At the bottom of this picture there are supposed to be penguins. Of course, it was hot and lots of people around, so no penguins, but we could see the wholes they live in. Mommy and the grandparents did not attempt the climb. They stayed in the car.
It was not as big a climb as the one we made to the light house but it was steeper. the light house was on the other end of the island and it was really, really, really windy there. It was hard to stand up when you go to the top. William lost his shoe a couple of times and we had to chase it before it blew off into the sea. It was pretty spectacular up there. Maybe I should include a picture or something. Then again, maybe not.
Some day, maybe sooner than you think, I will have my own web site and put pictures and things up on that. Not sure how to do it yet, but I am looking into it. With all the pictures we have, it might cost a bunch, so maybe I will just use one of the normal services and put a link in by web page. Then again, this is sort of a web page, so maybe I will just use this. Have to keep it updated more often I suppose. I think four times a year is a lot, but probably not.
William and Maeghan have been in school for over a month now. William is averaging getting in trouble once a week or so, or at least, that is all we are aware of. He is William and he still runs around and does not listen. Maybe he is getting better. I doubt it.
Maeghan is trying to be in band. She started out on the flute but she cannot generate enough wind to blow on it and make any kind of sounds. She has now switched to Clarinet, but it is too big for her and she has the same breath problems, so I am not sure how long this will last. She wants to do it, but she cannot handle the size of the wind capacity needed for wind instruments. Maybe she will switch to something else soon.
Maeghan just turned eight last week. We did not really have a party for her, other than the family, which is enough people as it is. She got to go swimming and play with the kids, so that was something. She has a lot of friends at school, but since she mostly cannot keep up with them, they tend to run off and play and leave her behind. I have seen that sometimes, they will help her and wait for her when they are running off somewhere, but a lot of times, I think she spends just sitting waiting for them to come back. As I said, lots of friends, she just cannot keep up all the time.
Her last checkup was mostly good. She has grown a little taller, about 39, 40 inches now (or 1.05 meters). I didn't want to do the conversion for that, so I am guessing. She has still gained a little weight and the doctors still want her to go on a diet but I am firmly in the corner of her not being on a diet when she is a little kid. Maybe it is harmful but I just do not believe restricting her calorie intake is a good thing, for any kid her age. They are still developing and no one really knows what the key factors or things they need to develop, so we just get her to eat healthy things but do not restrict how much she can eat. She loves spaghetti and rice, so she has a lot of that even though that is probably what we should be restricting her from. I should be restricted from eating spaghetti and rice but I love it also and do not limit how much I eat. Maybe that is why we are both overweight. Maybe we should go on a diet together. Probably not.
William is still skinny and hardly ever eats. He has a lot of fruit and runs around all the time, so he is not a problem. He does spend a lot of time watching TV, but is constantly in motion even when he does that, moving from one seat to another, grabbing a toy here and there, and just being restless all the time. Never stays in one spot for very long. Kind of worrisome, but who needs more to worry about.
We are getting a new car sometime in the next two weeks. The lease on the Territory has run out and we are now going to lease a KIA van. Not that I want a KIA van, but somehow, that is what we are getting. It is bigger and roomier, but it is not a new Territory, which I could have gotten for the same price, but we did not go that way.
Guess I have to go make breakfast for the kids. Have to leave for school soon. Maybe I will do more next time. Not a lot to say, but a lot to say, if you know what I mean. Have fun with it.
Until Next time
Talk to you later