There is a lot of stuff I want to include and report on in here. So much stuff, I have no idea where to begin. It gets intimidating trying to remember all the things I have to write. I think my plan is to just start from now and report on the most recent stuff and if I remember something from a while back, I will try to include it. It means you might have to miss out on a lot of things but it would be impossible to include it all in one session and I forget easily.
To start off with, we had a nice thanksgiving dinner the other day. The fact that it is April and it was Easter Sunday doesn't really matter, the weather was about right and I had gotten a turkey a few months ago, so it was time to cook it. I think it was just about thawed. It has been sitting out since Christmas. It is about a month early, but I think I might just do this every year. If we have thanksgiving during November, it is hot and you cannot really cook anything that you would normally cook. But in May, and apparently April, it is cooler and we can fix real thanksgiving things, instead of salads and warm weather foods.
I mention all this because Maeghan seems to like the dressing. I am not sure she actually eats it, but she asked for it everytime we had it. (We have had dressing the last two days. We still have some left. No more turkey, but we have dressing.) Maeghan tasted it the first time but didn't eat it. And when we had it the second night, she tasted it again, but she didn't eat it again. She didn't say she didn't like it, like she normally does with things she does not like, so maybe she will eat more of it the next time. (Which is tonight when we have sausages and dressing, but don't tell anyone.) She ate the turkey, she likes chicken, and she ate the potatos. We had corn too, but I put garlic in it and it did not taste right. I didn't have the green beans or yams or anything else good. Just turkey and dressing and mashed potatos and corn, but it felt like a thanksgiving dinner, so as I said, we might do this every year. I am thinking Laura's birthday, May 25. That would be about the right time of year for it. I have mentioned the high price of turkey over here before, so it has to be a treat type of thing. I got this turkey for ten dollars, though. It was not very big but I was walking by a butcher shop around Christmas time and they were advertising that all their turkeys were ten dollars, so I got one. It has been in the freezer since then.
Moving on, William is in the other room doing his yelling thing. He likes to lay on the floor and make really loud noises. It sounds like he is wanting you to come in and look at him, but he does it even if you are in the room with him. He just likes hearing his own voice, I think. Sounds like a Jernigan to me.
He can roll over on his own now, William that is. Michael still can't, or apparently he can't. He only lays on the couch and watches television. William trys to pull himself along on the floor. He will roll over on his belly and prop himself up with his arms, then kick his legs so he falls forward a little. He was after a little toy the other day and pushed himself a couple of feet across the floor to get to it. I then had to move it because he would bang his face against it and that did not make him happy, but he did manage to get all the way over to the toy. Maybe all this crawling around on the floor will get him some excersize. He is still really chubby in the legs and arms, and getting more so every day. (Again, sounds like a Jernigan.)
For all who do not know, Maeghan broke her collar bone a few weeks ago. She was playing on the slides at McDonalds and fell while climbing the ladder. She has climbed the ladder a hundred times before but this time she apparently slipped and fell backwards. I was not there but apparently, there was another little boy there with her and she says he did not push her or anything, but no one saw, so we can't be sure. Juanita was there feeding William at the time and did not see it happen either, she just heard Maeghan start crying and saw her on the ground. The other little boy said she fell and he was trying to help her up. No one at McDonalds or anyone else in the play area tried to help Juanita. They all just ignored her. One lady came up and told her there was a medical clinic in the shopping center, so Juanita took her over there. They did not do anything for her either, at the medical center, they only called an ambulance and did not even examine her.
I got there before the ambulance arrived, the nurse was still on hold to the ambulance company. That is a whole other story about the ambulance services here, but we will not go into that. They did not arrive for another 20 minutes. By that time, Maeghan was a whole lot calmer, but she was still in a lot of pain. No one would give her anything to drink because they thought they might have to operate but I said a little bit of water would not hurt. She was laying in the pram where Juanita had to put her. Juanita had to push the pram all the way from McDonalds to the medical center while carrying William and dodging cars. I was at physio at the time and did not know any of this was going on. Juanita could not get ahold of me as I had turned my phone off.
