than ten feet or so. We spent the time going through the stalls until, during a break in the rain, we decided to make a run for the car to get out of there. We made it almost to the parking lot but when I came around the corner, I noticed some car was driving through about a foot of water in the parking lot. I thought that was an area I should probably avoid on my way out, until I noticed that most of the water had settled in the part of the parking lot that our car was in. I saw it sitting there, about halfway up the tires on the car. I turned to Juanita and said take the kids back inside, the car was under water and I would have to wade into it to get it out as soon as I could before the rain started again.
While they went back inside, I noticed that we had parked near a center island and on the other side of the island, there was no water. So I choose this as my best approach and circled around the parking lot lake. It was a good idea, I made it to the front of the car without getting into the water. At that point, I realized that in order to actually get to the door of the car, I would have to step off the island and wade into the water. It did not look clean. But, I took off my shoes, stepped off the island, the water was only about a foot deep at that point and made my way to the door. The water was just below the door, so any waves on my part when I was getting in would have run water into the car. I managed to get in without incident, although I had to shake my feet repeatedly to get them dry enough to actually put them in the car. Once I had done that, I started it and drove out very carefully to higher ground. Then drove around to the where the others were.
All in all, nothing really bad happened and by the time we drove out of the car park, the portion where the car had been was only about six inches deep and going down fast. It seemed there was just too much rain all at the same time for the drains to handle. If it had rained for just a bit longer, it might have done some damage but as it was, it turned out just to be a good story to tell. Or, after re-reading it, an average story to tell.
Maeghan went to the dentist today. We have been concerned that she lost her two front teeth a year and a half ago. The new teeth have not come in. Her bottom teeth came back in a few months but the upper ones have been gone for a long time. It takes three months to get to see a dentist, so we have been waiting all this time. The doctor said she could not really see any problems, the teeth were there, they had just not dropped into place yet. They had her get an x-ray and it showed the teeth there but the doctor explained that they had not fully developed yet and we should just wait for another six months to see if anything changes. I have never heard of it taking that long, but she said it was not normal, but it was not unheard of. She is going to speak to a specialist about it but she said we should come back in six months to see if anything had changed.
The doctor did say she saw one tooth that was trying to come in but appeared to be crooked. She told Maeghan to wiggle that tooth so it would come out soon and we would see if the new tooth would straighten out. Again, nothing to worry about and come back in six months. So I guess she is ok and we are just waiting again, kind of like we always have to do with Maeghan.
Guess I should be going again. Have to cook my dinner. Been out all day and had nothing to eat. I fixed the kids something a while ago, but I have some special spaghetti sauce I made yesterday and I cannot wait to have more of it. Not really hot enough, but I have it with tortellini and it is very good. Even writing about it is making me very hungry and I think I can hear the water boiling.
So, until next time
Talk to you later