I just thought I would add a quick note. My computer went down about three weeks ago. I think it is dead but we are awaiting some kind of resurrection, so it might make it back to life in the next month or so. I am writing this from work, so I don't have a lot of pictures to chose from on my work computer. This is an old one. Fortunately, I had just made a backup of my pictures before my computer failed. Hopefully, I can restore it when I get it back if for some reason the hard drive has also failed. I will attempt to transfer them to Juanita's computer but I am not sure I can get the software installed on her computer to allow me to do that. I might be attempting that tonight.
Anyway, there is a lot of news and stuff I want to cover. I know you are all waiting on further vacation stories, but I think I have forgotten most of that, so you might be spared further recitations. William is out and about. I think he has begun exploring the neighbors houses now as he has gotten into everything in ours. Never stops moving. I think I have mentioned that before, but he NEVER stops moving. He is always looking for something new to grab or get into and you can never open the fridge or pantry door without him hearing you and crawling as fast as he can to try to climb in. Forget it if you want to go to the toilet in peace. He either banging on the door because he knows you are in there or crawling up the side of the toilet when you let him in.
His favorite place to be is in the shower. Every time he crawls by the bathroom door, he checks if you have left the shower door open and crawls in if you have. He has even learned how to slide the door, so even if you close it, he can slide it aside and get in. Now, we have to keep the bathroom door closed to keep him out of the shower. He has now broken the sliding door, so we cannot easily open or close it. We have to lift it up to do that and he has not figured out how, nor is he strong enough to do it. But I am sure he will try.
Maeghan is still the cleverest baby around. She is still amazing in everything she does. One quick story from last night. She and William were in the bath (a small blowup swimming pool we got to put in the shower since the house has no bathtub) and she was complaining that William was splashing her. I told her she was splashing William also, so she said OH and didn't complain anymore. I said she was splashing me and I was outside the shower. She tried splashing in the other direction but she was not very successful. She was still splashing out through the door and I told her she was getting me wet. She told me 'Well, don't be stupid, wait out in the hall until I am finished!'.
She is still the cheeky one.
Well, I have to go. If I get everything up and running on Juanita's computer, I will post some more tomorrow or tonight. Otherwise, we will have to see about fixing or replacing my computer in the next couple of months. With all the stuff we have upcoming until Christmas, it might not be for a while. Hopefully, it is something simple on my computer, but I am pretty sure the CPU overheated and burned itself out, which means it is probably cheaper to get a new computer than fix the old one, but we will have to see.
Until next time.
Talk to you later.