When the ambulance arrived, they had me put her in and Juanita rode with them to the hospital. The closest hospital was Wyong, only two minutes away, but they said Wyong hospital did not have a pediatrics section, so they would have to go to Gosford hospital, which is about 30 minutes away. I took William home to stay with Natalie and then drove to the hospital. I only arrived about two minutes after the ambulance did but they would not let me in since I did not come through the emergency entrance. (I parked the car and walked in through the hospital.) They were really busy at the time and I had to wait about 15 minutes before they would let me past the emergency room waiting area. I was just about to walk in anyway when one of the nurses noticed that I was upset, so she let me in.
Maeghan was just about to go in for xrays when I got in there. They had put her head between blocks so she could not move it and she apparently had not moved from the position they had put her in when they layed her down. She would not turn her head or move her arm at all at that time but she was not crying anymore and seemed to be enjoying the cartoons on the television. They still would not let her have any water and she was crying for ice and water.
I went with her to the xray room. It was hard to do, but Maeghan is so used to being in hospitals and having things done to her, she was really, really good about it. She did not cry at all and would try to move into the positions they wanted her to be in. She wanted me to hold her hand the whole time, but I had to leave the room everytime they took a picture and she would turn towards to me when I left. I had to keep telling her not to move. The doctors or nurses would tell her to look at a spot on the wall or something and she would do that as soon as they told her to. She was really good about it even though it lasted about 30 minutes.
After that, she was a little better. She would turn her head and move her arm a little. She would still tell Juanita and I that she was hurting and that her arm hurt but she would not cry about it. The doctors came around almost immediately and said they could not see any major damage and since she was moving her arms and legs now, and moving her head around, they did not think there was anything major wrong. They said she had a broken collar bone and that there was nothing they could really do for that. No plaster or cast or anything. She only had to wear a sling for a few weeks. Of course, they did not have any slings small enough to fit her, so they ripped up a sheet and made one. It was still too big and Juanita made her one when we got home, but they said there was nothing else they could do for it. We still had to wait in the hospital for several hours while they got her records from her other doctors about her back. The doctor seemed to think there was something wrong with her neck and she wanted to compare it to her other xrays from before. It turned out she had just been laying wrong on the bed and the xray technician did not really know what she was doing. They took her for some more xrays and and these came out fine. All in all, we were there for about 8 hours. It wasn't too bad and Maeghan did finally get her ice and water and she got to watch some movies on the tv.
Maeghan is a lot better now and doesn't tell us her arm hurts anymore. She is still sensitive about anyone trying to pick her up and she will wince away from them when you try to do it by lifting her arms, but she does not wear the sling anymore and does not seem to have a problem doing anything. She has coped with it really well. The only big problems she had was sleeping and putting her thumb in her mouth. This might have cured her of doing that as the arm she could not use was the one she would use for her thumb. She could not really get comfortable at night and spent the first couple of nights sleeping with me in our bed. She has since gone back to sleeping in her bed, with Natalie, and doesn't seem to have any worrys about it anymore. She still will not climb ladders and is very carefull going up and down steps, they seem to scare her now and she will always want someone to hold her hand, but other than that, she is back to playing like she used to. I have just now realized that she does not play on her little play castle anymore and we have taken down the jumping castle so I don't know if she would play in that if it was up, but there does not seem to be a whole lot of things she will not do anymore. I hope that means this is behind her and she will forget about it soon. It is kind of hard to describe what this type of thing is like for a parent but I guess everyone already knows what we go through when things like this happen. There is always that little extra thing to worry about with Maeghan, but I am sure there will be many other falls and accidents to come, so we just have to get used to it.
I have a whole lot of other stuff to talk about but this is getting too long. Maybe, and I have said this many times, I will get to this more often. I have taken to putting notes in my phone whenever Maeghan or William do anything I want to put in here. I have several built up right now but they will have to wait until next time. I also have lots and lots of pictures that I need to publish and include here, but I don't know when I will get around to that either.
In the meantime, we are moving soon, in two weeks, and I am not sure my internet connection will follow me. It is suppossed to, but we could be offline for a while until it gets switched to the new address. I will write more about the move and where we are going and all the things I have to tell about Maeghan and William next time. That should be soon, but for now, everyone here is alright and doing good. No major issues or problems to report. I have gone back to work but am still working from home. Easter has come and gone and we just packing up to move, so until next time.
Talk to you soon