We had the grandkids over last night. Juanita is sick, so they were free to run amuck. Someone should have controlled them. By the time I got here, baby William was here also, so there were seven kids here last night. Since Juanita is sick, I sent them all home. Two of them have gone already, Anna and baby William. They are coming back for the rest later in the day.
Any, you might be asking why I am not watching them. If you are, you might not have been paying attention. There are seven of them. Seven. I am much too old to be watching that many kids. I made them breakfast, pancakes. I made approximately 400 pancakes and they ate all but three of them. I would have had those, but a bird came down and swooped them away before I could get to them.
Another side trip, I cook the pancakes out on the BBQ. Now, you might wonder how I cook pancakes on a BBQ grill but the answer is, they don't use BBQ grills over here, they use sheet metal. Or, in my case, a big piece of iron. Now, if you are in Texas, you might be starting to shout Blasphemey! and I would agree, but that is how they do it. They look at me strange when I use the grill side of the BBQ. It is just not done that way, apparently. The reason could be that when an Australian uses the grill side of the BBQ, you get charcoal on the outside and raw in the middle. Not that it really matters with what they call sausages over here, but it is typical BBQ fare. Hard crusty outside, soft mushy inside. And, I have done it a few times myself. Set fire to everything, I mean. I tend to do it with lamb chops and sometimes pork ribs. These are the big meaty pork ribs not the traditional 3 and down ones you see in America. You can get the typical American ribs over here, and they even call them American ribs, but they are kind of pricey. The big meaty ones are getting to be pricey also, we have not had them in a while, but since I never get my smoker out to cook the 'real' ribs, we never buy those either. Maybe someday I can cook on my smoker again, but just haven't found the time in a very long while.
Now that was a side trip. Not sure what I was talking about that got me started on it. OK, I remember, it was cooking pancakes on the BBQ. The reason I do that is there is this big iron plate in the BBQ and it makes a perfect griddle. And, when I have a big crowd, I can cook four pancakes at once, so it makes a good place to keep them all fed while still keeping the pancakes fresh. We do a lot of breakfasts on the BBQ. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, sometimes even hashbrowns and cooked onions. I have even been know to throw some mushrooms on there from time to time. I still use the grill for everything else, and occasionally set fire to everything, but most of the time it works.
Which does bring up the story of Christmas dinner. I had a big rolled pork roast I was going to cook on the spit in the BBQ. I had done it a few weeks before Christmas and it came out really well, so I thought I would try a bigger one for Christmas. The problem was, I did not take into account the limited power of the rottissorie. It just does not have the power to turn that big a piece of meat. I got it working, but it was flakey at times and I had to keep an eye on it to make sure it did not get stuck in one place. At one point, I left it to go inside to take a shower, I had been up most of the morning cooking, and while I was in there, I seemed to smell something burning. I asked someone to have a look at the BBQ but apparently fire coming out the the bottom of the BBQ and its being enveloped in smoke is normal to whomever it was that checked it as they reported no problems. So, 15 minutes later, I came out, saw flames shouting from the bottom of the BBQ and the afore mentioned smoke problem and immediately had to turn everything off and fight my way through the smoke to get to the BBQ,
When I got there, I opened the lid, big mistake by the way, and was engulfed in flames from the entire BBQ. At this point I have to interject a public service announcement on the merits of cleaning the grease trap under the BBQ more than once in the lifetime of the BBQ. It would seem a lot of grease gets trapped in there and if some big piece of meat falls to the bottom of the BBQ and catches fire from being right on top of the burners, it tends to shed flaming pieces of itself that then fall in to the grease trap. Hence, the flaming BBQ I have mentioned.
With the gas turned off and the meat removed, it only burned for another four hours, a much shorter time than it took for the fireman to get there. I had it basically under control when they arrived and we we settling down to trying to recover what was left of Christmas dinner.
Actually, the firemen did not come and most of the meat was salvageable. And we had plenty of other things to eat. But it was an adventure and not something I will try again for a while. The spit roaster has been sitting against a post ever since then. I am not sure it was not damaged in the fire as I have not tried it since then.
We had a good time at Christmas. All the kids over plus some friends. Natalie had to work, so we tried to eat early, but that did not work out so well and ended up eating a little after they had left. It was fun though. It being Christmas and this being the south, it was hot and muggy but everyone jumped in the pool and cooled off for a while. Everyone except me as I was doing the cooking but they were all in most of the day.
Maeghan and William were spoiled again. Too many presents and too many toys. I think they might even still play with a couple them today. Most of them are just in their rooms. Fancy ornaments to decorate their walls and drawers. They don't have closets or I am sure they would be shoved in there never to be seen again. But they enjoyed it, which is the important thing.
Guess I should start rapping this up. Haven't talked a lot about the kids but they are in the other room fighting with each other so I am trying to avoid going in there. Hopefully, Nat and Adam will be back soon to take them away and I can try to get some work done. I doubt I will get any done but I can always start my computer and pretend I am working.
Have to go now, the fighting in the other room has turned violent. William appears to be crying but as he is the biggest one, I am not sure who could have taken him. Probably Maeghan as he lets her get away with hitting him and does not hit back. He is a good boy and loves his sister, even if they fight most of the time. He is just glad she lets him be part of her world.
Until next time
Talk to you later