As you can see from the picture, Maeghan is less than impressed for having to sit in the tree. We had to force her up there and then we all walked away so she thought we were leaving her there. Actually, we didn't do that but she thought we were. William wanted to get up in the tree also. We have that picture but this is them together.
The picture was taken at Bobbin Head. We had not been back there in a few years. We went to see what had changed. Basically, nothing. It was still the same although they were renovating the shops where the boats are so nothing was open over there. They did have a different coffee shop open that was not open last time. It was ok but very busy.
It costs $11 go get in there now, per carload. That is one of the reasons we had not been back. Most of the very popular national parks now charge to get into them. Bobbin Head would be a nice little drive on my way home from work if it were free. Since it isn't, I never go that way, but I could. Of course, it would add about an hour to the drive, but sometimes, for a change of pace, it might be nice. But not for $11.
They have added a small wildlife sanctuary near one end of the park. It was actually worth the money since it was free. They have some wallabies and other animals in there, but since it is new, there is not a lot to see. You just kind of wander along the paths and all the animals are in the trees around you. Maeghan was tired around this time, so she was in her wheel chair. More about her new wheel chair later. At one point the paved path diverted off back to the entrance and William took the longer dirt path. It went up and around a couple of small ponds. Lots of kookaburros up there, along with ducks and other animals.
At one point, we were walking along and William started pointing and saying animals, animals. I thought he meant in the field next to us, so I pointed the camera out there trying to find them. I could not see anything but he kept saying animals, animals. I said where and he said right there, pointing at a tree that was about three feet away from me. In it was about a five foot lizard climbing the tree. It was one of those lizards that flairs out its neck and hisses at you. Fortunately for me, it was just trying to hide from me and would stay on the other side of the tree. The tree was not very big, so I could see most of it and I tried to get a picture, but it kept running around the tree so all I could get was its legs wrapped around and part of its head. William thought it was neat.
While we were there, we got to see some big birds diving on some fish in one of the ponds. They actually would catch them and fly away with a fish in there claws, just like in the movies. There were big cockatoos and others. The pond was not very big and there were trees all around, but they seemed to be able to avoid crashing into anything. I have pictures of that too, but since there is no movement, it is hard to tell what the picture is showing.
The grandparents are here. Been here for about a week or so. They are staying until the end of November. They took over Maeghan's room, which is the biggest room in the house, and Maeghan is in with William, which is the smallest room in the house.
Yes, we have moved again. This house is in Long Jetty, near where we used to live in Shelly Beach. I might have mentioned it before, in my last entry, but I am too sick to go back and look. We have a pool here and a really big back yard. It is great, except the kitchen which has no cupboards or bench space. There is a converted garage out back that I use as an office, rec room and sometimes sleeping quarters. It is probably the biggest room in the house but it is separate from the actual house. There is a big patio in the back for BBQ and such. So far, we have had three parties out there of over 30 people each. Seems this is the place to come for birthday parties and such. I am guessing there will be more excuses for people to come over when the weather gets warmer and you can swim in the pool all the time.
Not that the cold weather has stopped the kids from getting in the pool already. They and Juanita have been in several times, when the temperature gets above 20. The water is still freezing and 20 degrees is not very warm, but they could not wait. It is supposed to get to 32 this week, for one day, so I a sure they will spend it in the pool. Supposed to rain on the weekend, but we need the rain anyway.
Not sure what else I had to say. It has been a while, so there is a lot. But I am not feeling well and Juanita will be home soon. And I have to go work, and I have to play my game, so I have a lot to do. Trying to keep busy. William is out back playing with the dog. The grandparents brought the dog. He used to play with it all the time in Tasmania but only plays with it occassionaly since it has been here. He has discovered the DS. That is, the Nintendo DS. He plays it all the time now and it may have replaced his constant carrying of cars. He still tries to carry the cars, but he has to use two hands to play the DS and he just not have room to hold them anymore.
He plays all the games but mostly Cars and Madagascar. He is actually good at it, not the games but making it do what he wants it to do, which is usually not what is required to play the game. In the car game, he likes to get the car ready and jum off the cliffs. You are supposed to drive on the track, but he races off the cliffs and sees how far he can jump. He does it over and over again and seems to have fun with it.
Maeghan has discovered that there is a mini movie in the game, but neither of them can remember how to get to it again. They watched it over and over again, but now, they cannot find it anywhere. I have no idea how to play the game, so I am no help. I suppose they will stumble across it again someday.
Well, I was trying to close this off and get some rest but went off on another tangent. This time, I will go for sure. Except to say Maeghan has gone Hanna Montana crazy. She gets online and searches out Hanna Montana videos. I have saved her some searches for it, so she can just go to those, but she sits at the computer and watches everything she can find. She found out about it on my new iPhone. Ues, I have an iPhone. I was due to change contract at the end of August and the new phone came out about that time. So, I renewed the contract and got the iPhone along with it. And, amazingly enough, I love it. I play on it all the time. That is how Maeghan found about the ability of it to get online.
We were going to the drive in to see Hanna Montana, and Harry Potter and one other movie I can't remember what, and I pulled up the movie trailers for the movies. She saw the Hanna Montana one and wanted to see more. So I found some more and now, she is always asking me for my phone so she can watch the videos. I showed her how to do it on the computer so she can go there now, but she likes holding the phone in here hand and watching them. And since Juanita or her mother are always on the computer, the phone is her only option for now.
Ok, I said I was going and now I am. Apparently, I have to fix breakfast for everyone. And I am sick. Serve them right if they all get sick too. Not that we want that, but maybe a runny nose or a headache, nothing serious like what I have, which is the creeping crud.
So, until next time
Talk to y'all later